Tempest Shadow 1,054 members · 658 stories
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We all saw it coming: Evil second-in-command Tempest Shadow turns against her master ala Darth Vader and redeems herself for everything she's done. We know that the Princesses have forgiven her, so her punishment will probably be light.

But what'll happen next? When her community service or whatever is over, where does she go from there? What will she do for a living? Well, what do you think?

I don't honestly know.
In fact, I actually don't think Tempest Shadow or anything that happened in the movie will be classed as canon in the show. I feel that the movie is an alternate scenario of MLP, like the comic book series. But I do hope that the Seaponies/Hypogriffs and Anthro animals will be canon and appear in the show in future.

Royal guard i guess as thats what she will probably be good at, or making sodas in a factory? :P

And the storm king betrayed her not she him.

We can't really say without seeking her cutie mark since that would play some part in the direction her life goes. If it's based around making baked goods, she'll obviously go into some area of baking, while if it's more focused on fighting and such, then she'll most likely end up a mercenary, or a guard of some sort. Short of us seeing what it looks like we'll never really be able to guess. Funnily I've noticed that all of the fan fictions that depict what happens next seemingly avoid mentioning what her Cutie Mark is.

I could see Tempest going off to make her own friends, joining the royal guard, taking over the Storm King's forces to reform the nation etc.

I think the fandom doesn't want to tie her down to doing a single job, cause then a lot of fanfics would focus on that, or her inability to do it. If I had to theorise, I'd say her talent likely has to do with pyrotechnics and magical firework displays. Judging by the big firework spell at the end of the movie, and the magic she used to blow up the airship. A cutie mark doesn't necessarily define what a pony is going to do, magically induced cutie marks, like the Starswirl spell that swapped Twilight's friend's marks and the cutie pox episode, show the pony is forced to do the task shown. Whereas naturally earned marks, don't mean that's what you'll only do for the rest of your life. Heh sorry kinda waffled a lot there ^^;

She obviously joins a secret group of Elite Operatives on behalf of Celestia and Luna, and goes on fantastic adventures trying to amend her past mistakes while saving Equestria from mysterious, unknown threats to the Kingdom. I mean, it's not like I've made a fic where that specifically happens... >_>

Royal Guard would be my best guess, maybe guarding Twilight. God knows Twilight needs Royal Guards at this point... (And who knows, maybe she'll become more than her best guard, eh?:raritywink:)

But I do hope that the Seaponies/Hypogriffs and Anthro animals will be canon and appear in the show in future.

uh hello?? Sea Ponies will appear in Season 8, it was already confirmed a few months ago :/

I know what you mean. It's just hard to speculate on something that may be elaborated on at a later point. Not even for story reasons, but just to sell more toys. I'm more of an act on all the facts when they're presented so i woulnd't write anything about Tempest until MLP:FIM is...well over...but that's just me.

I'd like to see her be the commander of Celestia's airfleet. She could go all over Equestria having adventures.

Now there's an idea. Who knows, she could put the Royal Guard through a good training regiment. God knows they need it half the time.

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