I Hate Equestria Daily 641 members · 642 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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Seth can't even spell Diaper right.

Normally I only reply to topics but this comment section is ridiculous. Their reactions to some pixelated ponies wearing diapers is comical.

They're taking a silly joke and making it out as if it were some slight against us. Google was having fun.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

And they wonder why we hate their guts.

Nice biased slant you've got there. Only that's not the case. A lot of us that are part of EqD are also going "What possessed them to do this in the first place? This makes no sense at all."

1536667 Oh look an EQD member coming to defend their glorious leader! /sarcasm/ I know that not EVERY member of EQD are like the peeps in the comment section. I was merely pointing out the hilariousness of the comments :yay:

Dude seriously I just wanted to show everyone how ridiculous the comments are. This is by no means a "Slight" against EQD. Sorry if you feel that way.


Most of US don't like them either! You should see some of the reasons we get reports of comments... It's a bit crazy.

1536706 Not sure I'd be able to stay sane moderating the comment sections.

1536748 You called for the Illogic?

1536748 We're not entirely sane either, after getting reports like "This guy's a jerk" and the comment is perfectly innocuous.

Kind of seems like that admin on EQD is reporting on anything possible to get views. I fail to see how diapered ponies running across the screen on youtube is even useful for news, unless that admin is bored or something.

There's a shocking amount of words Seth can't spell right. :S

1539032 Well you do have a point Alex. If I had a dollar for every Seth post that his a misspelled word in. I'd be a rich man.

And let's not forget the ever elusive A fanfic and Source 1 in drawfriend.

Author Interviewer

a is a fucking masterpiece don't you say a bad word about a i will cut you >:B

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