Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 65 )
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Group Admin

Random stuff and conversations to be had (hopefully) in this forum. Use to chat up ideas for stories, or other such things.

Hell, I may even post my thoughts on magic in full for once!

Edit: This board seems to be honestly dead...

This might go downhill real fast. Might being the keyword here, but who am I to say it will or won't?

Group Admin


Sounds good to me. And if you post your thoughts on magic, maybe Wise Cracker'll stop by. He's pretty knowledgeable about magic. He gave me a fair amount of feedback about what he thought the consequences of the events in Making Friends would be. (Sorry if I mention that fanfic a lot, but its sequel and Just Winging It are the main things I'm working on at the moment.)

To be honest, I've always thought it might be interesting to post a few of the pieces of cancelled or on hold fanfics I've got laying around in google docs and see what other people thought of them.

Of course, the trouble is, most of them are old enough that they aren't up to my standards any more.


It could, but if it does, any of the 10 admins we have in the group can delete comments if need be.

775235 Man. Waking up at 4:30 AM is no fun. But you know what is? Seeing a random discussion forum on here. I commend you for finally making one of these damn things. I was planning on doing it for such a long time, but writing and reading the incoming stories has taken up the bulk of my time. I swear, I need to take a break one of these days...

775242 As for deleting comments, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for any stupid comments that could cause rifts between members. If I see any, I'll warn the person to stop and then delete the comment. If they keep it up though, what would you advise? A ban?

And hey, maybe I can finally have a place to talk about DBZ! Or even my thoughts on why Twilight deserves to be an alicorn! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


I'd personally say a 24 hour ban, then a week ban, and if they keep acting up, a permi-ban. At our discretion, of course.

And I agree, we've needed a random discussion thread here for awhile. It feels strange to have a whole community here without much discussion going on.

And maybe I can talk about why I think Scootaloo deserves to be an alicorn. :scootangel:

775261 775253

Big Macintosh needs to be an Alicorn. :eeyup:

Group Admin


And a princess?

775279 As with the few Alicorns already.

Group Admin


Well, his sister Applejack made for a good Alicorn in The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis...

Guys, I think we all know that Snowflake would be the best alicorn princess

775368 Heck no, Big Mac is.

Did somebody say Rarity thread?

PSSSHT Mac ain't got nuth'n on snowflake


Group Admin

775238 personally, i think its going to be hilarious, as in the title, we have our own version of the /b board! Ponified, of course.

Group Admin

775480 775423 Twilight Sparkle is best Rarity.

Group Admin

775270 i say caramel and blueblood become alicorns, then battle to the death in the streets of canterlot

775646 I second this notion! :twilightsheepish:

775649 How about Tom?

Group Admin

775727 no, tom is the rockfather.

Wait, I got it. Madame LeFlour.

Group Admin

775769 genius. pure genius.

775769 775787 I nominate Fluffle Puff in place of Fleur.

Do you mean Flour? and PSSSSHT!
The only thing fluffy puff is better at is this:

Group Admin


776683 NO, Bad Twilight! *Grabs a spray bottle*

Group Admin


Why do I feel like I'm exploring a train wreck?

For that matter, I swear there are a dozen more people in this group then there were last night. We're past Seattle's Angels now.

Group Admin

Okay, so i think i have two idea's that i might turn into a story. i just want your opinions on which i should (metaphorically) make first, and naming for them.:

A semi- short fic that explores my thoughts on pinkie's psychosis, would feature Twilight in Pinkie's mindscape, meeting the three different versions of pinkie that i have (Cupcakes, Pre-Rainboom Pinkie/Diane, and Post-Rainboom Pinkie/Pinkie Pie) and 'fixing pinkie's mind'. the best name i have thought of is 'Shattered' cause that's a good summary of Pinkie's mind in the fic.

Another is a fic that i personally like but haven't thought of a name for yet. it would, in short, be me giving character to the 'Nightmare' and a slight backstory for said character. also would have exploration of Facets/Physical Representations of Emotions/Fundamental Pieces of Life
oh, and a massive amount of blowing shit up, honestly, what do you think would happen when luna met Nightmare?. would enter into the series just after foal free press and almost at the wedding so i can kick chrissy's ass. hard.
oh, and i will be using the part of the finale that i hate most for a little surprise. i won't change it, just the events after...
Oh, and, you're right, there are No Brakes on My Train, Bitchez.

I'd write the Pinkie thing first, and perhaps call it "Pinkie Evermore", after the Teen Titans episode "Nevermore". Considering that involved another magic user voiced by Tara Strong, it'd work on more than one level.

Take special care to clarify whether pr not you consider Cupcakes Pinkie to have actually committed the acts presented in that story, or if she just represents some insanity that looks like it.

Also be sure to give a good cause for whatever causes Pinkie's insanity. Keeping with the Teen Titans reference, the after-effects of the Mirror Pool are as good as any.

Group Admin


Hmmm, yes. Twilight destroying the Pinkie clones destroyed most of the pieces of Pinkies mind dealing with "fun". :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

781550 another idea thats bounced around my head a bit: what if one of the pinkies that came out of the mirror pool wasn't the normal pinkie? or, god forbid, a AU Pinkie?

Well, my headcanon was that the total essence of Pinkie remained the same, and that in fact it wasn't possible to send the real one back. The real one was the one who was stripped to the bare bones, personality-wise: someone who cares for her friends and only wants to see them happy. Each Pinkie that got zapped returned its essence to her.

So I can't really comment on that idea, but if you consider the theory that the pool leads to infinite worlds containing Pinkies who want to leave, then I guess you can go with that. If you go for AU Pinkie, you'll want to go for something original. Something that really makes people 'dafuq?' yet makes sense for the show.

Lemme just brainstorm for a bit here:
-Animal Mare Pinkie. Pinkie Pie has the morphic field powers of Buddy Baker, the Human Zoo. She take on the capacities of any animal nearby (or one she can think of). This ties in with her fourth wall-breaking powers, because of the final issue of Animal Man: he meets his maker, literally.

She'd be very empathic and protective, still up for a good laugh, but already a family mare. Decide for yourself who this family should be. Half-decent idea, might work. Obscure reference, though.

-Any of the Ravnica guilds have Pinkie Pie has a member and that one shows up. Bonus points if she's a Simic (blue/green, mutation specialists) and decides to mutate or assimilate something from the Everfree.

-Queen Pinkie Pie. Hive Queen Pinkie Pie in charge of slivers, the zerg or any other sort of swarm who'd be hilarious if they were made and led by Her Pinkness. She must be addressed as 'Your Pinkness' at least once. Getting closer to popularity now.

-Pinkie Pie is a very large pink Eevee who can't stick to her evolutions. Luna knows what she is, since she's seen Umbreons before. For bonus points, none of Pinkie's evolutions are based on actual Pokémon. Elements she assumes: cotton candy, chocolate, chocolate milk, caramel, beeswax, some sort of trumpet/sound element. She constantly asks who she needs to cheer up, and considers the best way of doing this a slightly violent way.

Actually, I think this idea is the most feature-baity of the bunch. But take your pick, I'm just spouting random ideas.

So I made this poem about my favorite pony. Let me know what you think.

The Best Pony
By SlipperPutty

To say one pony's at the top
Would be a waste of time;
If we could choose the best of all,
Leave other ones behind,
In our massive fights we would
Get mad and riled so;
However could we argue such
That she's the way to go?

So now I beg and plead of you,
Please set aside your hate,
And welcome other people's thoughts;
Receive and contemplate.
Kindly let you mind be free;
Look real close, and you will see
Everypony is the best pony!

Group Admin

782262 i was speaking in terms of a different fic, not in affect of 'Evermore'

Group Admin

this thread is disturbingly lacking in funny as of late...

Group Admin


I'm actually kind of glad some serious discussion started in here. I was starting to think we needed two casual threads; one for silliness, and one for actually discussing writing, fanfiction, and the sort of topics actually semi-relevant to the group.

I suspect we need an admin thread, too, to discuss administrative topics, and things we'd like to do with the group, or things that need to get done.

Group Admin

789163 i agree, with both. but i believe the 'serious discussion' that involves fanfiction be titled as such.
Fanfiction Discussion, if it so fits.

Group Admin

That awkward moment when you get on fanfiction and fimfiction at 9PM. Next time you look at the clock its 2:50AM

Group Admin


Certainly been there. Though it's more awkward when your entire weekend disappears that way.

Group Admin

793974 and i'm not even near done with what i started, either. i found a surprisingly high quality Halo x Mass Effect that clocks in at about 630K words.

Group Admin

Silly as it might sound, I just added a bit to the main page specifying that if you came here looking for who added you to this group, it was probably me. Seems like it's starting to be a frequently asked question, with how visible what groups things are in is now.

Group Admin

I joined this group whenever it had 220-ish members. What caused this massive influx?

Group Admin


I think it's a combination of things. Something that's been going on for a while is that the more members we have, the further up we are on the "Browse All Groups" list, and the more noticable we are. We're on the second page, around halfway up these days.

Also, the new update made what groups fanfics are in much more obvious, so several people are suddenly realizing that their fanfics are in Twilight's Library and joining. I've noticed people like to join a group that already has their fanfiction in it.

Last weekend, SweetAI Belle posted a "Related Groups" post to the Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Cutie Mark Crusaders groups encouraging members to join related groups. The thread following that on the Scootaloo group happened to mention that this group has more fanfics in the Scootaloo folder then the Scootaloo group as a whole has.(I also run the Scootaloo group. SweetAI Belle is one of my admins there.)

I know people are reading those posts, as the Apple Bloom group went from its shockingly low 8 or so members to 19 since then. (Shocking compared to the other Crusaders groups, that is. Very few people like Apple Bloom, apparently,)

There many be other factors, too. Those are just the main ones that come to mind.

Group Admin

799066 i like apple bloom, but not near as much as i do Scootaloo. Scoots survived G3.5, after all.

Group Admin


Oh, I do too! Take a look at these member numbers, though:

Scootaloo - 229
Cutie Mark Crusaders - 204
Sweetie Belle - 74
Babs Seed - 44
Apple Bloom - 19

The Scootaloo group used to be lower then the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Since I took it over from an inactive maintainer, and added a few other admins, the memberships gone up, though, whereas the Cutie Mark Crusaders group still has a MIA admin.

And as I mentioned, the Apple Bloom group has more then doubled in the last week.

And I may not have watched 3.5, but I've heard things. My respect for anypony who survived it. On a semi-related note, here's part of my pretty vague Making Friends sequel outline:

Ch. 10
- Time Marches On
- Twi's Coming To Ponyville Party / All The Ponies In This Town Are Crazy!
- The Summer Sun Celebration
- The Foal Huddle
- Apple Bloom & Apple Fritter
- Sweetie Abandoned

Ch. 11
- Scootaloo Is A Good Knocker (But Nopony's Home...)
- Notes & Sleepovers
- The Night That Lasted Forever

Wish I was actually on those chapters. The sleepover the night of the Summer Sun Celebration should be interesting.

Group Admin

800250 wow. babs is higher up than Apple Bloom? thats... thats just sad...

Group Admin


Yeah. That was the impetus behind this thread. Especially since it was even lower at the time.

Group Admin

Whew... reduced my unread update count from 54 to 9 today (which is actually 3 fanfics; I'm quite behind on This Platinum Crown). Maybe I'll actually be able to read a few incoming fics this weekend.

Group Admin

Okay. Anyone who hasnt read it, go read Earth and Sky now.

No i dont mean read the entire thing. Just start reading it. The thing is massive and awesome.

Group Admin


I'd assume you'd want to read Windfall first. Which I just read and added.:scootangel: Make sure to check out A Head Full of Clay, btw...

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