Comments ( 224 )
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Group Admin

Physical Appearance
Nation of Origin (all anthros of any species and humans are Vinlandic in origin)
Region of Origin (rural, city, mountains, Vinlandic starship, Vinlandic Space Station, Vinlandic Colony)
Cutie Mark:
General Attitude

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

Regal, but wiry.
Enigmatic, cryptic, vague, and polite.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Name: Quill

Race: Unicorn

Physical Description: slim, tall, black and white pinto, pretty

Personality: Sweet and innocent in nature, she always loves to learn new things and grow as a pony, and doesn't really care about finding her cutie mark. She does whatever is most interesting at the time and follows through on it until she finishes it, before going onto something else as she hangs out with her friends. She has many hobbies that include reading, writing, sports, and thinking up new worlds of things she can do in her imagination. Despite her being random and crazy, she is smart and a great friend underneath her innocent oblivious attitude.

Group Admin

What would you like to be the teacher of?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

I put my application into the teachers application thing.

Group Admin

Ah, then you'll have to wait for Vikinga Rainbowdottir about that, she shouldn't be very long

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

new application!




Physical Appearance

Nation of Origin (all anthros of any species and humans are Vinlandic in origin)

Region of Origin (rural, city, mountains, Vinlandic starship, Vinlandic Space Station, Vinlandic Colony)

Cutie Mark:

General Attitude


Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

Name: Rastal
Species: anthropomorphic pegasus
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: average young adult height, slender build, black hair and tail and grey eyes. Caucasian. Usually wears a black zip up jacket over a grey tee shirt, with blue jeans.
Nation of Origin: Vinland
Region of Origin: Vinlandic Starship (Could it be the Enterprise?)
Cutie Mark: An eye, representing his power of perception
General Attitude: Outgoing
Personality: Despite his appearance and attire, Rastal is quite friendly and optimistic about life. He always sports a smirk on his muzzle.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507921 ((perceptomancy is about seeing what isn't there and making it so, as it stands the Vinlandic star navy is only 5 frigates strong too small for any generational breeding, but he could be born on one, alternatively he could have been born on one of the larger merchant ships traveling between vinland, the colony, and amash space.))

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

((I think a merchant ship could work. It'd fit his personality and gives me quite the opportunity for backstory.))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2507975 ((then you pass, post him in the accepted OCs page. Welcome to the Multinational Academy of Arts and Sciences! I'm sure you will enjoy your many semesters here))

Bookworm Guardian
Group Contributor

"I'm certain I will, weird voice in my head!"

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2508478 dragons have unseen cutie marks, anthro CMs are visible
The colony can be reached easily via the shuttle system. He could be from the mysterious lost second colony that was destroyed by gibbous pirates.


Name: Star Blast

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance: a charcoul black mane with a darker shade of light gray. She has golden colored eyes. A shade of black also covered her muzzle

Nation of Origin: Equestria

Region of Origin: farmland outside if Trottingham

Cutie Mark: A golden star shooting towards a direction

General Attitude: strong-willed and secretive (if you really know her)

Personality: She is a tomboy with a reputation of being dirty-minded. She seems to a fun loving unicorn around others but when alone, she resumes to being sad, hoping for a certian pony to come back.


Group Contributor

2507828 Here we are. Is this op because it really is isn't is it?
Name: Thunder Bolt

Species: Anthro 32% Zebra 42% Human 34% Dragon.

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: 5"7' tall, lean but not muscular. Has zebra print scales across his body except for his head which has a medium sized haircut but manages to look like bed head. His bright blue eye's peek out of his slanted face. Tied around his forehead is a bright pink head band that his hair sticks out of. He has five fingers that are slightly clawed at the ends. He has wings and his wing span is 10" from wing tip to wing tip. He also has a hair tail. Out of his hair come two large horns slightly curved at the top.

Nation of Origin (all anthros of any species and humans are Vinlandic in origin) Vunlandic

Region of Origin (rural, city, mountains, Vinlandic starship, Vinlandic Space Station, Vinlandic Colony) Vinlandic Colony

Cutie Mark: A storm cloud.

General Attitude: Childish

Personality: Thunder is a prankster at heart. He lives to see one of his pranks succeed the only problem is in most cases they end up backfiring in very humorous ways. Thunder is infamous at the principles office due to his pranks and tricks. Thunder goes there about once a day. It's come to the point where Thunder talks to the principal like an old friend. Sadly Thunder isn't a bad kid he just has to much energy and comsumes it by pranking other people. At the same time Thunder is quite childish and some of his actions our ones an 11 year old would do. There are some good qualities about Thunder he never quits at anything he does and when he is focused he has shown potential as a good student

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2509793 no more dragon anthro allowed, and zebras never came to Vinland.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2509675 ((you pass, but this app should have been in OC applications (for students),
2509793 you too!))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2511309 ((welcome to MAAS! I'm sure you will enjoy your many semesters with us!))

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2509793 wait! I didn't pass you, I should have worded that better. You and me have got work to do... A lot of work.

Group Contributor

2485405 Name: Schnuffig
Species: bat pony
gender: female
Physical Appearance: petite, with a steel blue coat and cotton candy pink mane, tail, and ear tufts
Nation of Origin: Equestria
Region of Origin: Flederpferd Berg (a rural mountain community primarily of bat ponies) then middle class Canterlot later in life.
Cutie Mark: Two and a half pineapple rings, forming a smiley face.
General Attitude: "This is going to be fun!" Schnuffig approaches all tasks with this cry; more often than not this is correct (a self fulfilling prophecy).
Personality: Schnuffig sometimes comes off as a ditz, though in reality she has a very organized and precise mind. Living with her Uncle Pensive has given her a grounding in math and physics, but she doesn't actually like either. Her passion is fruit; she'd like to become a botanist and create cold adapted tropical fruits some day. Until then, Schnuffig would like to have fun.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2511935 well, you pass, welcome to MAAS! go ahead and repost this in accepted OCs

Group Contributor

2511454 I can't win can I? Okay Vikinga pm me what I did wrong.

Group Contributor

2507828Name: Clever Storm.
Species: Anthro 5/8 Human 3/8 Pegasus
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: A short fellow only at 4"9'. His skin is darker then most due to his habit of flying high up((in the nude)). Clever's wings are also small at only 4" from wing tip to tip. They are usually neatly folded and are only 1" wide. His hair is a bright pink like his wings. It is spiked like a porkypine who was electrocuted. He usually wears a pair of aviation googles with some built in binoculars and magnifying glasses. A white jacket with what looks to be a bright orange cape tied around his neck. There are wing holes for his wings to come out. He tops these eccentric outfit off with some very tight skinny jeans and large knee high boots.
Nation of Origin (all anthros of any species and humans are Vinlandic in origin) Vunlandic
Region of Origin (rural, city, mountains, Vinlandic starship, Vinlandic Space Station, Vinlandic Colony) Vinlandic Colony
Cutie Mark: A group of storm clouds with lightning bolts coming out.
General Attitude: Childish
Personality: Clever is a prankster at heart. He lives to see one of his pranks succeed the only problem is in most cases they end up backfiring in very humorous ways. Clever is a regular at the principles office due to his pranks and tricks. Clever goes there about once a day. It's come to the point where Clever calls the principal by name. Sadly Clever isn't a bad kid he just has to much energy and comsumes it by pranking other people. At the same time Clever is quite childish and some of his actions our ones an 11 year old would do. There are some good qualities about Clever he never quits at anything he does and when he is focused he has shown potential as a good student
(Is this better???)

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2517106 pass, go post it in the accepted OCs thread.

Group Contributor

2517134 Thank you:pinkiehappy:

Tom From Myspace
Group Contributor

Name: Brave Charger

Species: Anthro Pegasus (3/8 Pegasus, 5/8 human)

gender: Male

Physical Appearance: The pegasus in him shows through impressive wings and turquoise pony-like eyes. The remainder is human. He's well built, being from the mountains. He's tall, standing about 6'4", and has the physique of someone who's worked hard all his life to help around home in a tough environment. He's usually in jeans, an olive drab t-shirt, and work boots.

Nation of Origin: Vinland, though his family recently moved to a border town in Equestria because of some disputes.

Region of Origin: Vinlandic mountains.

Cutie Mark: A Spartan Helmet

General Attitude: He likes to deal with his problems head on, which often winds up with him charging in without much forethought.

Personality: Despite his name and bullheadedness, he's a nice guy and a sucker for a pretty face. He's pretty approachable overall. He usually has a smile on his face. Just don't make him angry. He's kind of a dick when he's angry. He also has a bit of a stubborn determination when he gets into a situation he wants to see accomplished. Once he gets into something, it's hard to get him back out until he either completes his goal or dies trying, hence his cutie mark.

Misc: He is the latest in a long line of Vinlandian military men, many of whom have gained a hero status. His family, however, is looked down on by their former compatriots (Influencing the family's recent emigration to Equestria). Some twenty years ago, his father botched a special forces operation that resulted in the death of thirty Vinlandian civilians to a terrorist cell operating on one of the colonies.It is regarded as the worst mass killing in the recent history. Due to his failure, the cell still runs freely about space and occasionally causes problems, and the family is subsequently the subject of ridicule and abject hate by Vinland, putting pressure on Brave to try and regain the glory his family once knew.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2517217 1 what does his cutie mark actually mean? 2 if his father botched the job, and the civilians died, then they'd follow it up with orbital precision strike or ODST insertion. Those fuckers wouldn't be sucking air, they'd be dust under the navy's boot.

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor


Name: Helios II
Species: Dragon
gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Tall, muscular, bipedal, dark gold scales with wings of the same color and a light grey spine
Nation of Origin: Draconia
Region of Origin: Private cave in the mountains
Cutie Mark: A Falling Star, symbolizing his first fight-or-flight situation, whereas he fell out of the sky during a leisurely flight with his dragoness-friend (right?) Aqulan Ichor when they accidentally flew into rival dragon's territory and were attacked. Helios II protected Aqulan.
General Attitude: Friendly, sometimes irritable
Personality: confronts bullies that pick on the smaller kids, generally makes friends with other dragons or anthropomorphs
Misc: Helios comes from a long line of normal, uninteresting dragons. His mother, Celia, comes from the suburbs of Draconia. She moved into the mountains after marrying Helios I. Helios I comes from the Draconian military and is currently K.I.A. He died during a scouting mission into classified enemy territory. Helios II tries to stray from his father's footsteps. He strives to be friendly and caring towards others, but his heritage does not allow that. He becomes very irritable after dealing with a situation, not unlike his father. Helios II currently resides in The Multinational Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Group Admin

Yes, every character in this RP has a cutie mark, be it visible or invisible.

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2519639 Alright... Ah, lemme think some more cuz I pulled this out as I typed it.

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor

2519639 All done, check the edit

Group Contributor

2485405 Alright, I was told I should make a child of my teacher OC, so here's his son.

Name: Steel Heart
Species: Earth Pony
gender: Stallion
Physical Appearance: Dark green coat, bright violet eyes, yellow mane/tail with dark red streaks. Taller than his father, fairly muscular, but he wouldn't be the star of any hoofball team.
Nation of Origin: Equestria
Region of Origin: City, namely Canterlot
Cutie Mark: A heart made of steel
General Attitude: Shy, but knows when to and when not to open his mouth, or thinks he does anyway.
Personality: Generally quiet, he doesn't like initiating conversations, and even when someone else does he still has a tendency to stutter or just not talk at all. He wants to make friends, he really does, but he's suffered no shortage of jokes due to his father being a psychology teacher, and Canterlot's resident 'nut job', so he tries to keep their relation secret, and is far from confident in himself. He'll help where he can, though, and he doesn't quit easily. He'll always get back up and dust himself off when he's knocked down, and try to help others do the same.
Misc: He's strong, but he's not a sports player, despite his fathers insistence that it will help him get over his shyness. He has never played a sport, and as far as he's concerned he never will, though secretly he has been considering it. He has a weakness for pretty faces, that will make him literally trip over his own hooves, though he'll get up and try to make his gibberish sound like he's alright.

(came up with this on the spot, if there's anything it's missing or anything wrong with it, just tell me.)

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2519601 you pass. Post this in accepted OCs

Blazing Justice
Group Contributor
Tom From Myspace
Group Contributor

1: it means he charges in to deal with his problems head on. Spirit of Spartans. I mean the Greeks, not Halo.
2: I didn't know this was the goddamn Halo universe.
3: I haven't made a non-anon OC in almost two years. I'm rusty.

Group Admin

heya Vikinga :twilightsmile:

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2519885 it's not halo, but dropping men from orbit is the general sci fi paratroopers.

At the moment it's illegal to emigrate to Equestria for reasons of national security. The school is on international grounds, and it has dorms.

This passes! Go ahead and post this in accepted OCs! Welcome to MAAS, and don't forget to mention what your cutie mark means.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2519899 what happened last night?

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2517217 also it's Vinlandic not vinlandian.

Tom From Myspace
Group Contributor

Also, I never said they were legal immigrants. :trollestia:

Nah, I'll change it.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2520183 does your OC like guns? My OC Silver Bullet needs to make friends.

Tom From Myspace
Group Contributor

2520195 He can use them. He lived in the mountains, so he helped hunt for food.

So is his family shunned by Vinland or not?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Silver bullet can always be Quill's friend. Quill loves making friends.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2520209 his family won't be shunned, but it will affect his (if he chooses) military career. Vinland isn't that militaristic (they only have 5 57 crew ships in the navy), but they do consider the military to be important. Brave is a common enough family adjective that it won't be too much dead weight.

Florarena Crimsonflame
Unicorn mare
Has a white pelt, blue eyes, and red mane with spikes and curls.
Cutie mark is an orb of scarlet fire with three dark grey z's in it, one of which is larger than the other two.
Will interact with strangers, but is very weary.
She has so many mood swings that some say her personality is hard to decipher. She is deeply caring but can and will use violent methods (i.e. beating a rapist to death) if she sees anyone trying to do harm to another because that's how she was raised--if she sees something bad happening, she will at least attempt to do something about it. This doesn't always work, however, and she can be suicidal at times. Other than that, she genuinely means well.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2521684 be more specific than mountains please. What does her cutie mark mean? Which nation is she from?

2522614 She is from Equestria, and her cutie mark means she can control fire....but ONLY in her sleep, hence the z's.

Viking Hoof
Group Admin

2522628 seems like a rather annoying cutiemark... and I'm not sure how that should be someone's destiny... but you pass! Welcome to MAAS! I can't wait to see you when the school starts! I hope you have a great time.

To make it official, add this character to the Accepted OCs thread

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