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Goodness, NO!
What would make you think that?:fluttercry:

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Some craziness in another group, I'm good now. :heart:

Oh, nice to hear you're fine.:twilightsmile:
May I ask what group this was though?


I do not think so myself. Have a good evening, pal. β˜•

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Dec 27th, 2020
Group Admin

We shall see. A lot of folks are a bit paranoid that G5 won't happen since there hasn't been much talk about it lately. But what can you do?

Humans have a tendency of being scared over the tiniest things.

Got a question: Do I really have bad tastes? Or is it actually a good thing that I loved the series finale?

I’m asking this because people constantly tell me that I have the wrong opinion because I thought the FIM finale was good. It’s making me so stressed.

Comment posted by Marshmallow Pone deleted Mar 27th, 2022

Those people should learn to respect the opinions of others. There is no wrong opinion for stuff like this. There's even been episodes of the show with this message.

Just because your opinion is different doesn't mean it's wrong. Chin up, and don't listen to people who say things like that :twilightsmile:

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Forget those babies, just let them continue to be women repellant.





Thanks all y'all. Yeah, I guess there really is no such thing as a wrong opinion. Just some of them S9 haters are treating us like we're not even human. I know it's hard to believe but I've come across one guy who called us "worthless". Just because we think differently. That's actually what provoked me to open up on here. If they're being that aggressive, is my opinion really that bad? But..maybe it isn't.

Ever since Season 3, the pony fandom has not been pure. I've received hate for unpopular opinions as well (even going as far as to delete any comments I make about ponies being cute when they blush, something people on that same site used to take note of). It's all right for people to hate Seasons 8 and 9. What's not all right is to hate on people who like it. There are some individual episodes of MLP I hate, but that doesn't mean I would feel the same about people who liked those episodes. Same goes for G3, which has a few fans, or NSFW content and Sunset suicide fics. You've done nothing wrong - they did by being intolerant of differing/unpopular opinions.

Both Positive Ponies and Equestria Daily are usually free of people like that.

Group Admin

Humans are such complicated beings, this lesson I've come to learn over the years. True, Season 8 and Season 9 are not as strong of seasons as the ones that came before, but neither does that mean they didn't obtain an audience in some degree. There are certain episodes that I don't like personally, but that doesn't mean I 'hate' them just the same. For me, it felt like on paper the stories had potential but the way they were put together is 'questionable'.

Let's face it: Nothing in life was ever pure. Not a job, not the political system, not a culture, not even the Earth itself. For all the good in the world, there will always be something painful and unpopular. Could any of that be stopped? Absolutely. We as a race are perfectly capable of determining just how we can treat parts of the fandom, just as we are capable of deciding our own behavior over matters.

Nothing is ever going to be free in life... we just have to learn to manage it and give ourselves the control we need in hope it's not just what's best for ourselves, but what's best for the team.

Comment posted by Marshmallow Pone deleted Mar 27th, 2022
Group Admin

Plus it is a firm belief of mine that the term 'perfection' or even the theme of it in general doesn't exist. There's no such thing as a perfect day or perfect body or perfect movie, period of time, nor even the perfect relationship. Everything in life has flaws, just like we do. The only thing we can truly do is that rather dwell on all the negativity or what easily makes us upset, instead our focus should be what we are all grateful for that is within our own control. The slice of life moments that we enjoy or that one part of a season, in this case, we loved the most. And if we can focus on those qualities and nothing beyond our control (Especially the heavy stuff in life that's existed for THOUSANDS of years)… we wouldn't be so angry all the time.

Agree with the first paragraph.

But it is an all-audience show (those are definitely a thing, FiM proves it). It is written to be entertaining and MOSTLY appropriate for the kids (there are a few moments I'd question, both in terms of darkness like A Health of Information and suggestive like certain moments in Party of One or Stranger Than Fan Fiction) but let's not forget all the fanservice they put in (both clean and borderline suggestive), references to stuff like James Bond, Game of Thrones, MCU, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, The Big Lebowski, even Saving Private Ryan in EG, etc., episodes like Slice of Life, Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep, even some of the more epic villain episodes with Knights of Cerebus including the deaths of King Sombra (twice), the Storm King, and the Mean 6. Obviously there are some lines they can't cross that would make it too family-unfriendly (a few of which the comics did, like Chrysalis killing a kitten or Pinkie's flashback to Rarity in the Nightmare Rarity comics) but you get the point.

The Bond reference completely went over my head coz I hadn't seen any of them (but that soon changed because of said reference once it was pointed out to me), and the Game of Thrones reference would have had I not seen it and become familiar with characters saying "Winter is coming".

Furthermore, what people disliked about The Ending of the End (aside from the Discord/Grogar twist) was Chrysalis, Tirek, and especially Cozy Glow being practically executed (even though they're not strictly dead they're as good as), and as for The Last Problem, the thought that Twilight will have to watch her friends die of old age and live without them for eternity (though there are ways around this, including that she can retire whenever she gets tired of ruling Equestria).

Yes, it's not Game of Thrones, Spartacus, The Walking Dead, JoJo, Cross Ange, Buffy, Supernatural, 24, or Dexter. But it's not Dora, Barney, Mike the Knight, Max and Ruby, or G3.5 either and it is important to make a distinction between them. (At the same time I won't judge anyone who's into them)

Many don't take Jim Miller's word as canon but one of his answers should be believed: "It's for everyone!" (It kinda makes me uncomfortable whenever anyone says otherwise, even though at least you're saying it's totally OK for us to like it)

But I agree with how horrible it is that the haters did this to the kids in the audience.

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Alrighty, y'all can move this to the Chatting Circle, guys.

Group Admin

It is true about a few things. MLP: FIM is not much a kid's show, but at the same it's not just centered on adults. What the show was able to pull off in some form was having stories appealing to how children can relate to the characters, while also covering themes that adults can have an understanding or relation with. True, it is discomforting how the haters in life make it difficult for the show's younger audience to enjoy a program just because they didn't like how some elements of the show did not work in their favor.

My parents are always saying that if you cannot think of a nice thing to say to anyone, you may as well not say anything at all. Because sometimes, spewing unnecessary sentences and emotions will not only cause grief to the opposite party but it years to come it will only ruin your lives no matter how you say otherwise.

Comment posted by Tailbiter231 deleted Jan 8th, 2021
Comment posted by Lemon Daisy deleted Mar 27th, 2022
Comment posted by Marshmallow Pone deleted Sep 1st, 2021
Group Admin

Poor kid. Growing up is probably going to be pretty rough after that experience. If such a diagnosis could get any worse, she definitely won't want to sign up for the army.

How do you stay positive in a fandom that's full of negativity (like star wars for example).

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Avoid it. Just ignore the crybabies and enjoy what you enjoy. πŸ€“

Other's opinions are not your own, they can't tell you what or what not to love, so just stick with what makes you happy and who knows, you might find some like-minded people who appreciate what you do!:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

It is unwise to draw attention to all the negativity. Granted, everyone is entitled to say whatever opinion they have to say. The good... and the bad. But as I've learned from experience, 'If you cannot say something nice, don't say anything at all'.

Those people who bring up those statements, they don't make sob stories for folks to feel sorry for them. In the end, all they want is the attention. You remain true to what you believe is good, where all is right in the world, it is easier for you and you alone to get through life. Don't let the opinions of others drive you into taking a path you do not wish to travel.

Otherwise, you will never truly be happy if you are driven by the inspiration of others.

Comment posted by Marshmallow Pone deleted Jan 9th, 2021

Just know that whatever they are doing is wrong. You keep liking what you like. Even if everyone in the fandom dislikes it. Every fandom is filled with people who are entitled to their opinions. But that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. Just keep doing what you like to do and don't let anyone tell you any different.

Group Admin

Although in some cases it's easier said than done. We try so hard to please everybody, but in doing so we find we're sacrificing our own happiness.

Sometimes it 'does' payoff in the long run, but then comes the other times when it just leaves you feeling miserable and it sucks the fun out of either what you were doing or what you're enjoying.

Comment posted by Marshmallow Pone deleted Jan 12th, 2021
23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

If you're all gonna go back and forth, please take it to the Chatting Circle.

Comment posted by Artist deleted Jan 13th, 2021

What seems to be the trouble? I'm listening...:twilightsmile:

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Ughhhh, I can't calm my nerves here.

I haven't heard from my lady since last Sunday and I'm getting super worried. Last thing she said was she'd be back "tomorrow" and she hasn't been online since. 😒

Oof, they actually followed you here?:pinkiegasp:
How did you get into a fight, if I may ask...?
Oh... What happened? Maybe she's just busy... Or something came up that needed her immediate attention.
Whatever it is, you shouldn't assume the worst just yet, I'm sure that when she gets around to talking again you two will be chatting back and forth like old times.:twilightsmile:

23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

I'm trying not to assume the worst, we worry about each other.

She's the only one I connected with so much, losing her would destroy me. But I'm working on calming myself. Thank you for the reassurance. ❀

Stay awesome. πŸ˜‡

Anytime... Have a lovely day or night wherever you are!:twilightsmile:

Oh no....fingers crossed that she's just really busy with something important and couldn't get online.

Really need some comfort due to I might be losing my grandpa today..

I need some support. My mother's been pretty out of it lately, by which I mean she's having what you call an aura (which is defined as "a warning sensation experienced before an attack of epilepsy or migraine"; in my mom's case, it's a prelude to a seizure). The aura's been going on for at least half an hour, but she somehow hasn't proceeded to a seizure yet.

I'm worried about her...:pinkiesad2: Anything I can do about it?

You can try your best to make sure she has a stress-free environment, and, if she's been taking any medications, I suggest you see to it that she gets those without fail.
I myself do not know what that's like, but at least make sure that she at least feels a little but relaxed. If she's really not feeling well, let her lie down for a while, until the aura subsides.

Last of all, you can pray. Faith goes a long way, trust me, and miracles can be wrought by this alone.:heart:

I hope this helped.:twilightsmile:

Thanks. I'll be sure to do just that.:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Buck Swisher deleted Jan 27th, 2021
23 KM To Nerdiness
Group Admin

Just forget them, you shouldn't let stuff like that get to you.

They're not worth the time, just move on from the nonsense.

Comment posted by Tailbiter231 deleted Jan 30th, 2021
Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Jan 31st, 2021

hey can i get some relationship advice from all the lucky fells out there?

What a coincidence... I, too, was feeling a little lonely and out of sorts lately (and that's saying something, because if you know me then you'll know that by nature I'm very cheerful and positive)

But as for advice? Ah, I wouldn't know... Didn't have much luck with any relationship at all. And besides, I've had far too much on my plate to worry about such things. I've had a few crushes here and there, but I never really acted on any of those. And if I did, the result would always have been a turning down.:pinkiesad2:
But! My best advice to give is to (as much as this sounds cliche, but I'll say it anyway) just be yourself. There are bound to be many out there who are looking for specific traits in their partner that you just happen to have, and I don't see why you have to hide those away and be something you're not just to please the other person.
That, and try to approachable for the other person. Let them sense that they can trust you, and let them open up to you.

I hope this helped.:raritystarry:

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