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Hey everyony
So along with being a fanfiction writer and reader, I'm a writer for Autostraddle, an LGBT news website aimed at young lesbian and bisexual women. I'm currently working on a story about the high amount of F/F shipping in the My Little Pony fandom, how this compares to other fandoms and also how it compares to the fandom's attitudes about M/F and M/M shipping, and to do this I set up a survey for MLP fans to take.

I posted this in the "Fillyfoolers" and "M/M Shipping" groups but I would really like to get some responses from people who are not primarily same-sex shippers (though feel free to still fill it out if you are! I want to get everyone).

Here's the survey link - please fill it out and share it within any other groups/sites if you want. I'm planning to also post it in some M/F groups but I'm not a member of many of those so if you have some suggestions please feel free to share them:

Thanks a bunch! :pinkiehappy:


Filling it out, just finished I think. :pinkiecrazy:


Thanks, and I'm sorry it's so long! Just wanted a lot of material I could use for the article. :eeyup:

Also if any of you want to re-post it on other groups, or other MLP websites, please feel free to do so. I'd love to get as many responses as possible.


Wow, that took some time. :rainbowderp:
You repeated your questions a lot and re-worded them.

Whew, long survey. Glad I filled it out though, hope my opinion helps!

So, shit, I think that took me exactly an hour. :rainbowderp: Still, it feels good to help out.

Might want to reword this if you can, as to make it focus more on generalities. I found the first page pretty short, and the next two being far too specific with me being mostly indifferent. A few questions are the same, or at least similar.

Still though, completed that stuff, hope the information helps.

That survey was really long. I didn't have any good answers for the last page, because MLP is the first shipping community I'm a part of. I think the rest of my answers are pretty good though.

289138 As some ppl have said, a big reason is bcuz 1. there are simply too few males with urm, on-air time for solid canon personalities.

2. The girls are great. :twilightsmile:
and personally... when I watch the shows my imagination sumtimes... just turns into shipping mode. I'm bi, btw ~

Well that took a bit....but hey I like to voice my opinion. Hope it's helpful....the last page got kind of screwed up since this is the first fandom I've joined. Sorry about that.

Done and done, wow that took a while :rainbowlaugh:

Finally done. There was a couple I couldn't answer though so I just put lol idk. Never participated in shipping in other fandoms till this one. Hope I helped anyway.

Just finished, interesting survey.


Very good survey :3

That took longer than expected, but I think it's worth it. I do wish that I had more options with regards to the "other media" section. I hated to answer "no" to those questions when I really meant "I don't view this media AT ALL".

And is there a place that this will be published or can we contacted when it is?

Hey, I am too! I've known for a long time, but just recently started seriously thinking about it in the past 8 months or so that I've been active in the fandom.

Filled out. Gotta agree that some questions felt redundant.

Glad that you've gotten so many responses. :twilightsmile:

Very good survey, although it took me about 40 minutes to finish. :ajbemused: I tend to think a lot on questions, and my mind gets sidetracked a lot as well, so it's probably just me. I do agree that a few of the questions were a bit redundant, but it was a good survey all-in-all. Glad to have been a part of it. :twilightsmile:

Dare to be Different, Carpe Diem, and Live Life to the Fullest! /)(\

Be sure to post a link to it when it's posted, I liked this survey and I hope my input within it made a good impact on the survay.

You can also try posting this in the Equestria daily chat room for more results should you need them.

Cool, just finished. I think its a great idea to survey this information. I look forward to see some results :raritywink:

Fuck it.

Lets rock!

Never before have I realize how bad I am at speaking my mind.

Was surprised that so many avoided M/F-
I do often avoid it myself, but didn't think so many did it.
Anyway, great article. A little sad that MM is a bit looked down on- but as a fan of men I must say I haven't really felt any hate about it. Luckily.

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