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So in a recent review, I was criticized for having characters talk OOC. I just wanted to ask you guys for advice. How am I supposed to write conversations, involving Luna and Celestia without making them OOC?
I haven't watched much of the show beyond season 1 and some episodes here and there. Should I watch some episodes the involve Luna and Celestia? I'm just confused


Actually, there is like zero interaction between Celestia and Luna in the canon... So you have total freedom to write them as however you want them to be. I mean, they are sisters. They are as free with each other as you want. If some guy calls them OOC, he has no support truly.

Yeah, watching the episodes should be a good start. There isn't too many featuring them anyways.

847917 which? all of them?

Sometimes you just can't write a character. I have that problem with Rarity. In the times I've needed to write Rarity? Well, I made an event happen that would make her OOC. Try it. Otherwise, do your research.
(It's still not helping me with Rarity. Or Scootaloo.)

Well it depends on what they meant by OOC. Liiiiiiike, its very hard to imagine Luna saying "That pie aint gonna taste to good!" or Celestia saying "Oooooooooooooooh! I really really really REALLY wanna try that!"

Do you know exactly what phrases, sentences, quotes, etc were criticisized?

847913 Well there is really no characterization of the two other than Luna is rather archaic. Generally, I would make her "slang" seem worded in an odd fashion, to show that she hasn't fully adapted. But it's really up to you, there's not much to work off of.

847921 Not really.
can I just link the review? It's like a page

Their characters aren't quite as defined as the Mane six, but I have been told I write them fairly well. I simply follow a few rules.

1) No matter what, they will put the good of Equestria above their own. Celestia cares quite a bit for Twilight, and her sister, and is wise and polite.

2) Luna and Celestia are sisters. They operate independent of each other most of the time, but outside of the public spotlight, they act just like any siblings.

3) As per my headcannon, Luna is younger, if only a little bit. If there is a mistake to be made, it is more likely Luna would do it. She is also less restrained in showing her emotions than Celestia.

Other than those basic things, there isn't much I can help you with. Writing a character is just something you have to have a feel for. What's helped me in the past is watching episodes when possible and, when it's not, reading stories about them. The more popular and better written, the more it will help establish their voice, as it were.

Good luck.

Luna and Celestia only say a few sentences to eachother in the show (not even). That means their relationship in writing is pretty much fanon. You were only making them ooc to that person who told you that so don't sweat it, just do it however you want. Unless it's very rediculous sounding and unbelieveable, but they'd tell you if that was the case

As far as we know, Celestia is benevolent, while also being lighthearted and mischievous. Luna is a lot more open to fun after Nightmare Night, and is not as timid as her season one version that is seen for only a few moments. She seems to be more straightforward of the two, and apparently just slightly more formal than her older sister. There has been little to no interaction involving Celestia and Luna, so on that account you are free to do as you wish, as long as it does not interfere with their personalities, which don't have much to build off of to begin with. Basically, do anything. It is called fanfiction for a reason.

In addition to the above points, there is a certain mannerism of language that both Tia and Luna use that is different from the other ponies, as well as between themselves, that require episode viewing to catch onto. Luna in particular there's pretty much two S3 episodes that establish her current mode of speaking (S2's "Luna Eclipsed" is sorta out of context due to the Royal Canterlot Voice). On the other hand, Celestia's pattern should be clear from S1 episodes.

Showmare Trixie
Group Admin

Well, yes, watching episodes that involve them, or at the very least, checking their fan wiki pages helps as well. Celestia, Luna. That should help, along with a couple episodes.

I just saw that review as well. From the sound things, you based Luna off the pilot episodes. One good way is to watch the princesses mannerisms onscreen and try to write them similarly. Princess Luna had changed rather dramatically over the three seasons and you should watch Luna Eclipsed (Season 2 Episode 4) and The Crystal Empire Part 1, Luna also appeared in those episodes.

As for Celestia, her appearances in the show are listed here at the bottom.

Also, 847934's advice is good and whenever you write, try to think from their viewpoint and respond accordingly.

As long as you remember to keep the fact that they're both rulers over a land of (assumed) millions close to mind while writing them, you really have free reign over how you go about constructing the two. They have both extreme responsibility and thousands of years experience resting on their shoulders, so they probably won't be too terribly naive or silly, but beyond that I'd say you can do whatever you want with them.

Just remember that consistency is key, and that every action must have an explanation. If you make a character act one way, don't suddenly have them contradict the action later. And if that does happen, make sure they have a good reason for doing so.

Comment posted by SuperGiantRobot deleted Apr 5th, 2013


I'm rather good with the Six. Read the 'Rarity' chapter of Quit Dragon Your Heels to get an example of what she'd be like.

The episodes where Luna has significant screen time are:
- Luna Eclipsed (S2E4)
- A Canterlot Wedding (S2E25 & S2E26)
- The Crystal Empire (S3E1 & S3E2 - though she only has a brief scene in Part 2)
- Sleepless in Ponyville (S3E6)

Those would be the episodes I'd recommend watching if you want better insight into her character and how she's portrayed in canon. In particular, a scene early in Part 1 of The Crystal Empire (right before Twilight arrives for her "test") contains important interaction between her and Celestia.


Well, actually Luna and Celestia do have some interactions.

For instance, in the beginning Crystal Empire, Luna and Celestia have the whole "Sister, shall I go?" "No, Luna, let Twilight do all the work. Just sit here and eat popcorn." "Okay." Conversation.

Seriously, though, they have some conversations here and there, like the one above (although I might have paraphrased a bit...).

Just thought I should point that out.


Uh, he only ever saw Season 1. Also, that is like business for them. When not, pretty sure they act like sisters.

Luna and Celestia are tricky because you're writing characters that have lived for at least 1000 years.

The best way to keep character consistent is to keep in mind what you know about the characters. Though there have been few prolonged conversations between Celestia and Luna in canon, you can extrapolate their interaction from their personalities.

Celestia is playful and down to earth but she's got an edge that people forget about. She has kicked more ass than most characters on the show and has managed to maintain a prosperous kingdom for 1000 years. She's approachable and personable but cross her and get wrecked.

Luna is taciturn, formal and more than a little snarky.. You can read into her relationship with Celestia as much as you want since much of it is unsaid. How much they forgive each other and how well they get along post Nightmare Moon is up for debate

TL:DR Look at the character portrayal on the show and go from there

Okay, so, after reading through the review that the reader had written up--which people can find here if they wanna look--I have to say that I disagree with a few of his points.

Before I begin, let me say that I haven't read your story, so I may very well be spouting nonsense in a few moments. Now, with that said:

Celestia and Luna do not talk like Celestia and Luna. nobody talks like they do in the show which makes them harder to identify as the characters from the show which is where the tension would come from. If we recognize them as the characters from the show based on how they talk and act then we as readers care more. If they don’t talk and act like their canon personalities then they’re not the characters from the show which removes all tension and reason for us to care which ultimately makes the story boring.

This is completely ridiculous, the last part especially. Should a character not act like they do in the show, that doesn't mean they're any less interesting, nor does it mean we as readers will care any less for them. On the contrary, it is the stories job to make us care, and that aspect doesn't hinge entirely on the way a character acts, it is how they develop and progress.

That really shouldn't matter anyway. When writing a story, the characters are no longer the shows, they're yours because you are putting them in different situations they wouldn't have otherwise been presented with. Just sit down one day and look at all the stories written about Celestia and/or Luna, how many different personalities are there? How many different versions of one character can you find? They can't all be canon, can they? No, they can't, and they aren't. None of them are, really. It all depends on you and the story. Go with what you think feel's right, and stick with it.

Each fic is its own universe, and this one is yours. Now, that doesn't mean you should disregard advice, some of the other things he brought up are pretty helpful, but take it with a grain of salt.

I mean, looking at your story, you must be doing something well.

Then again, as you can probably see, I'm rather free-spirited when it comes to characters... Eh, I stand by what I said.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate your responses. After reading the review, I was discouraged. I didn't know how to change it for the better in regards to being too OOC. With all your helpful advice and tips, I am feeling a lot better about both the story and my writing in general

Write a backstory for Celestia and Luna, that should keep them on tract.

Here's an idea.

Write down a list of descriptors regarding a character. As an example, let's use Luna.

: short-tempered
: socially awkward
: old-fashioned
: insecure
: intelligent
: macabre tastes

Don't worry if some elements don't agree with each other; real people contradict their best elements at least once a day.

When writing Luna, just make sure her dialogue and actions follow the characteristics listed above. And yes, do your research! It's very important to understand the characters you write.

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