Smilinary 47 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 36 )
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Well, we got back together over talk of horrifically emotional movies and how Smiles feels their evil alternate personality is defiling my good goodly goodness. Our heartfelt kiss scene was totally interrupted 'cause Someagoodauthor was watching, and... Smiles... chickened out.

Still not totally convinced she isn't trying to drive a subtle wedge between us. :twilightangry2:

Starlight's back from oversees, too, just to add more complication. No more headphones. I sorta miss them. She's been spending a lot of time around me. And leaving notes and stuff, like she used to. Not sure what's changed. Last time it didn't work out. Traditional family upbringing is important to her. Marriage, Courtship, 'Every Princess needed her Prince', stuff like that. But, well...

And how does that even work with mares anyway?

It's... messy. But she's a lot more forward too. Which is nice. You know where you stand with her. Well, sometimes. She might not lapse into occasional villainous monologues like Smiles, but she can get... fiery.

I think I'll keep her away from Smiles. Seems like that'd mean less pulled hair and clawed eyeballs. .:unsuresweetie:
Though maybe the latter issue would be an improvement, and will lead somewhere. Since last time they just spent, like, five minutes glaring silently at each other, and totally ignoring me. Eye patches for everyone means no death glares.

hope things get sorted out between the four of you.
>tfw I'm never mentioned in these blogs

So needy.

Stahp needing things.

Can't make these things fast enough for everyone's mention-desires. :raritydespair:

3204667 nu. I like being needy, dammit!:raritydespair:

Y-you were going to be the one I went to the dance with, because you were all drama free.
Now I don't even know anymore. :fluttercry:

I don't see any drama here:trixieshiftleft: just general bitching and whining:trixieshiftright:

Well, that's solvable.

I assure all of you, I am 100% drama free.

Suppose it behooves me to do some comparison shopping.

What is your view on gags? Because apprently 3204677 is against them.

Depends on who and what you're using them for.

Male bondage is something I think is fucked up.

depends on what they're being used for. If it's simply to stop me from complaining about stuff, then no.
If it's for a more intimate purpose tho...:moustache:


Mmm. Explain.

B-but mundane utility is so... useful.

well...I guess I could make an exception for you.:raritywink: I'm pretty flexible about stuff.

Excellent. Then speaking of that. We'll be testing flexibility, and measuring on a scale of zero to Blossomforth.

3204813 omai.....
I should have Smiles try out some of those positions in my fic of your two.:moustache:
Speaking of which, I took heed to your comment and Smiles is currently tied up and restrained in extension cords.:raritywink:

I will more than happily inform Smiles of this development. :twilightsmile:

go for it. This fic is for the two of you, I mightaswell cater to your requests to the best of my abilities.

See, that's why I knew coming to Ponyville would be a bad idea...

A Regular Guy coming to Ponyville is a giant cliche anyway.


A super kinky guy coming to Ponyville, on the other hand... also a giant cliche.


I am slightly offended.

Sounds far more entertaining, though.

I recommend living a less cliche lifestyle.
Become a girl and come to Ponyville. That's a rare and valuable thing. :trollestia:

Well no, actually I'm not cliché. You know why?

1) I'm not some ignorant low-life who believes Equis will give me a better life.
2) I actually have things worth living for on Earth like a family and human friends.
3) I REALLY fucking hate it in Equis.
4) I want nothing less than total annihilation to be brought to the land.
5) I'm fourteen, not some thirty-two year old.

Sounds like an HiE to me! :twilightsmile:

Aloof teenager who is too cool for the cartoon land? And who constantly espouses the virtues of modern life to backwards ponies? And is a popular prodigy karate master slash psychologist who has their own place. Check. :trollestia:

Please come prepared to receive your introductory Pinkie Party and use your grasping appendages to wow the locals as you work at Sweet Apple Acres.

Nooooooooo! I thrive on the drama of others!:raritydespair:

This fic thou speakest of where is it? :rainbowhuh:

And.... this is not cliché how? :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


>inb4 I totally bust in and wreck shit up.

Hit me up sometime, homie.

Alight whatever, I guess I'm still too new to the fandom to really understand what's cliché and what's not.

How's this for not being cliché?
Never seen a short about a human NOT in Equis!


I give up with this group. See ya'll later.


That's been done too. General rule of thumb is that everything has been done.


You know where you stand with her. Well, sometimes. She might not lapse into occasional villainous monologues like Smiles, but she can get... fiery.

*licks lips*

Only fitting for my fiery little squishy. :raritywink:

Wha... But, I mean...


there's drama when I want there to be drama.

This fic I speak of. It's in gdocs, slowly taking form. Tho I'm not even going to consider submitting it as it would never get accepted. It's got next to nothing to do with mlp. It's just senseless sexytimes with no story whatsoever.

I didn't chicken out! I-I-I just had to go use the bathroom! :twilightblush:
I chickened out.

Y-you stay away from my Luminary! Or-or-or-or I'll go evil on you! I mean it! I'm not timid and chickeny like I appear to be! Luminary is mine! :applecry:

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