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Group Admin

Having finished the continent that Equestria is on, I think the next step is doing a detailed map of Equestria.

So. I'll be filling this in gradually.


As always, the scale is 1 inch = 1/4 a plotmeter

Canterlot: The capital province.
North Everfree: Ponyville is located here
South Everfree: Hoofington is located here
Latigo: Properly, "the Viceroyalty of Latigo." Traditional holding of House Starlight (Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle's family).
Hyasanguia: Propery, "the Viscounty of Hyasanguia." Traditional holding of House Blueblood.
Lunesiana: Neigh Orleans is here.

Group Admin

It looks like part of North Everfree is south of South Everfree. Is that intentional?
I like the map a lot. It makes it easier to visualize everything.
Is Trottingham anywhere?
Wow, the Starlights own a lot of land. Plenty of room for Twilight to go into hiding as she plots her revenge. :-)

Group Admin

The darkest green is the North Everfree province; the palest green is the Everfree itself, and the mid green (the smallest area) is the South Everfree province.

(Palest green is land unclaimed by any nation).

It's a bit confusing, I know, but there's about 45 provinces on that map that I'll be filling in eventually, so colors are at a premium. The structure of the map is inspired by this.

I'm open to suggestions to place or name anything! As a general rule, southern and eastern Equestria is going to have Romance-language themed names, while northern and western Equestria will have a more Germanic feel, with perhaps some Slavic (so as to place Stalliongrad).

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Well presumably Fillydelphia and Los Pegasus should be at opposite ends of the map, assuming that in It's About Time Dash was reporting that all was clear coast to coast. Unless their preparations where more local, in which case they would be located at opposite ends of North Everfree or possibly adjacent provinces. At a guess Baltimare would be at either the far north or far south of whatever the preparation area was, as it was one of the last towns they got word from.

Normally I'd want to see Manehattan somewhere on the east coast, but as AJ was able to see Ponyville from there it would presumably need to be no further than an adjoining province. A bit disappointing that none of those are coastal to anything.

Beyond that I can't help but think the Everfree proper looks awfully small, also hadn't expected it to border a large body of water.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

Well my fic mentions a place call Konikticut, that sounds like a region rather than a city. We also need to find where Fillydelphia and Manehattan are placed. I think Manehattan should be near Ponyville enough to match Applejack's Cutie Mark story so I think Hyasanguia would work. Somewhere around Lunesiana we need to set Prance.

Group Admin

I was actually thinking of making Prance a defunct state that was absorbed into Equestria. Then again I'm not sure how the Prench would feel about that.

Group Admin

Was Stalliongrad mentioned in the show? I see the name a lot in fanon, but I can never remember if it's canon or not.

Other possibilities: Brismane (Brisbane, capital of Austrailia), Hoofton (Houston), Soul (Seoul, capital of South Korea) and Neighjon (Daejeon, a major research/science city in South Korea), and Amblerja (Abuja, capital of Nigeria and one of the wealthiest cities in its region. The pun comes from 'Amble', a subset of horse gaits).

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

I'm not so good at city puns, not right now at least, but I'll offer up these few. Maybe add more as they come to me.

-- Chicolto (Chicago) - put it somewhere northish
-- Coltinsville (my home town ponified) - near St. Losino, or equivalent, but in adjoining province, if possible also in the same province as but nowhere near Chicolto
-- Jacksonville (same as pun) - town of mostly donkeys
-- Saltlick City (Saltlake City)
-- St. Losino (St. Louis) - don't care but near a provincial border
-- Tacksas(Texas) - province in the south or better still somewhere in the mild west

"Coltonville" is a callback to the G 1.5 (there was no specific show for the G2 toys, but this monstrosity was effectively "take away the scary fantasy creatures!" Executive Meddling.) show that had only earth ponies in a very 20th century town. It's even worse on the schizoid "human tech" issues all versions of MLP suffer from.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

As some who is old enough to have watched the original G1, and did, I probably also watched that show. Fortunately I have no specific memories of it.

Think I'll stick with my proposed spelling for where good ol' Emeral hales from. Though that other place can certainly exist someplace else on the map. Preferably someplace far, far away.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

I'd like to suggest 'Chicagotland' for the Pony!Chicago instead of Chicoltgo. Gotland is a type of pony:pinkiesmile:. Also one of the city in Prance should be named Marselle (Pony Marseille). There's also Whinniepeg! Possibly in Maneitoba, somewhere west of Trotonto and Ottawaler, but east of Calfgary and Edmontack .Somewhere North.

I would like to suggest the province southeast of Lunesiana be named Califurlong. It would include Pasadenag, Cayo el Bayo, Santa Campolina and the technological center of Silesian Valley.

Group Admin

Okay, I've added a bunch of provinces, including Califurlong. I forgot about Tacksas, but I'll add that during my next round of updates. I also changed some colors around.


Most of the names were chosen more-or-less at random from the list of equestrian terms on Wikipedia, and I don't expect we'll ever go into them much - except for Xenophon. That will, to an extent, be an important province in the very near future.

Group Admin

Octavia has said that she comes from a place called Cheneigh. If there's no such city or province, though, I can edit that to be somewhere else (perhaps Moscolt).

Group Admin

I'll add that in during my next round up updates.

Fizzy Orange
Group Admin

379332 Would you look at that:

An official map of Equestria!

It's awefully small and boring though.

Group Contributor


Hi Res Version

Yeah. It is a bit small (though the map SAYS it's not to scale). Not boring though.

Now, while I think the actual geology of Equestria would be the same, the way the land is divided and the names of cities would most likely be different in the Lunaverse.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

385272 385301
I'd been wondering if it was worth bringing up this topic, glad some else beat me to it.

I think the not to scale portion is crucial. If taken literally, Ghastly Gorge would be nearly half-way between Ponyville and Apple Loosa. Though the show itself seems to play fast an loose with scale anyway since I'm pretty sure there should be no way Appljack could have actually seen Ponyville from Manehatten, there's even a friggin' mountain range inbetween (fortunatly since that scene was told as a story, we can presume that was more so an embellishment). Whitetail Woods would also seem much too far away for the citizens of Ponyville to be responsible for it.

With the north being bordered by the Crystal Mountains, I'm guessing that Cadance's Crystal Kingdom (Cavallia?) would be somewhere up there rather than down south. Also, any griffin kingdoms would apparently seem to be past the eastern ocean.

Really though I'm not sure what, if anything, we should do with this. On the one hoof, it's good to stick as close to cannon as possible, and the map is vague enough that we could easily tweak the non-existent scale to squeeze in most any locations that have specifically come up in our stories with little difficulty. On the other hoof though, it seems a darn shame to throw out all RDDs work on making a map.

Group Admin

Mostly what bothers me about this map is that it appears that the Mild West is in the south.

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

True, but it is west of the Badlands, so probably mild by comparison to that.

Group Admin

Mmn, true...

Hmm. My major problem with this map of Equestria is that it doesn't really allow or make mention of other nations outside of Equestria, beyond a vague reference to griffins being that-a-way and dragons being down there. This isn't so bad, I suppose, for a kid's show, but it's damned unfortunate for us fanfic writers.

And I appreciate that it's not to scale, but man it is really not to scale, based on everything you pointed out.

And what's "Saddle L.?" is it that lake next to Ponyville?

I do like the map, though, and I kind of want to use it. I don't think it'd bee too hard to change geographical references in our stories...but on the other hand a lot of fun things have been lost. Mostly the size difference that I wanted to emphasize between Luna's Equestria and Celestia's Equestria.

And again, no clear border with other nations! That's dull! DUUUULLLLLLL!

Emeral Bookwise
Group Admin

Well, as other nations go, I'd say anything beyond the confines of this map is still fair game and probably will be for some time. It's quite frankly amazing Hasbro produced even this; I rather doubt we'll ever see a world map or globe.

All we know from this map is that Equestria is bordered by oceans to the east & west, mountains to the north, and a desert to the south. What lies beyond is still up to author interpretation, as is the exact size and proportions of Equestria itself. The scale is useless (looks sort of fish-eyed, magnified in the center with and increasingly distorted scale as it spreads from there), but provides the general directional layout of the major cities/landmarks.

EDIT: I don't see why this map, once properly scaled to preference, couldn't still be sliced up to make L-questria smaller than M-questria. Making something like VanHoover the capitol of its own sovereign protectorate or some such. And that northern mountain range looks like a very clear border to me, we just don't know what's on the other side.

Anyway, this map, as poorly scaled as it is, is a lot closer to my mental image of Equestria and is what I'll likely use as reference whenever I great around to writing my own independent fics, but for the purpose of the Lunaverse I'm more willing to follow what ever lead you decide to take.

Group Contributor

I don't think we should really bother too much with the new map. We've done our own thing and some damned good work, too. RDD did some fine work with his own map and we should keep it.

If it's all the same to you guys, I'm gonna make one or two city's up myself. Namely Foalbokin and New Maredrid


What about North and South Caraluna?

I hear they have some kick-plot BBQ :rainbowlaugh:

La Vallett1
Group Contributor

How about Manechester as a pony Manchester? Maybe put it somewhere near Trottingham.

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