
Viewing 21 - 40 of 586 results

Gen 5 Bingo · 3:04pm May 21st, 2022

With 5 days to go until the next special, remember that you can still get a bingo card here:

Here's my own Bingo card, only partly filled in after A New Generation:


Human Issues · 8:51am Mar 21st, 2019

I find myself awake and reasonably alert at 3:30am, contemplating the nature of existence. But is there really a point to it? I'm currently obsessing over a medical procedure that I'm facing next week, namely prostate surgery. For those of you too young to give it much thought, it's said that if you live long enough, you will have at least some issue or other with your prostate. Mine unfortunately is the type that requires intervention. I put it off initially, but there comes a time when one

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The Finish Line? · 3:08pm Sep 1st, 2018

Finally put out the final chapter of my story a couple of days ago, and I think that I'm ready to try something at least a bit different. It took over a year on the last one, and that's a long time to have the same story bouncing around in your head. Actually, I pretty much knew what I wanted to do with it for at least the last six months, but how to it was always the question.

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How's social distancing going? · 1:37pm Apr 10th, 2020

I'm continuing to plow forward as best I can, trying to find ways to amuse myself while I watch this thing develop. This is definitely revealing all the flaws in how I live day to day. My long term underemployment thing continues, which I am thankful for (God knows I don't need to be sitting around any more than I do), but this thing has seriously cut back on the little things I used to do to amuse myself. I now find myself sitting in front of the computer way too much, or watching the news way

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To Fleur or not to Fleur? That is the question. · 1:26pm Jul 10th, 2021

In the last couple of days, I've finally began the process of moving forward with my writing. Hearing that may excite some and bum out others, as I have noticed that I can be very wordy compared to other writers out there. I think that looking back, even though I was introducing an original character and a new concept in "The Blue and the Grey" (namely the Royal Flying Corps), I really could have used an editor to help keep me from rambling so much and help me cut to the chase.

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The Future · 1:53am Oct 17th, 2021

A New Generation's epilogue felt a little bit tacked on. Could this have been foreshadowing? Will these three be important in the upcoming television series?

Will they be crucial side characters like the CMC's? Will they be co-protagonists who discover friendship and write letters to Princess Sunny?

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The Insane Pursuit of Perfection · 2:51pm Jan 2nd, 2019

As I continue to work on the first chapter of my second story, I took a moment to take yet another look at my first story. It was actually the second one I had written for the site, but the first one was just way too much of a copy of the most of the stories I had read, so I didn't publish it. In reading back through story two, I noticed several minor errors in how I had written the dialogue. They weren't serious ones, but they annoyed me some, and I was tempted to make corrections. But, there

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No Skimping · 2:49am Apr 10th, 2018

On a slow day last week, I reviewed the full list of the episodes from all seven completed seasons to get a count of how many I hadn't seen, or hadn't seen all of. I didn't think it would be a lot, but in the end it turned out to be 26. Some of them didn't sound interesting to me from the description, or had stories that bothered me, many times including Starlite. But if one has delusions of writing fan fiction, you really shouldn't do that. So my project for the next week or so is to actually

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Stalling Out · 9:20pm Apr 23rd, 2019

These last few weeks, I've found my self with way too much time on my hands due to a recent medical procedure. When I was thinking about ahead of time, I was like "O.K...I can get work done on my latest story." Well, it hasn't been that simple. Instead of being incredibly productive, I've found myself spending way too much time on Facebook and YouTube. The boredom has been just too much. I guess if nothing else, it all shows that I need more ways to distract myself. So, all I can say is that

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So, about that Generation 5 Movie... · 8:39am Feb 25th, 2021

If you haven't heard, Entertainment Weekly has released a short synopsis and the first official picture from the upcoming generation 5 Netflix film. I took a look at it and... well, I think it's a slap in the face to not only fans of Generation 4, but to Twilight and her friends, because all their struggles and sacrifices, all their loses and their triumphs were ultimately

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Report Greenback · 398 views · #Generation 5

Transistion to Generation 5. · 8:10am Nov 5th, 2021

Here is my theory as to what caused the three tribes of ponies to turn against each other. It all started as soon as all the alicorns and the Mane Six were gone, but not before they created an amulet that controlled all the magic in Equestria and kept the windigoes away in case of more feuding. The three tribes then squabbled over how Equestria should be run that it then caused the amulet to brake into three componants. As a result, all the magic in Equestria faded away, rendering the pegasi

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Report glennbyrnes · 181 views · #Generation 5

Driving On · 3:00pm Nov 16th, 2019

I'm making good progress on the next chapter of my latest story, and I expect to post it probably in a week give or take. This story has caused me to adopt a rather unusual method for writing, in that I start out on a conventional Word document, and then transfer it to the site to finish. It has the advantage of getting me away from my little laptop, and allows me to work on my story from anywhere that I can sign into. I think that the white on dark grey format that I use here on the site is

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Surprise...surprise...surprise · 1:29am Sep 1st, 2022

I've been looking over things recently, and I must say that I am pleasantly surprised to see the level of activity on this site after so many changes over the years. I'm also surprised at how the Gen 5 stories are doing here. It seems like things will not peter out on this site anytime soon.

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First g5 fic! · 2:28am Oct 1st, 2021

It's here!

EOne Sprout, Many Buds
Only days after the conclusion of her adventure, Sunny Starscout's new friends ask her a very serious question about her old friend Sprout.
Whinifree · 3.7k words  ·  231  5 · 6.3k views

We're getting there · 3:15pm Oct 24th, 2021

Yikes, it's been a month.

Some of the material isn't quite clicking so I ended up rewriting an entire scene, and it's really leaving me stumped. Our policy is still chapters are posted when they're doneā„¢, so no dates or timeframes for now.

Have a lovely piece from Dawnfire while we wait!


Whoops, another Month · 5:39am Nov 24th, 2021


A 2011 Friendly Competition Revived · 11:04pm Mar 3rd, 2017

Nope, binge still hasn't let up.

Finally managed to break two minutes in Crisis City Act 2.

Then my friend, whom I've been having friendly Time Attack competitions with in Sonic games since 2009 succinctly told me:
"Do it on the 360."

Which ultimately confirmed my suspicions: 30fps is SUCH a handicap on a game this fast.

So I bought him a Steam copy.

No excuses now, pal. You've got 18 seconds to make up now.


Almost there · 5:40pm Nov 20th, 2017

Finally got the next chapter out, and I'm looking forward to finishing my first story in the next few weeks. I have been tempted to try other ideas, but I've seen way too many incomplete stories out there, and I don't want to take a chance on this being one of them.


Whoops · 3:59am Jan 26th, 2019

Did you ever get all the way through a blog entry...actually post it...and then notice that what you were saying was totally wrong? Had that experience today. Not a pretty picture. I guess I'm just not great at the blog thing, as I use mine for discussion, not just personal stuff. I'll work on it though. Hopefully next time I'll actually be half as profound as I think I am.

Report CoyoteXray · 182 views · #general ranting

Is this a good idea, or not? · 6:50pm Jan 5th, 2020

Yesterday, I decided to take the plunge on what will be my fourth story, which will be a sequel to "The Good Fight". I can't help but wonder if it's a good idea to move into new territory with two other stories sitting incomplete. The idea for this one has been buzzing around in my head for quite awhile. And with the other two still needing some serious thought, partly because of the fact that they're connected to each other subject wise, maybe getting this new one off my to do list will help.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 586 results