
Viewing 21 - 26 of 26 results

Guilty Gear Strive [ENG DUB] - All Happy Chaos Intro/Outro/Super/Taunt/Respect · 10:34pm Feb 19th, 2022


so many friends are leaving ;n; · 1:04pm Sep 2nd, 2017

I'm not going yet, however.

I want to be here for the people who also have to watch their friends leave. I refuse to leave the site anytime soon. I may be gone for a few days, but usually that means my family dragged me somewhere else in the world where I couldn't bring my phone.

I feel a bit upset that the guy I love is most likely leaving, but I'm not following him out. I'll go with him to the "gates" but no further. His work here may be done, but mine is not.

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NATO, Nukes, and Nazis · 3:56pm Apr 4th, 2022

Hi. How are you. You look great today.

I fucking cried twice since this started - you know, the fascist invasion for territorial conquest of a small, young democracy. Once a few days into it, when the reality sunk in. Once yesterday. You know. Mass graves. Civilians executed with their hands tied and bullets in the brain.

You know. Like the last time the fascists went through Ukraine.

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dreamweaver stuff · 6:46pm Jun 6th, 2019

so glad to say that
1. very glad i decided to publish The Dreamweaver, and even more glad that so many people like it.
2. As of two days after it got published, it has over a thousand view, 116 likes, and yesterday it had the heat/hot symbol. i honestly don't use the site enough to know exactly what that is or how you get it but i assume it just means the story is popular? also:

  • Number of bookshelves: 322
  • Tracking: 101

i'm so happy, honestly.

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Slow Burn (Enter the Realm) · 9:12pm Jan 10th, 2018

This happened.

This is an actual conversation that happened. Slightly edited and streamlined to be easier to read, but accurate nonetheless. I am legitimately this fucking dumb. But, shit, might as well be me who tells the story.

Aragón: and then my pharmacist asked my sister if I'm always “like this”

Aragón: which I honestly took as a compliment?

Aragón: but I guess I technically can’t go back to that place anymore

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Sequel to Symbiosis out! · 9:59pm Aug 22nd, 2021

TSol Invictus
Just keep digging. As long as we break through soon, we'll stay alive. Just keep digging.
Seer · 4.1k words  ·  149  5 · 2.2k views

Hello dear readers!

Do you remember Symbiosis? That wonderfully dark fic about Rarity in a spaceship, walking eternally while merged with a plant?

I have splendid news! There's an absolutely incredible sequel, written by a dear friend of mine. If you liked Symbiosis, this one will absolutely blow your mind!

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Viewing 21 - 26 of 26 results