The Lunaverse 2,574 members · 203 stories
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Do you think the Daring Do series would exist in the Lunaverse? If so, how do you think it would change?

(I ask because I have no idea myself. I was toying with having Dinky stumble across one of the books later on, but I'm not sure what would be in them).

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Oh, yeah. As for content... well, we have only seen one book from the series. :raritywink: I'd say not much, if anything.

Group Admin

I'd say it's probably identical, or very nearly so, in any event.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin


Over in the brainstorming thread, I brought up Ahuizotl as villain that could be used for the dream sequence stuff, which got me thinking about the DD series. There's really nothing that would seem to need changing and I think it works better as a multiversal constant.

Group Admin

328111: I'm finding it far too amusing that Grey Hoof is apparently a villain on that page.

Group Admin

So that gives us three constants then: Discord, Pinkie Pie, and Daring Do.

Group Contributor

I actually haven't read it. It's too long.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

I'd almost forgotten about all that. Though a constant and a singularity are somewhat different, and now I will elaborate purely because I'm bored.

A multiversal singularity would be an entity that exists in all universes, but only possess a singular consciousness, allowing it to experience events in all universes simultaneously. A truly mind boggling concept, but one that could work quite well for the god of chaos himself.

A constant would be something that always exists in some near identical form, but otherwise has no direct connection with it's counterparts. It's just one of those things that seems to have been meant to exist.

Lastly there's Pinky Pie. While I could certainly see as a full blown Discord grade singularity, I might prefer to think of her as merely possessing a degree of multiversal awareness. She can perhaps perceive and converse with her counterparts, but they each have their own distinct thoughts and emotions.

I don't see why not. Presumably the author still exists in a similar form that she/he is in the mane 'verse(unless it was Celestia herself who wrote them. ...Unlikely, but possible) Not sure what might be different, except maybe more night adventures...and less gold artifacts and more silver ones.

Group Admin

Or platinum, or electrum...though given that Daring Do is presumably going to other lands for high adventure, there's probably still a decent number of gold ones as well.

Ok, silver COLORED artifacts then, :derpytongue2:

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Could maybe still be plenty of gold artifacts. She's an adventuring archaeologist, a lot of the treasures she searching for would probably predate the whole Celestia descends into madness and becomes Corona fiasco.

True. ...Heh, now there's an idea for a Lunaverse!Daring Do story: Daring Do and the *article of jewelry* of Corona. And in the end, the Nazi expy's get melted by putting it on or something.

Group Admin

Actually, giving it some thought, and given the more "late 19th" rather than "early 20th" century feel of Luna's Equestria, Daring Do might be slightly more like Allan Quartermain than Indiana Jones.

Having said that, Jones is really a lot like Quartermain anyway, and was either a direct influence or an influence on whatever inspired Indiana Jones, so really that changes little.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

Maybe Lunaverse Daring Do wouldn't be a Pegasus! I mean the whole reason she's a pegasus is so Rainbow Dash can identify with her. Without that need we can make her an Earth pony or Unicorn if we want :pinkiehappy:

It would certainly make death traps easier to design.

Group Admin

Nah, I like her as a pegasus.

Eh, if the deathtraps in a world like Equestria can't account for the fact that at least three major sentient species are capable of flight, the builders were just too lazy to NOT deserve to have their stuff stolen. :rainbowwild:

Edit: FOUR species, forgot to include changelings in my list (Pegasai, Griffons, Dragons and Changelings)


My personal headcanon is that Daring Do was a real pegasus, but a couple hundred years ago. The book series is a dramatization of her archaeological adventures and exploits. She really went to such places and recovered such artifacts. The traps and dangers are probably exaggerated to an extent, but she did have rivals and enemies that would have happily seen her dead.

One of the inconsistencies among the books in my headcanon is that her last name is perpetually misspelled. It should read Daring Doo.

Yes, my headcanon has Daring Do as Ditzy's and Dinky's ancestor.

Thought I'd share that with everyone.


...That is AWESOME headcanon.

...Oh geez, I've just hit ANOTHER sequal idea for Hourglasses once I finish it... ARRGH

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

328201 To be fair not all of those ancient cultures could have had contact with those flying races.

But yeah I get the point.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

328182 328189
Agreed, but if not I want her to be a Unicorn ad look oddly like a black-maned gold-coated Lyra.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

328208 :derpyderp2: That would be pretty darn cool!

Group Admin

I also find amusing the idea of a relation between Daring Do and Ditzy Doo (see, for instance, an image I particularly like). Probably not a canon-verse story, but it might be a fun non-canon idea to explore.

Group Contributor

I had a semi-insane idea one time that the books are enchanted, so that whoever reads them,Daring becomes their species, with bits edited appropriately. If Trixie reads them, for instance, Daring is a unicorn with a damaged horn. Carrot Top reads them and Daring Do now has a bad leg. Dumb, admittedly, but it explained a thing or two about the books for me in the episode.


Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

To take it a step further, my headcanon for Dinky's full name is as follows: Dinky Daring Doo

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Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

328208 328302


Meh, doesn't really do anything for me, but I won't stomp over everyone else's parade.


Eh, I figured mileage might vary on that.

In all honesty, what I like best about it is that it changes very little about Ditzy and Dinky themselves. You can generate plots and drama with the information, but that's about all it's good for.

328208 basically a Ponified Lawrence of Arabia/Ian Fleming type thing.


I'm actually going to have to experience Lawrence of Arabia at some point, aren't I?

Group Contributor


I haven't seen it either.


actually, that was a bad comparison.

I think that idea comes across more asa Hiram Bingham III/Ian Fleming corss.

Hiram Bingham III was the man who found Machu Pichu and inspired the idea behind Indiana Jones.

Fleming was Basically part of the real life equivalent of the Inglourious Basterds, along with Christopher lee, and the Inspirations behind various characters in the James bond Universe.

So it's more the "Real person does insane things, inspires fictional versions that do things almost as awesome."


Yep, pretty much. Though in my headcanon, the temple traps Daring faced for real didn't involve lava. Or at least not deliberately.

Yeah, because unless they can withstand convection, there shouldn't be any lava in the first place. Volcanic mud is still an option, though.

You're a troper? :pinkiegasp: Wait... Did I ask you that before? :pinkiegasp:

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Every good writer, even those that only pretend to have any legitement talent, should first be a troper, but the short answer is yes. The long answer is...

I have braved the depths of the bowls of that great beast and come out the other side. No longer the man I was, but stripped down to my barest core so that the rest of my being could be suffused with information no mortal mind was ever meant to bear.

PS - I was originally going to make every word of that paragraph a link to a vaguely relevant tropes page. Probably also would have typed the whole thing in ye old butchered English too. Then I decided that I don't have that kind of time.

PPS - That was a lie, I do have that kind of time, I'm just lazy.

333644 I have more than enough time. I just waste it all! :pinkiehappy:

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