The Goodfic Bin 1,255 members · 1,297 stories
Comments ( 69 )
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Group Admin

Please direct any questions you have to this thread. They will be answered by admin when they can.

Group Contributor


I just want to know: What about those who are just sadistic assholes that like to bash good stories?

4090631 What is the max amount of likes to be a "good story". Twenty, thirty, forty?

Group Admin

4090702 Judging stories on likes?! By that logic, every infuriating crossover will get in just due to it's source material.

4090705 Yeah, that's what I figured out when I made my first crossover. :ajbemused: Put a crossover tag and you're Charles Dickens,

Group Admin

4090705 Stories won't necessarily be judged on likes alone. It's more down to how well the author keeps the readers attention, a structured and easy to follow plot, good grammar—things like that.

Group Admin

4090721 That's better. Thank you. Also, what do contributors do here?

4090631 You plan on lids opposite the ones of the sister group?

Group Admin

4090726 Contributors have a little more authority that a standard user, as they can add stories to the main folder.

Group Admin

4090734 How will you organize your reviews? Since you mentioned not judging them solely based on likes (which I most definitely approve of), how will that work? Also, how would one qualify to become a contributor?

Group Admin

4090747 I don't even know if we're going to be a review group. I tried the reviewing aspect with our sister group but it didn't really go over too well. Of course—if the majority of this groups members prefer it to be a review group then I certainly wouldn't have a problem with it.

Group Admin

4090755 I review things on a group a bit like this one mostly because it holds me accountable, but here I actually meant in terms of just reading and reviewing in the sense quality checking.

Hey, so I've started a thread giving some recommendations with mostly low view counts. What other things are you looking for in a story?

Group Admin


What will most likely happen is there will be specific folders for categories of the stories. It'll be for anyone to add, then there will be a folder just for our reviewers. They can add stories they want to review or have reviewed and post a thread with a link to it. So, that should deal with the 'quality'.

Group Admin

4090766 Well Shadowblaze is the story approver. He edits quite a lot so he has a good understanding of what is considered a "goodfic". As for the contributor thing: As it says on the front page—PM an admin. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

4090782 I guess I'll PM you, then.

Group Admin

4090729 Those were actually abandoned quite some time ago :unsuresweetie: but I do think positive versions of them might work a bit better here...

Group Admin


My opinion of a 'Goodfic' is pretty high. Let's just say there would be only like five stories in the group if we went on my standards. Some of them don't even have their titles right! Anyways, this is why I'd rather have folders to control the flow then go through each story separately.

Mister/Miss ShadowblazeCR, I'm curious to know if there's anything needed in order to add my story to your group. I may be acting really clumsy, but I didn't see any thread about submission rules, and in the front page of your group, I read that if I want to contribute, I should PM an admin, but I'm not sure if contribute means "contributing with a fic" or "contributing administrative-wise". I hope you can answer my question and that I'm not being a bother.

Group Admin

4091459 It means contribute administrative wise. If you want to add your fic to the Self Submissions folder, then by all means, feel free.

Thank you very much Mister/Miss BikerPon3

4090631 Are self-promotions allowed?

Group Admin

4130603 What do you mean?

4130937 Shameless self-promotions, think the whole damn bureau without the actual group involved.

Group Admin

4130939 Sure, feel free. :twilightsmile:

I've got a question. How long is the usual wait time before your story is approved or rejected? Currently the number of submissions is almost triple that of accepted stories, which implies that it takes a while.

Group Admin

4142273 I'm generally able to review one story a day, since I like to make sure I'm giving adequate reasons and actually explain my choices, which takes a lot longer than, say, glancing over a story, nodding my head and saying 'yeah, that's okay'. And of course, for the past three days, I've been overloaded with work, so not much was going on for the past few days.

So, all I can really say is, a story per day for now. That's my rate. I can't speak for the other approver, though.

I'm considering a self-submission, but I wanted to know if the story has to be complete first or if a story that is still being written will be considered. I'd understand either way.

By the way, cool group you all have here. I look forward to digging through the bin.

Group Admin

4355119 We do accept incomplete stories, but bear in mind that if we don't have enough story to properly gauge how good the story is, we will have to reject it until more is published. But if you're well into the story and things are progressing well, you should be fine, at least complete-ness wise.

Okay, this is my first time actually looking at the group in weeks and it looks like a whole lot has changed. Does this mean I need to re-submit? I wouldn't mind having to wait again because I didn't want mine reviewed until ch3 was released anyway, and it's finally nearly done.

4362597 if it's a self-submission, take a look in that thread to see where they are at. You can also look at the pending review folder and see how many stories remain before yours comes up for review. Just remember that they review the older stories first unless a specific event causes them to snap up a newer one.

aka i submitted my story 2 or so months ago now, and there are still 15 or 20 stories left before mine comes up as the next in line.

also: because of school reasons Haphazard is busy atm so others are handling the reviews. Unless something has changed that i missed.

Group Admin

4362597 I make a point of alerting anyone when I finish my reviews in the comments. The other approvers do to. I think you're probably just on the waiting list for now, if you were a self submission.

We do play it a bit by ear, but these days (when I'm not stuck in exams, as Psi hinted at) I do them in chronological order. The other Approvers have a lot more flexibility, because I let them. You will be notified when we are finished, though.


This is bizarre. Mine isn't in the pending review folder anymore. :rainbowderp: It was close to Legend of Benkei, and Dragonshyness.

Part of me is glad...ch1 and 2 are mostly introductions and build-up anyway :twilightsmile: (then again every ch is build up in its own way :rainbowwild:).

Group Admin

4363177 Tale of two sisters, right?

Yeah, sorry about this. It actually got rejected here, and my story approver neglected to tell you, probably due to some mix-up. (Either he thought I would alert you, or he just plain forgot, which happens).

In any case, mystery solved.

4362943 life is always more important. I didn't feel appropriate sharing your personal information is all. Glad your stilll watching us to make sure we don't have too much fun while your away :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

4363192 Fun is not allowed. :twilightangry2:

If I can't have fun, nobody can!

4363185 This actually works in my favor. This is a longer story I'm planning across several mini novels (I currently have 7-8 chapters planned for book 1). I actually formatted the opening of ch1 that way on purpose, but it will take some time for things to come together (it's supposed to be like a Kingdom Hearts cinematic in text wasn't easy. :twilightblush:)

These are all things I wish I would have known before I started posting this. :pinkiesad2:

Group Admin

4363211 Sounds ambitious. From what I saw of the review, there just wasn't enough to properly make a decision.

In any case, no harm, no foul.

Goddamn ducks.

4363214 Considering this is my first serious attempt at writing something, it's not just ambitious, I'm totally :pinkiecrazy:...which is a good thing, because if I wasn't then the idea I have in mind for this story would never work. :rainbowdetermined2:

4363196 You're right, Nobody is allowed to have any fun. Except me, because my story just hit #200 on the longest stories on the website list, and I just got a new hot water tank. So i'm going to go wash the shame off and go back to bed. :facehoof:

Group Admin

4364297 Number 200, eh?

Oooh, goodie.

But hey... at least it isn't a crossover!:pinkiehappy:

4364306 It's also not an HIE, or a self insert! :twilightblush:

Group Admin

4364311 I can take HiE.

They're super easy to reject once you realize they're run of the mill. I just target the tropes and skim for any redeeming qualities. It typically doesn't take long.

Honestly, the best self insert is when you don't realize it's a self insert.

4355436 Late reply, but I wanted to consider my options. Thanks for the reply, HapHazred!

I suppose I was initially hesitant to wait until the story was finished because I didn't want to burden someone with a fairly long tale. I suppose that's me being considerate, or maybe it's overly considerate. But since I've still got a decent amount of the story left and I recently got some really good constructive criticism, I think I'll work on it and develop my story a bit more first. I'll probably just finish it and fix some weaknesses. When it's a little closer to bin-worthy, I'll bring it to the table.

Thanks again!

What kinds of stories do you most want to see more of in this group? I can submit candidates from a lot of different genres (not self submission.)

Group Admin

4398226 Fair enough. Submit when ready!

4398812 We're not genre specific. One of the many things we try to do here is review different kinds of stories in a fair and equitable light, which I hope we at least partly succeed at. That said, if you want to submit other people's stories be aware we only accept two at a time, to avoid getting submerged by people's favourites list.

4400126 I guess I'll mix it--one really popular story that will probably get in, and one story that I think is a goodfic but might be a longshot (strong comedic violence.)

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