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Are my favorite things, and they are what I try to provide in the stories I write.

Hello, Everypony! I am Petal Chatoyance, and I am here to sell you on reading my stories.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, 'A lot of writers desperately want my eyes, what makes this upstart worth bothering with?' Please allow me to answer that question with this:

I don't just write, I also draw too. I do all of my own art. Now look at those two up there. Who are they? What are they doing in a bathroom? What's that strange device on the human woman's arm? What is going on here?

Those are two characters from one of my many novels. The pony is currently named Millicent Nguyen, but she will eventually take the pony name of... well, that's a secret. The human has already named herself 'Sunshine Laughter', and she is waiting her turn to become a pony and go live in Equestria.


Because the world is ending.

See that bubble there, the one devouring the earth? That is the hyperdimensional cross-section of another universe passing through our space, sometime in the future. The other universe? It's called Equestria.

I write science fiction stories of cosmic catastrophe, all backed with solid science. How can a human become a pony? Well, nanotechnology is part of it...

But so is thaumatic energy.

No, not 'magic', not some thing that works just because, for no reason. I take the concept of the magic of Equestria, and I write it as alien physical law, native to another universe based on different physical principles.

But, you may be thinking 'That's all well and good, but what about characters? I don't care about all that scientific mumbo-jumbo, I'm here for the feels!'

Well right you are. Try this:

"Great Celestia, Teacup! All I ever wanted is for ya to open up ta me! I've been worried sick about ya for a long time." It was a surprisingly open admission by the normally reserved Missus Provender, but the real weight behind her words was in her wet, shining eyes.

"I was... afraid." Teacup began to shake with emotion. "I was afraid that you wouldn't really want to hear, I was afraid that what I had to say would harm you somehow, I was afraid...because..." Teacup's tears fell onto the table " my heart, you are the mother I never had. I...I love you. I wish you were my mother. I would be so proud if you were. I am so grateful you took me in. I'm so grateful to have been allowed to stay here, to work here, for you to put up with me, and I just want to be here, on the farm, with you forever, I just, I just..." Teacup just couldn't speak any more.

"You jus' listen to me, Teacup..." Cornflower looked down at Teacup's new Mark "Teacup....Biscuit... Provender! I expect my fillies ta come an' talk ta me about anything, that's what I'm here for. Your sisters never gave me this kind 'a trouble, so I expect ya ta just stop that kind 'a nonsense from now on. Ya hear?"

'Teacup Biscuit Provender!' Teacup overflowed with emotion and she had barely enough strength left to put her head down on the table, sobbing from relief and joy. The tea spilled, but with all the tears, it didn't really matter. Cornflower laid her own head across Teacup's back, a mother's embrace, and nuzzled Teacup as though she were but a foal.

Once they leave the farm, really leave the farm, they don't come back - Cornflower recalled her own thoughts so long ago - except sometimes, Cornflower happily realized, except sometimes, when they do.

Now that's from a story called Teacup: Down On The Farm, and it's a story of a newfoal - that's a human turned pony - trying to find her place in Equestria. You see, Teacup there, she wasn't happy, and wanted to have her memories erased.

Goodness! What a thing! Why would any person want such a thing?

Well, that's her story, and as you can see, it is a very emotional one. I won't tell you if she has the erasure done or not.

Alright, you may be thinking - 'So you can draw, and you can write emotion. I like adventure!"

Consider this:

"Doctor... you're not... you're human. Nothing human can pass the barrier. You'll be..." an image of a tomato hitting a windshield passed briefly through Alyssa's pony mind, the closest it could now come to the image it would have generated for her but half a day ago "Can't we land, let you off, isn't..." her voice trailed off.

"We're over the ocean, Alyssa. A thousand feet up. There's a chopper chasing us." Pastern said, softly. "There is only one thing I can do. But..." Pastern seemed worried "It isn't going to be fun."

That's from Euphrosyne Unchained, and I can assure you that what happens next is both deeply horrifying - and tremendously wonderful - at the very same time. How can that be? Read it and see.

By now you have doubtless figured out that I do Conversion Bureau stories. Perhaps you have heard bad things about such stories? What you have heard are nothing but lies. But to know that, you would have to read - and think - for yourself.

But fear not, because I do not just write Bureau stories. I also create entire original genres such as...

Which is a story universe based on the works of Franz Kafka. Don't know who he is? You are in for a treat.

I also play in cybernetic worlds, such as the Optimalverse:

Among many other things.

In point of fact, I have written well over a million words of pony fiction, all of it challenging, unique, powerful and unlike anything else you have ever read here. That's a hell of a claim.

Take me up on it.

I guarantee that if you give my work a chance you will almost certainly be excited, angered, amazed, fascinated, deeply disturbed, thrilled, upset, filled with yearning and despair, just for starters. The one thing you will not be, is bored.

So, if you can just cross the bridge to my worlds...

I think you will find something truly unique and powerful, something you have never read before, something you will be amazed could be done with colorful cartoon ponies.

I invite you - and challenge you - to read some dangerous fiction. My fiction.

I think you will feel awe... and wonder.


you will be almost certainly be excited

you will be almost certainly be excited

Thank you. FIXED!

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