Humans falling in love with ponies. 6,117 members · 2,427 stories
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Like, if Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash were hitting on a human, they'd swish their tails across the humans face as they give them a flirty look or something.

I dont know. The only way non-pegasi poniea could do it is if the human was sitting down.

It's just as made up as talking cartoon ponies are. Why not write about it? Could be your own head canon.

If we're talking related to RL anatomy, the tail's movements could matter, as well as actions under that tail, to send a clear message. Actual contact isn't required, but also would make it super hard to miss.

you are vary right if you know how to read a horse there tail is just one of the ways they talk.
and yes a good looking tail is a thing. and whats under it sure help.

Yeah, the pony's tail could be used as a display of interest.

Rarity styles her tail as a basic practice, so that could definitely be a thing.

Given that they style them in canon and Fluttershy wears a tail extension in canon, I'd say that the appearance matters for attractiveness. How they use them to attract a potential mate is kinda up to you; as far as I know, that was never touched on in canon.

Fluttershy was only rumored to have tail extensions, it wasn't proven that I'm aware of.

I don't think it was proven, no, but her reaction suggests she does.

Given that was her response to just about everything back in season one and two it's not a reliable indicator.

Given how long her tail is, i think she does have tail extensions.

I don't personally own any horses, but I live in a state where there are lots of them, and I've been coached on the basics of horse communication.

From what I understand, horses do use their tails in mating rituals. Usually, the stallion is the one making the moves, but if he's not taking the lead, the mare will sometimes use her tail to get his attention. Obviously, there's flagging, but a mare will also flick her tail at at or drape it over a stallion she's interested in.

If that's not enough to get his attention, the mare will usually try nipping at the stallion's neck. If the stallion is exceptionally thick and still doesn't get it after that, the mare will show signs of frustration; such as snorting, stomping, or whinnying to get his attention. Then, when she thinks he's actually paying attention to her, she'll try "flirting" again.

A human who's not super knowledgeable about equine body language would probably not immediately understand what the tail stuff means, though. They might assume the mare is just being playful, rather than amorous.

To me her reaction says she does. And I think she’s got the longest tail of the Mane 6.

Either way, the fact it’s mentioned at all suggests that ponies have tail extensions, and that suggests that a long/full tail is a desirable/attractive characteristic. Or that a pony who has his/her tail cut short (for whatever reason) might want an extension to go out and about.

Well, pony fashion is pretty hard to pin down as it really isn't touched upon enough. And when it was we got no more than small glimpses at best.

So all we can do is guess as far as that goes.


Well, pony fashion is pretty hard to pin down as it really isn't touched upon enough. And when it was we got no more than small glimpses at best.

Oh, totally agree. Rarity certainly gives us a window into clothing fashion, but of course we know that they don’t normally wear clothes, so how does that fashion work? Or at least being presentable? [And with clothes, what’s normal to cover and what isn’t?] There’s a limited amount of extrapolation we can do, and we don’t even know if it’s universal or if it varies by tribe. Maybe unicorns like to keep their winter coats trimmed, while earth ponies prefer to be shaggy, we have no idea.

Yeah, and it is kind of a headache.

All we can do it just take our best shot and try to make it work.


All we can do it just take our best shot and try to make it work.

That’s certainly how I roll :heart:

There is no better way to do it.

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