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All blossoms from the allium family (leeks, chives, garlic, garlic chives) are edible and flavorful! Flavors run the gamut from delicate leek to robust garlic. Every part of these plants is edible.

Depending on the variety, flowers range from pale lavender-blue to deep rose and have a licorice-like flavor.

Anise hyssop
Both flowers and leaves have a subtle anise or licorice flavor.

Blossoms are small with dark centers and with a peppery flavor much like the leaves. They range in color from white to yellow with dark purple streaks.

Bachelor’s button
Grassy in flavor, the petals are edible. Avoid the bitter calyx.

Blossoms come in a variety of colors, from white to pink to lavender; flavor is similar to the leaves, but milder.

Bee balm
The red flowers have a minty flavor.

Blossoms are a lovely blue hue and taste like cucumber!

Calendula / marigold
A great flower for eating, calendula blossoms are peppery, tangy, and spicy — and their vibrant golden color adds dash to any dish.

Carnations / dianthus
Petals are sweet, once trimmed away from the base. The blossoms taste like their sweet, perfumed aroma.

Small and daisylike, the flowers have a sweet flavor and are often used in tea. Ragweed sufferers may be allergic to chamomile.

Delicate blossoms and flavor, which is anise-tinged.

Mildly bitter earthiness of chicory is evident in the petals and buds, which can be pickled.

A little bitter, mums come in a rainbow of colors and a range of flavors range from peppery to pungent. Use only the petals.

Like the leaves, people either love the blossoms or hate them. The flowers share the grassy flavor of the herb. Use them fresh as they lose their charm when heated.

Citrus (orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, kumquat)
Citrus blossoms are sweet and highly scented. Use frugally or they will overperfume a dish.

Flowers are sweet with a hint of licorice.

Read a whole post about dandelions here: Eating and Harvesting Dandelions. (I am nuts about dandelions.)

Yellow dill flowers taste much like the herb’s leaves.

English daisy
These aren’t the best-tasting petals — they are somewhat bitter — but they look great!

Yellow fennel flowers are eye candy with a subtle licorice flavor, much like the herb itself.

Tangy fuchsia flowers make a beautiful garnish.

Who knew? Although gladioli are bland, they can be stuffed, or their petals removed for an interesting salad garnish.

Famously used in hibiscus tea, the vibrant cranberry flavor is tart and can be used sparingly.

Bland and vegetal in flavor, hollyhock blossoms make a showy, edible garnish.

Flowers don’t have much flavor — best as a pretty garnish or for candying.

These super-fragrant blooms are used in tea; you can also use them in sweet dishes, but sparingly.

Johnny Jump-Up
Adorable and delicious, the flowers have a subtle mint flavor great for salads, pastas, fruit dishes and drinks.

Sweet, spicy, and perfumed, the flowers are a great addition to both savory and sweet dishes.

Lemon berbena
The diminutive off-white blossoms are redolent of lemon — and great for teas and desserts.

The blooms are pungent, but the floral citrusy aroma translates to its flavor as well.

The flowers are — surprise! — minty. Their intensity varies among varieties.

One of the most popular edible flowers, nasturtium blossoms are brilliantly colored with a sweet, floral flavor bursting with a spicy pepper finish. When the flowers go to seed, the seed pod is a marvel of sweet and spicy. You can stuff flowers, add leaves to salads, pickle buds like capers, and garnish to your heart’s content.

The flowers are a pretty, subtle version of the leaf.

The petals are somewhat nondescript, but if you eat the whole flower you get more taste.

Varying in color, radish flowers have a distinctive, peppery bite.

Remove the white, bitter base and the remaining petals have a strongly perfumed flavor perfect for floating in drinks or scattering across desserts, and for a variety of jams. All roses are edible, with flavor more pronounced in darker varieties.

Flowers taste like a milder version of the herb; nice used as a garnish on dishes that incorporate rosemary.

Blossoms have a subtle flavor similar to the leaves.

Squash and pumpkin
Blossoms from both are wonderful vehicles for stuffing, each having a slight squash flavor. Remove stamens before using.

Petals can be eaten, and the bud can be steamed like an artichoke.

Another famous edible flower, violets are floral, sweet and beautiful as garnishes. Use the flowers in salads and to garnish desserts and drinks.

oh and this

Knowledge! Oh man, using this for my pony food lists for sure!

1499296 I bet this'll be a huge help for HiE writers, good thinking man!

Group Contributor

Really neat little list, Alpha!

Now, all we need is the list of what's poisonous to humans, but is okay for ponies.
Then all those poor little dimension-shifted visiting humans can have tragic hospital trips, and have reasons for Fluttershy to fall in love with their injured selves.

Well, remember that MLP does not obey the rules for "What horses can eat without dying." For examples: Daisies can be dangerous for a horse to eat due to toxins in various types of the plant, as well as tomato plants (not sure about the tomatoes). Horses are *not* cud-chewing animals like cows, and they can not throw up (like the MLP gals can if they eat Baked Bads), so it doesn't hurt to mix a little horse into our ponies, but not too much :)

Showmare Trixie
Group Admin


"Quick, let's talk about whether or not Equestria has toilets!"


There was a toilet in the show...

Showmare Trixie
Group Admin


There was also video games and advanced technology but that doesn't stop terrible HiE writers from doing silly things like that.

1499554 dramatic depression back stories about how the main character named Kyle got discharged from the marines for being a brony.

I am copying this list.

Not that I didn't already know humans could eat flowers (having had some before), I just didn't know which varieties were okay.


dramatic depression back stories about how the main character named Kyle got discharged from the marines for being a brony.

1501968 you just made my day so much better with that gif.

1499296 Useful. -=Thwip! Heh.:twilightsheepish:

1499389 You sick bastard...:flutterrage:

It might be helpful to include any and all edible non-cultivated plants, 'cause y'know, the humans sometimes end up in the Everfree. Someone's got to know what they can eat - "NO!! NOT THE BRIGHT BLUE FLOWERS!!" shouted Zecora. :pinkiegasp:

Bumping so that more people can see this magnificent list (hope that's alright with the moderators)

Can't believe it's already more than three years old...

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