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Remember how Spike was among the brainwashed by Sombra like everyone else except the "chosen ones"(Mane 6 in the season 9 premier)?
Like the writers rubbed it in that Spike will ultimately be in the mane 6's shadows olin the end since he's not an Element Bearer.

What made this worse is how the show ignored the consequences completely.
There is no way Spike would brush this off.

Is there any fics or ideas touching on the consequences on what happened to Spike in the season 9 premier?
Or addressing them and even making up for them for him.

Like Spike having issues with the mane 6( and Discord since it turns out HE did this to Spike with that Grogar plan)
Especially since their habit of making him stay behind is what led him to be among the brainwashed.
Maybe effects on his mind due to the brainwashing.
Like alot of issues happening with Spike and some conflict happens.

Is there any fics touching on that?

Remind me a trend that used to popular in here: angry badass Spike.

Do you think this should've been an indication to him that he should've stayed with the DRAGONS at the migration when he had the chance?


Remember how Spike was among the brainwashed by Sombra like everyone else except the "chosen ones"(Mane 6 in the season 9 premier)?
Like the writers rubbed it in that Spike will ultimately be in the mane 6's shadows olin the end since he's not an Element Bearer.

What made this worse is how the show ignored the consequences completely.
There is no way Spike would brush this off.

Is there any fics or ideas touching on the consequences on what happened to Spike in the season 9 premier?
Or addressing them and even making up for them for him.

Like Spike having issues with the mane 6( and Discord since it turns out HE did this to Spike with that Grogar plan)
Especially since their habit of making him stay behind is what led him to be among the brainwashed.
Maybe effects on his mind due to the brainwashing.
Like alot of issues happening with Spike and some conflict happens.

Is there any fics touching on that?

:rainbowhuh: What on Earth are you talking about? There was nothing like that in the episode. How did you come away from that episode with that interpretation of the events that took place? Spike being among the brainwashed had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with him being seen as lesser than the Mane Six by the writers. Spike's greatest fear is him being sent away, as we saw in "The Crystal Empire." As we saw in "Power Ponies", just because he isn't needed 100% of the time doesn't mean that the others think less of him or that they don't appreciate him. Hell, he was vital to saving the day multiple times throughout the series. So, realistically, there would be absolutely no reason as to why he would be feeling like that, especially since this conflict was resolved in episodes like "Power Ponies." So, you'd basically be asking the writers to tread old ground that they've already covered. Oh, and lest we forget, this happened within the same episode:

As for him not being seen as not being as important as the Elements, what, pray tell, do you call this?


Oh, and there's also the fact that at the beginning of "The Ending of the End", Twilight, and by extension the writers themselves, made Spike the second most powerful figure in all of Equestria, second only to Twilight Sparkle herself, by making him royal advisor. So you can stop pretending like all the writers ever did was shit on Spike because they didn't.

7813132 Yeah, because it's totally better to stay with a bunch of assholes that don't like you and treat you like shit rather than stay with people that are practically your family and treat you as such. The show itself has gone out of its way to make the point abundantly clear that Spike is seen as family by all those around him. It has flat-out been said by the main characters themselves many times, in fact, on numerous occasions. Just to nail the point home, "Sparkle's Seven" ended with this lovely image:

What I mean is if things turned out different at the migration, he could've meet dragons different from Garble & his companions. For not all dragons are like the ones Spike meet. But unfortunately the writers behind the show for some reason refuse to dig deeper into this topic & instead showcase dragons as the enemies instead of being just as friendly & intelligent as ponies & even more . In fact it could've been an opportunity for him to meet Ember earlier on & hopefully gain some more insight on his past origins into who his real parents were compared to YOU-KNOW-WHO that made an appearance later on pretending to be his father.

Any fics address this issue at least?
What the writers did to Spike in the season 9 premier left quite a effect on me when I joined the fandom in 2019.
Just wanting to see fics actually addressing that issue to help make things feel better at least

I would be replying to doomie with counterpoints too but can't really do it well on phone and my laptop keyboard is not working right (using onscreen keyboard is really tedious)

You know. There are plenty of fics. Most of them like... Spike feels like abandon and takes revenge on the hold Equestria. Example https://www.fimfiction.net/story/290621/friendship-is-hatred
The problem is they make Spike as a Mary Sue.

Meant like the issue of the season 9 premiere.

There is no issue with spike in the season nine premier. Jsut becaue he not shoved int every scene does not make him less important. Shows not called MY Little Spike

You are missing the issue.
The fact one of Spike's only achievements got negated AND what had happened to him(the brainwashing bit, destiny rubbing it that he is screwed from the Mane 6's bond, etc.).
That stuff/consequences being ignored is the issue.

The fact that it seems like there is NO FICS AT ALL addressing the issue with what happened to him in the season 9 premiere specifically, is really disappointing.
And kind of baffling

He’s not a main character get over it


The fact one of Spike's only achievements got negated AND what had happened to him(the brainwashing bit, destiny rubbing it that he is screwed from the Mane 6's bond, etc.).

Wait, how was Spike just not being with the Mane 6 at the time Sombra destroyed the Elements and managed to mind-control him "negate" his accomplishments? As far as not being a part of the Mane 6's bond, he was there fighting by their side in the season 9 finale, so even if he wasn't an Element, it didn't mean that he couldn't fight along with them. At worst, from maybe a meta standpoint, the season 9 premiere hinted that Spike wouldn't ever become the 7th Element, but it doesn't take away the things he did do over the course of the show. That's just like saying Starlight not being there & getting mind-controlled not only hurt her own chances of becoming the 7th Element and/or make her becoming an alicorn less likely than before, but also took away her accomplishments. Not to mention, Spike never even seemed to care much about being an Element anyway (he just wanted to be useful for Twilight and his friends in general, which doesn't require being an Element), so the fans wanted and cared about it far more than Spike himself ever did. If anything, if "destiny" outright told Spike he would never be an Element in the season 9 premiere, he would probably just think "okay, then I'll just keep helping my friends however I can" and be done with it. I get you badly wanted best dragon to be an Element -- I would have liked seeing it myself -- but saying that basically nothing Spike did in the show mattered just because you didn't get your wish is kinda overkill, don't you think?

Though, a story exploring what he might have been mentally affected by what he had to go through (i.e. experiencing his greatest fear) could have been interesting. Then again, he already had a taste of it in the season 3 premiere and Twilight had assured him she'd never leave him, so with that knowledge, it probably wouldn't have affected him that much in the season 9 premiere because he already knew the truth, so he should get more credit than what you seem to be giving him here. In fact, I even think it could actually be more interesting if a story about this was done with Starlight instead. She was so scared of a friend leaving her because of Cutie Marks, it made her become a cult leader that took Cutie Marks away. So, she would be more likely to be shaken up or suffer lingering effects of having to finally go through that fear under Sombra's magic. At least Spike experienced that magic's effects before so it was nothing new to him, but Starlight hadn't.

The fact that it seems like there is NO FICS AT ALL addressing the issue with what happened to him in the season 9 is really disappointing.
And kind of baffling

If I were to guess, this is because it seems like it's only you and maybe a select few others that feel this way about the season 9 premiere, so it would make sense that a story addressing this matter either hadn't been written or is currently unknown to us. I think you once said you weren't a writer when I suggested this before, but if no one had done it and you want this story to be done that bad, seriously, try writing it yourself instead of waiting for someone else to do the work. Don't get me wrong; it can be hard, and I sure as hell wasn't exactly a writer myself back when I wrote my first ever story on here (for starters, my grammar was awful! :rainbowlaugh:), but it didn't stop me from giving it a shot. You might even know more about writing MLP stories than I did, because back then I was pretty new to even reading MLP fanfiction, let alone trying to write one, so if such a fanfiction newbie like me could have pulled it off and wrote something, why not you, who badly wants this Spike story done? To be fair, it really isn't always this easy; even if you want to write a story, if it would be a very long story and you don't have much free time, you just literally do not have the time to write it. Or, maybe you wouldn't know how to go about it. But in this case, you already seem to have an idea of how to tackle it, and a story with this premise doesn't sound like it would need to be too long a story.

if you really just don't want to write it yourself for some reason, then maybe commissioning someone to write it for you (or request it if you see anyone taking requests) could be an option? At this point, it doesn't look like anyone else is doing to write this thing on their own accord any time soon. As for me, I currently don't have an interest in writing it (I already got several stories either ongoing, in the works, or planned as it is), so it you don't do it or commission/request someone else to do it, it might never be written.

He is actually a main character though.

Sombra was one of Spike's few only achievements.
But when he came back but Spike got taken out and its the Mane 6 who beat him this time, that went bye bye.
Sombra got payback against Spike
(All thanks to Discord)

Spike didn't care VISIBLY about the Elements, but it looks like deep down its screwing him over. The writers just set him to "never speak up, just a punching bag" mode.
The show clearly keeps showing Spike is not allowed to be in the Mane 6's bond because he's not part of the Elements.
See all that.
Heck, deep down he might be hurting since we saw him tape a pic of himself to a Mane 6 photo.

Spike saw his greatest fear in season 3, but wasn't MIND CONTROLLED in that one. So that is not the same
And Twilight reassuring Spike that fear will not come true will wear off when all the times Spike got shafted and isn't allowed to be in the girls' bond and all the times he was left out.
All that is not helping her case.
Heck, he wasn't even in the girls's celebration after they nuked Sombra. Rubbing it in that they excluded him.
It makes so much sense the story touches on Spike's issue since he keeps getting screwed despite he was by Twilight's side SINCE HE WAS BORN

I know others suffered the mind control but Spike had it worse since Sombra was Spike's villain.
And it happened to him all because the Mane 6 made him stay behind in Ponyville when they put up the Elements.
The show's nasty habit of Spike is suddenly excluded from where the Mane 6 bit him HARD.
It solidified that no matter how hard Spike tries, he is in the Mane 6's shadow since he's not allowed in their bond.
Can't even KEEP one of his few victories.

And then there it turns out that Discord did this to him.
Spike was one of Discord's closest friends but the chaos idiot did THIS to Spike.
And didn't even considered about him when using this plan to prop up the girls since Spike is not a Bearer, making the Elements issue so much worse.

Can't really write stories sadly.
Maybe I will try someday but..
Honestly I think I prefer OTHERS write it too than its just me, since I want to see what their takes on it. Like it happens in a fix fic or storyline.
Can't really commission since I have no money. Even if I do, I want others to do that so not ever single fic touching on the issue is not from me paying a commission. I think I will try commission/request but I just prefer if not all fics touching on the issue is not from me directly paying them but others who got inspiration. So it won't be awkward.

Though I do hope you do one someday.

Its why I made this post, to spark that idea in others who might not realize it.
Though I hope I find people who can take requests, but I just hope someday there is others who would do it because they realize the same thing or just got inspired. Not all of it by me directly asking them.
But if anyone does requests/commissions, I will gladly take it though.

Really I just wished there is fics that has the consequences happen for what happened.
Or fix fics.
Its just the only way to make that pain bearable and ache less.


Hmm. Some of those points do have validity. Spike had been "left behind" more than once for sure. For example

Heck, deep down he might be hurting since we saw him tape a pic of himself to a Mane 6 photo.

That is a good point.

Spike didn't care VISIBLY about the Elements, but it looks like deep down its screwing him over. The writers just set him to "never speak up, just a punching bag" mode.

That however, sounds more than headcanon, to be honest. Spike has shown that he wanted to be useful for sure, but saying that he wanted to be an Element and felt screwed because he wasn't just taking that to another level. It could that be the case, but it could be just as true that he never seen thought about wanting to be an Element. We can confirm that he does want to help the Mane 6, though if nothing short of being an Element would do it....I guess it's up to interpretation.

And Twilight reassuring Spike that fear will not come true will wear off when all the times Spike got shafted and isn't allowed to be in the girls' bond and all the times he was left out.

Considering the times he had been with them, I kinds doubt Spike would take things that far. Remember, he was he there when the Mane 6 went to the Crystal Empire in part 1 of the season 9 premiere. Now, he wasn't there when Sombra reappeared and broke the Elements, but at the same time, all the Mane 6 was doing was returning the Elements, so him not being there when Sombra reappeared to later take out the Elements, so he could have then been with the Mane 6 when they beat Sombra at the end of the premiere, was just bad luck in-universe. Given the times Spike has been with the mane 6 (i.e. the seasons 8 finale--another time they didn't leave him behind), I can't think of a way to use that in a story to address it without using meta-knowledge. I mean, how could it be done seriously; make Spike act like he wants to always be with the mane 6 on the off-chance something bad happens? That would make him not want to just be a part of their bond, but be outright clingy and kill his independence. As a Spike fan, I wouldn't want him to basically be holding Twilight's leg all the time and always want her to take him wherever she goes; that's not healthy. Although Spike wanted to be with them a little more often in general wouldn't be a bad idea.

Spike saw his greatest fear in season 3, but wasn't MIND CONTROLLED in that one. So that is not the same

Interestingly enough, this idea is something I've wondered about. But there's a problem; why should only Spike be affected so badly, but not any other character since all of Ponyville went through it? An angle that could be used is to use Spike's age as a way to have him be mentally affected by it, but that would have another problem: why weren't the CMC affected? Is Spike just not mentally tough enough. yet three fillies are, who had much less experience with the danger of villains? Though even if I got around that, I don't know how to use this as a way to make Spike think he was "screwed over" since there's no in-universe way for him to think it. Even with the angle I'm talking about, it would just be Spike mentally hurt or even traumatized from being brainwashed in itself. if this was the case, Spike wouldn't be thinking about "I wasn't always with Twilight and the others/I'll never be an Element" but be upset over how he was brainwashed.

Though, this could make Spike want to be with Twilight and the Mane 6 more, and in case, they probably would. But this would be a sad way to do it: have the poor dragon be traumatized just so he could be with the Mane 6 more.

I know others suffered the mind control but Spike had it worse since Sombra was Spike's villain

From a meta standpoint, this may be true. But how could this be used in a story? Spike had no reason to think "Sombra is my villain." but simply a villain he played a big hand in stopping in the season 3 premiere, which wasn't taken away from him. He's not even the type to care much anyway, since it would be a very selfish look for him to think "One of my wins didn't count!" instead of just being glad Sombra was defeated.

And then there it turns out that Discord did this to him.
Spike was one of Discord's closest friends but the chaos idiot did THIS to Spike.

That sounds more like a "Discord gets called out for his season 9 screw-up" type of story, but other stories have done that. Given the gravity and how many were affected, it would almost feel forced to only focus on Spike when other characters also would have a reason to be pissed. For example, Applejack's, Rarity's. and Rainbow Dash's little sisters got brainwashed, and Spike is one of the most forgiving characters (only rivaled by a select few like Fluttershy and Starlight) so it, to me, wouldn't make much sense to have Spike hurt and pissed, but not have the older sisters of three fillies that got brainwashed be upset. It is something I think could be worked in quite nicely in a story, though, that just wouldn't be all about Spike's feelings.

Heck, he wasn't even in the girls's celebration after they nuked Sombra. Rubbing it in that they excluded him.
It makes so much sense the story touches on Spike's issue since he keeps getting screwed despite he was by Twilight's side SINCE HE WAS BORN

While it doesn't seem like it on paper, this is again headcanon; we don't know if the mane 6 outright chose not to have him, or if he just simply wanted to be somewhere else. From a meta standpoint, yeah, the writers chose not to have him there for some reason. But without knowing what Spike was doing in-universe, there's no proof that the Mane 6 just didn't want him there for me to even use a story going with this angle, but a similar thing also is done with stories where Spike runs away, which has definitely been done a lot over the years. So at least this angle in general has been addressed in stories.

Honestly I think I prefer OTHERS write it too than its just me, since I want to see what their takes on it. Like it happens in a fix fic or storyline.

I can understand that,

Really I just wished there is fics that has the consequences happen for what happened.
Or fix fics.
Its just the only way to make that pain bearable and ache less.

If you never write it, then maybe someone will finally do it, either on their own accord or as a request. I guess I can mention that I do a thing on my anniversary on this site (Dec. 15th) when I actually take requests and write the ones I like the most. But before you get too excited, I don't know how to write this kind of Spike story with all you were talking about, mostly for the reasons I already did. For example, if you want a story where Spike calls out the mane 6 because they didn't take him when they bought the Elements back (which would make him sound clingy) you'd be out of luck. On the other hand, a story where Spike suffers from trauma over being brainwashed would be a little more doable, even with some of the hiccups for such a story that I mentioned before. But even then, you would only be able to get some of what you want; the Mane 6 being called out for sometimes leaving Spike behind wouldn't work in such a story.

I still say you should be the one to write it because it sounds like this is something you really need, but I digress.

I really think you’re just over reaching here. What did you expect spike to be fighting sombra with Dragonfyre something. Yes he hasn’t been in a lot of episodes. But forcing a character in an episode where they don’t fit it’s just worse. I think you’re just expecting way too much. Honestly you should just read more fanfiction

Not really.
His fire can break Sombra's crystals.
I mean, the Mane 6 have nothing(aside from an alicorn) but then can pull out a friendship nuke


Seeing how the Mane 6 left him out when they put up the Elements led him to getting screwed, that would be the last straw.
Their habit of "Lets leave Spike out/make him watch over something" screwed him horribly.
Him wanting to be with the Mane 6 would not make him clingy or kill his independence.
All the times he is blocked from their bond or stuff he missed out because "Spike, do this for us instead" would hurt.
All the times the Mane 6 had fun or adventures but Spike misses out a bunch.
He was by Twilight's side all his life but then 5 mares she only knew about for only a day have a stronger bond with her than his with her.
While he is blocked from being part of that bond because he's not a Bearer. That's messed up

Spike would be affected more because destiny excluding him from the Mane 6 screwed him badly this time.
Their habit of excluding him bit him hard this time and one of his few only wins is taken from him.
Spike was closest to the Mane 6 but he still keeps getting screwed. Its saying he's doomed to be in their shadows no matter how hard he tries since he's not a Bearer, can't even be allowed to keep his only wins.
(And imagine how the Crystal Ponies finding out even their hero fell victim to the monster they fear)
And it will be even more damaging to him when he learns Discord was responsible. He was a close friend to Spike but he did THIS to him.
Discord screwed him(and Starlight, but Spike has it worse) to boost the Mane 6. Paid no thought to him either because's he's not an Element Bearer, that is salt to the wound.

Spike would think Sombra was his villain since he was one of the few villains the Mane 6 never beaten(until now).
A villain the chosen heroes never beaten but Spike was directly responsible for stopping. That is huge, especially for Spike since he really didn't have much. But since Sombra got even with him now and the girls nuked the guy, that win is null now.

It does make sense since Discord was one of Spike's closest friend, like having guy's night, but the chaos idiot did THIS to him.
Rubbing salt in Spike's wounds on how he is screwed since he's not a Element Bearer.
So Spike would have personal problems with him, even more than how the Mane 6 feel since the plan directly harmed him for the Mane 6's sake.

Given how they keep making him stay behind so much and miss out what they do, its really less headcanon but more likely since it happened alot.
Makes no sense that he suddenly decided to not be with them since he was with them in the first place

But not by consequences of what happened to him by Sombra.
That never got used.

Again, not clingy since their habit of "lets make Spike stay behind" bit him HARD.

Aside from trauma, probably something more too on what the magic did to him.

Other consequences could also be a antagonist taking advantage of whats going on in Spike and causes massive conflict there.

Or be a fix fic that makes it up to him directly or things going differently

I'm just confused on why King Sombra didn't go after Spike first, like isn't he supposed to be on board with the whole, "Spike defeated King Sombra" thing? Did he not notice the BIG statue of him the Crystal Empire? Like seriously.

I think thats also salt to the wounds from the writers.
Sombra not even realizing its Spike who foiled him just like how Chrysalis never realized him befriending Thorax is what effed her over(pretty much Spike got no credit for the changelings reforming but it ALL went to Starlight)

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