Jinglemas 488 members · 646 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Group Admin

If you remember or wrote any stories for Jinglemas 2015, be sure to submit them to the Jinglemas 2015 group! We're getting ready to post the stories that have been submitted so far. Be sure to get your stories to me or Petrichord as soon as possible!

Here's my entry, for Plumander: Colts Will Be Colts

Here's Titanium Dragon's entry, for me: Hearth's Warming Turkey

How do we add old ones to the 2015 group? It doesn't appear to be open—there's no "add story" button.

Also, where is the group you're referring to? We can't add to the story folder here if that's what you mean.

Ah, there we go. A wild button has appeared.


What of the previous entries written by users who aren't current members of this Jinglemas group? Would you like us to submit their stories on their behalf? Only I've located a few candidates here.

Group Admin

You should be able to add a story to groups from the story page itself. It's the upper right option button and then "add to groups"


I know how to do it. I was wondering whether it was permitted, given it's not my work I'd be submitting.

Group Admin

yep! I dont see why it wouldn't be. I've helped other people add to groups by their request. A lot of groups run their folders specifically by having someone else submit a story and not themselves.


In that case, there we go! Another 12 stories added and confirmed as previous Jinglemas entries.

For some reason my story (above) was not added, so I added it myself just now.

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 12