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A Man Undercover
Group Admin

😠Out-of-character imbeciles.


🙄Talk about a Mary Sue. And an incredibly unrealistic redemption and forgiveness moment.

Sorry, moral, but you’re incredibly toxic thanks to everything Radiant Hope did throughout this entire story, as well as a poorly portrayed and infuriating King Sombra.

It was good. I liked the part with the cute ponies.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

What cute ponies?

Talk about a Mary Sue.

You have no idea what a mary sue is.

Mary Sue=Any character I don't like.

I hated this that series because they made Sombra's race evil for being creatures of darkness and was hoping that the ancestors of the Crystal Ponies betrayed the Umbra because of light being superior than darkness crap

And it was Spike all along.

All of them. Ponies are cute.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Actually, I do.

I believe we established long ago that A Man Undercover is incapable of objectivity. He mistakes personal dislike for actual character or writing flaws, and mistakes personal like for actual stellar writing or characterization.

Also, AMU, you’re not clever for the fact that you’re about to respond to me with “look who’s talking” or some similar variation for the upteenth time. That only works as a response when you can demonstrate actual hypocrisy, and you both can’t and aren’t capable of doing so.

The beauty of the comics is that it is basically not canon to the main story. As in the cartoon. So completely ignorable

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Oh really?

For your information, I only make those sayings when I sense quite a bit of double-talk from people like you. Also, I'm not even sure what it is that you're saying I'm personally mistaking, but if I'm guessing right...you're basically saying that your own opinions are superior compared to others, and that I'm dumb. Am I correct?

Also, AMU, you’re not clever for the fact that you’re about to respond to me with “look who’s talking” or some similar variation for the upteenth time. That only works as a response when you can demonstrate actual hypocrisy, and you both can’t and aren’t capable of doing so.

Maybe that's because you tend to be so wrapped up in your double-talk and arrogance that it's impossible to actually do so, and you've proven that to me time after time.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

It still makes "The Beginning of the End" a greater preference, though, I'll tell you that.


but if I'm guessing right...you're basically saying that your own opinions are superior compared to others

No. I'm saying that I'm capable of recognizing my opinions as opinions, not facts, i.e. I don't let my opinions of a thing cloud the facts of a thing. You have demonstrated many times in the past that you are not capable of the same feat.

Case and point, you have in the past with a straight face tried to tell us that Radiant Hope is a bigger ongoing threat to Equestria than Discord.

Since you decided to post this topic again on 5 different groups, I'm just going to take it as a sign that you are insane.

Genuine question, is this a troll post?

No, he's being genuine about it.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


No. I'm saying that I'm capable of recognizing my opinions as opinions, not facts, i.e. I don't let my opinions of a thing cloud the facts of a thing. You have demonstrated many times in the past that you are not capable of the same feat.

Actually, I am quite capable. This obviously wouldn't be a surprise, but when it comes to having opinions, I'm incredibly headstrong and stubborn about it.

Heck, compared to many others, I personally consider "My Little Pony: A New Generation" to be a waste of time. I'm perfectly okay if others don't agree with me on my opinions, just not when they give immature responses.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Who wouldn't be?

Besides, I think it's better having some sense of insanity or nuttiness in ya than none at all.

Reminds me of Ringteam.

This is a non-answer. What you are saying does not actually address my assertion RE: your inability to separate personal opinion from objective fact. You claim that you can on the basis of the fact that you're willing to have different opinions from other people, but that doesn't have anything to do with whether or not you're capable of distinguishing opinion from fact. It's like asserting that you can run a mile in a minute and as proof you start doing jumping jacks. The two are not related.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

🙄And there you go again with the double-talk.

Explain to me how what I said is double-talk.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

I say something, and then you suddenly twist it up and reverse my words. Every time we even have conversations, you do that!

I’m twisting nothing. You plainly tried to say that your ability to have strong opinions was equivalent to an ability to separate opinions from facts.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


You plainly tried to say that your ability to have strong opinions was equivalent to an ability to separate opinions from facts.

And that’s what I’m talking about, right there. You keep saying the exact things I say right after I say something, only you change out the words and create a completely different translation. And your responses would come across like you’re talking in riddles.

I have not done that even once in this thread.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

That’s not what I thought.

Call me crazy, but I think we’re both interpreting our conversations and each other differently. Therefore we may not be on the same page as you likely think.

AMU, I accused you of not being able to separate strong opinions from facts and you proceeded to go on about how you can because you have those strong opinions. I don’t think I’m the one who’s misinterpreting anything here.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

I’m just saying that both of us are interpreting things differently, that’s all. I never said neither one of us were misinterpreting.

I don’t have the patience to parse through that right now so I’m just going to skip to the end here.

The last time we had an extended discussion back in July vis-a-vis Radiant Hope and Discord you asserted that unlike Discord, Radiant Hope hasn’t learned from her mistakes. This is among the many reasons I say that you can’t separate your opinion from objective fact because:

  1. We haven’t seen Radiant Hope since Siege of the Crystal Empire. You cannot possibly know whether or not she’s been successful in learning from her mistakes; and
  2. Discord has verifiably never learned from his mistakes, since the entire plot of Season 9 turns on the fact that Discord repeats almost every mistake he’s ever made in the series.
A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Discord has verifiably never learned from his mistakes, since the entire plot of Season 9 turns on the fact that Discord repeats almost every mistake he’s ever made in the series.

For the record, that’s your problem and your opinion. Not a fact.

I wasnt gonna jump in the this debate but...

For the record, that’s your problem and your opinion. Not a fact.

No i dissagree. RDD is right. This is literally what happened the whole season.
The only difference with discord is that he suposedly acted like pile of garbage for his waifu and firends.
But fails to understand that his intention doesnt matter in the aftermath of havoc caused.
Thats a fact.

He literally made the same exact mistakes he did back in Season 4. Teamed up with evil villains, put too much trust into them despite knowing they're evil liars, and got his magic drained by them due to his own stupidity. He even got the Tree of Harmony destroyed, which is what his plundervines almost did back in Season 4 when he neglected to stop them. Tirek was even part of his downfall both times, he literally got backstabbed by the same dude. Fool me once, shame on you; Fool me twice, shame on me is clearly not a saying Discord took to heart.

Season 9 was practically a repeat of Season 4 with him making a lot of the same mistakes and doing a lot of the same bad things, just with different reasoning. Maybe he's learned his lesson now after Season 9 but is there any good reason to believe that? Why trust him at this point?

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted Jan 3rd, 2023
A Man Undercover
Group Admin

Discord’s mistakes are fact. Him never learning…that’s an opinion.

Radiant Hope making mistakes: Fact.

Radiant Hope never learning: Fact.

Radiant Hope being a selfish hypocrite and Mary Sue: Fact.

Aaaaand this is why I say that you are incapable of separating your opinions from reality.


Radiant Hope never learning: Fact.

Radiant Hope learning from her mistakes is more of a fact than it is for Discord. Since she realized her mistakes by the end of Siege and as far as we know never repeated them or anything like them again. Whereas we have factual proof that Discord did repeat many of his mistakes even after supposedly learning. I thought Discord had learned after Season 4 but he clearly hadn't, so why would I trust him now again at the end of Season 9 when given no good reason to believe he really has learned this time? He's "Sorry", sure, but he was really "Sorry" at the end of Season 4 too.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Radiant Hope learning from her mistakes is more of a fact than it is for Discord.

And that is where you’re wrong. Not once did she ever seem to acknowledge her mistakes or try to make up for them. Not once did she ever say sorry for all she did. Not once did she ever work to earn forgiveness. And not once did she ever seem to give two bits about anyone but herself and Sombra, whom she wanted back out of her own petty selfishness.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


Aaaaand this is why I say that you are incapable of separating your opinions from reality.

And this is why I say you do too much double talk and reverse psychology. As well as why I believe you to be an arrogant high-horse based on your profile pic.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin

As quoted from the reply I made on there:

I hardly recall those things being in any way signs of her actually redeeming herself. All she did was basically babble on about her lack of belief in destiny and that she only believed in Sombra, all the while never admitting that she did anything wrong herself or expressing any kind of regret and apology for it. Basically, she came across as an openly self-absorbed hypocrite.

She only tried to convince Sombra not to free the Umbrum simply because she reacted like a scared foal who lost her toy, only convinced Sombra to turn against them simply due to being disgusted by their very presence, and only joined Sombra to recover Amore's pieces simply out of a continual self-guilt complex.

Basically, she's more self-absorbed than you and PB74 give credit for.


She only tried to convince Sombra not to free the Umbrum simply because she reacted like a scared foal who lost her toy

Glancing through the comic now, she was certainly afraid of the Umbrum but she actually managed to remain quite calm after the reveal. Certainly she did not behave like a "Scared foal who lost her toy".

only convinced Sombra to turn against them simply due to being disgusted by their very presence

Probably because they're incredibly evil.

and only joined Sombra to recover Amore's pieces simply out of a continual self-guilt complex.

No evidence of this.

You're just making stuff up or twisting things into the absolute worst interpretation possible to justify your hate for Radiant Hope. You don't care about the facts, you just decide whether or not you like a character and then try to twist the facts into whatever direction suits you. I don't even care that you don't like Radiant Hope, that's fine, you don't have to like her. Your hatred doesn't make her as bad a person as you claim her to be though, certainly doesn't make her worse than other characters who have actually done much worse than her.

A Man Undercover
Group Admin


You're just making stuff up or twisting things into the absolute worst interpretation possible to justify your hate for Radiant Hope. You don't care about the facts, you just decide whether or not you like a character and then try to twist the facts into whatever direction suits you. I don't even care that you don't like Radiant Hope, that's fine, you don't have to like her. Your hatred doesn't make her as bad a person as you claim her to be though, certainly doesn't make her worse than other characters who have actually done much worse than her.

Isn’t that what you and RDD have been doing with Discord, though? Coming up with all these excuses that you classify as “facts” to justify your hatred for him?

Based on my time in this fandom, “facts” don’t matter in the slightest. “Facts” don’t even exist. Only excuses and interpretations.

There have been tons of redeemable moments regarding Discord, moments where he actually even tries to make up for the terrible things he caused and even expresses genuine regret and apologies, yet all you two are doing is ignoring them in favor of always pointing out the bad things he did.

And did any of those things happen with Radiant Hope?

No. They didn’t. Frankly, I’m not even surprised if that’s the reason why she never appeared again, which only makes her seem all-the-more like a far from flawed Mary Sue. Not once did she ever express a sincere apology or regret over the things she did, and she’s neither imperfect, sympathetic, or relatable, which are more reasons for why I hate her. And why I believe she did much worse than other antagonists in MLP, might I add.

If Hope and Comic-Sombra ever did appear again, I wouldn’t be surprised if they became an evil duo of their own free will.


Isn’t that what you and RDD have been doing with Discord, though? Coming up with all these excuses that you classify as “facts” to justify your hatred for him?

No. I dislike Discord, this is my opinion. But my reasoning for why I dislike him is primarily based on things he has objectively done. I do not have to make stuff up to justify my opinion on him, and even interpreting his actions in Season 9 in the nicest way possible I still have serious issues with him.

There have been tons of redeemable moments regarding Discord, moments where he actually even tries to make up for the terrible things he caused and even expresses genuine regret and apologies, yet all you two are doing is ignoring them in favor of always pointing out the bad things he did.

I've never ignored his moments of sincerity. He has had nice moments, he seemed sincerely apologetic after the Tirek incident and the Rainbow Key basically confirmed it, he was very nice in Discordant Harmony, he was genuinely selfless and brave in To Where and Back Again even if that was mostly just for Fluttershy, etc. He's had good moments and moments where he wasn't that bad. I won't pretend he hasn't, I just don't think they make up for all the bad things he did even by the end of the show. Everything he did in Season 9 is just too much to ignore, and makes it clear he hasn't improved or learned very much at all despite his moments of goodness.

And did any of those things happen with Radiant Hope?

Yes. I've pointed them out to you plenty of times. They just always don't count for some reason.

No. They didn’t. Frankly, I’m not even surprised if that’s the reason why she never appeared again, which only makes her seem all-the-more like a far from flawed Mary Sue. Not once did she ever express a sincere apology or regret over the things she did, and she’s neither imperfect, sympathetic, or relatable, which are more reasons for why I hate her. And why I believe she did much worse than other antagonists in MLP, might I add.

Half of this paragraph is just you ranting about her being a Mary Sue. Which is irrelevant because whether she's a Mary Sue or not doesn't actually matter morally. Her being a genuine Mary Sue would make her a poorly written character but wouldn't make her a bad person. I think Flash Sentry is super boring and generic, not a character I care for at all. But he's pretty obviously a good person based on his actions, I have no moral complaint with him. If I wanted to I could go on a rant and hate him for that time he was mean to Twilight in Rainbow Rocks, totally ignoring the context that he was brainwashed by the Sirens to make him look worse. But I don't, because that would be pointless and dishonest.

You think Radiant Hope is a poorly written character and you dislike her for it. For some reason you feel the need to justify this by making her out to be morally worse than she actually is so you can hate on her more. A character does not have to be a bad person for you to dislike them.


Isn’t that what you and RDD have been doing with Discord, though?

No, for the reasons stated here, 7786334. Also,

There have been tons of redeemable moments regarding Discord, moments where he actually even tries to make up for the terrible things he caused and even expresses genuine regret and apologies, yet all you two are doing is ignoring them in favor of always pointing out the bad things he did.

This is, again, a bald-faced lie. I have been very consistent in pointing out that there was a four episode streak between and including "To Where and Back Again" and "The Break-up Break Down" where Discord was genuinely turning into a better person, with me saying that "Discordant Harmony" is an episode where I'd basically come to actually genuinely like him, or at least no longer hate him.

But we can't exactly ignore that "A Matter of Principals" then happened, can we? Nor can we ignore his actions throughout Season 9, which shows nothing but regression for his character as he systematically commits almost every mistake he's ever made in the past, mistakes he's supposedly learned to avoid, on top of making whole new ones.

So here's the thing. I am plain that I DESPISE Discord as a character. But despite that I don't go around trying to, for example, lambast him for the events of "Discordant Harmony" where he nearly killed himself and caused Fluttershy to have a panic attack over it. Because I know it wasn't intentional, I know that it was out of a genuine desire to do something nice for Fluttershy, and I think it's pretty reasonable to assume that he had no idea that acting orderly for too long might cause him to fade away, because I doubt he'd ever done it before.

My hatred of Discord doesn't change the fact that he was a good person in that episode, and I can acknowledge that.

You, on the other hand, can't seem to make the mental connection necessary to understand that your hatred of Radiant Hope doesn't change the fact that she ends Siege of the Crystal Empire as a basically good pony who is, in fact, trying to take steps to fix both her mistakes and help her friend Sombra fix his own.

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted Jan 4th, 2023
A Man Undercover
Group Admin


A character does not have to be a bad person for you to dislike them.

On that I can agree with. Heck, I personally dislike Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon, and Derpy because I find them to be too bland and irritating.

You think Radiant Hope is a poorly written character and you dislike her for it.

Yes. And frankly, I don’t give a darn of you guys saying that she isn’t a self-absorbed hypocrite or one-dimensional Mary Sue, because that’s how she came across to me personally. I’d rather see her be imprisoned for life or turned to stone for eternity than see her get a happily ever after.

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