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2131056 Right, so then why bother bringing up the whole "KIDS CAN NEVER GIVE CONSENT EVER" piece? I'm a kid, and I can give consent just fine. It's best not to use blanket statements.

2131056 right, that's what I said
Humans can consent, because our higher developed minds understand the damage that can be accrued from rape

2131050 right, I'm not arguing that point. I'm arguing the way that you preemptively want to keep every pedophile away from your kids because of what they could do, even if they don't do it or never have.

It's the same as making gays announce that they are gay— it's none of anyone's business, and unless they are aggressive to people sexually, it shouldn't be. The same with pedophiles; most of them DO NOT ACT on their tendencies because they are able of conscious reasoning and understand that they will become rapists if they do not control themselves. Some don't, just like some gays don't, and some heteros don't. People are individuals, and just because they have a predisposition attraction does not mean they will act upon it in a harmful way.

Yeah, because the exception defines the rule. :applejackunsure:

2131093 you are referring to big cats specifically, it would seem
let's talk rodents; let's talk birds; let's talk DOLPHINS, for fuck's sake


there is no real comparison with animals.

You know humans are animals, right?

I am actually still wondering how you are getting that idea. I never said that murder was natural. I said that people try to blur the line when people talk about war and such, even though there is still a distinct difference.

2131121 Not that bad, though it could have been a bit more....
I dunno.

But regardless, foalcon.
I can already see a site wide ban for it incoming.
With that said, let's just be done with it and implement the banning policy for anyone who writes it.
It will come. Why wait?

And the stupidity for this thread on both sides...

I don't even...

Would it be wrong of me to be wishful for this to be done already?
As in just shooting the dog done and forget about it kind?

However it is clearly natural.
And and you can't forget about Traumatic insemination in insects.
And the males that can't compete with other males in the community of monkeys will rape females if they can't compete.

Of course we are animals, but don't try to tell the world that. T_T No one wants to agree with you.


And the males that can't compete with other males in the community of monkeys will rape females if they can't compete.

I was waiting for you to say that.

What is the point of monkeys or insects or any other animal you can think of that rapes? Why do they rape?

Because they want to continue on with their species. They are mating to keep their species alive, but they are raping because they cannot get to do it normally.

Why do humans rape? Power, fantasies, lust, etc. We do not rape to continue our species. Therefore, rape is not natural.


Therefore, rape is not natural.

Tell me, humans are they or are they not animals?
And tell me everything that humans do is there for an animal doing it?
And if an animal is doing it doesn't that make it natural?

Your avoiding the point is extremely annoying. Whether we are animals or not is irrelevant.

Natural = happens in nature. So, yeah.
Nature isn't always pretty. As thinking creatures, we recognize the act as the barbarity that it is, but animals engage in it all the time.


we're no better than animals anyway

You'll have to point out to me where I said that.

Fair point, apologies for misrepresenting you. The argument's become a bit too heated for its own good.


is irrelevant.

How is it irrelevant?
Everything an animal does is natural. If this is not the case there is no criteria for what is and is not natural and the whole idea of something being natural loses meaning.
Every human is an animal.
Therefore everything a human does is natural.


i consider myself perfectly healthy because i neither plan on nor have any desire to do the things i read about irl. it's not what you're into, it's whether you think it's okay to force other people to engage in it, too.

All culture stems from the most common mental faculties of the human mind at its creation, and every human mind is influenced by nature meaning every culture is affected by human nature in some way.
You are confusing common and accepted with natural.


Therefore everything a human does is natural.

Because digging in the ground for oil is something my dog can do, right? Because buying things with money is something cats do, right? (It is funny because I am sure you can find some pretty funny pictures of these animals doing these exact same things. :rainbowlaugh:)

Your statement is false due to it being a generalization. And humans aren't general. We cannot simply apply to the paradigm when we have changed it.

2130328 Foalcon, much like any other forms of pedophilia is absolutely, positively disgusting. I don't care if it is any combination of filly and colt. Sexual acts using small children, whether they are ponies are not, is completely inexcusable. I will downvote foalcon fics without read or comment.


I will downvote ... fics without read or comment

now watch guys
watch as the word 'banned' magically appears beside his name

2131427 Foalcon is sexy as fuck and you will never tell my penis otherwise :moustache:


Because digging in the ground for oil is something my dog can do, right?

Your dog also can't fly, build nests, beehives, beaver dams, or cut down trees.
Did our brain evolve to give us the ability to?
Yes. Therefore it is natural to do.

The problem with this logic means that the first time an animal ever evolved to do something that would make it unnatural meaning the whole idea loses meaning.
We didn't change anything we only added to it the same way the first flying creature did, the same way the first creature that walked on land did, the same way that a plant did.
We didn't change it we added a new aspect to it.

Man, you will be banned fast as hell that way.

2131427 Fine with me, but not for most. You'll be banned pretty quickly for that.

I hope you're wearing a hard-hat, cause the banhammer's coming down to crush your head.

I never said it was good.
In fact every one of my comments on the matter has made the distinction that rape in real life is bad.


whether it's wrong or not doesn't affect whether i can get off to it
just whether i actually go do it or not

The only problem with your argument (and I will now apply this to all animals) is that people declare animals doing something unnatural all the time. But with your generalization, simply because the animal is an animal, it isn't unnatural.

You cannot apply something like that as a paradigm when animals break it all the time.

I never said there was a paradigm you were the one that said there was.
There is nothing to break.


wait wait

i thought we were talking about foal clop

not this tangential duck shit

I'm just surprised Godwin's law hasn't kicked in yet.

Festishes are fetishes. I won't judge. I don't care if you clop to that.
But... I won't read anything involving foalcon. Have them age 5-10 years, then show that to me.


that is exactly the kind of thing hitler would have said

Oh, foalcon is fine. It is rape that is terrible. :raritywink:

It is implicit. You created a model of the world when you made this statement:

Everything an animal does is natural. If this is not the case there is no criteria for what is and is not natural and the whole idea of something being natural loses meaning.
Every human is an animal.
Therefore everything a human does is natural.


I don't want to read about Big Mac railing Scootaloo. That's going too far, imo.

me neither, i hate big mac
make it dash with a penis

Then tell me, how is it that animals are breaking that all the time?
It is impossible for that paradigm to be broken because it doesn't matter what it is the moment an animal does it it is natural.
So tell me.
How is that paradigm ever broken?

cant we all just go and watch porn and call it quits?

Because if you are referring to what I said in this comment 2131464 I wasn't talking about what I was asserting I was talking about the implications of what you were asserting.


>telling people to go watch porn on a foalcon thread
>unfortunate implications

Let's take animals in captivity.

They exhibit unnatural behaviour, such as constant pacing in the same path over and over. But, with your reasoning used, this is natural because they are animals. An even better example is intentional self-harm in captivity. That is most certainly unnatural.

I quoted what I was referring to . . .


That is most certainly unnatural.

No it isn't.
If they are captured then there is a natural process in their brains that cause them to do that when they are in captivity.
Ideal activity and unideal activity and whether an activity is natural or not are different things.

Both are great! I wrote both types.

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