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Hasn't anyone ever have that feeling that you committed an epic fail and there's nothing you can do about it? Like talking to a friend that obviously has problems and you say something that completely offends them in some way so they block you out in every aspect of their life and it no longer matters how many times you say sorry cause you already dealt the damage. Yeah it's a good feeling. :applecry::fluttershbad::ajsleepy:

(Edit: Yeah I'm sorry for the writing.)

2018146 wha that's just terrible...

2018146 if they won't even listen to you, then screw 'em. You know what you meant and you know how you messed up. If you want to try again later on when they've cooled down and they still won't give you the time of day, then they were never even a true friend.

2018146 I'm confused. Are you trying to make light of a situation with bad humor or are you actually not caring? Either way its terrible what happened.

2018159 I know I'm sorry... I want them to know I care.

2018166 I just hope they forgive me soon. :ajsleepy:

2018170 I do care... and yes it was bad humor.

2018146 Let the dust settle for now, then try again.


I felt that several times. Yet I think that the only think I could prescribe is... time.

There's no way to force them back into your life, unfortunately.

People hold grudges for differing amounts of time. Some people can harbor them for years. And some people can't manage more than ten minutes before caving, like moi. There's no real way to tell which a person is, unless you have prior experience with them, on that topic.

If you're, like, texting at them, and you have a captive audience for what you're going to say, as a result, make it clear that you're going to stop bothering them. But that you really don't want to lose a great friend like them. That you'll be happy to speak to them if they ever forgive you.

Don't be coy about it. Don't lace things with evasions. Be very forthright.

It's hard for people to stay mad at those that are genuinely contrite and reaching out. But it's really easy to stay mad if someone continually annoys you. So really do leave them be, after sending that message.

I've had that feeling before... In fact I've probably done that to others at some point... :fluttercry::ajsleepy:

2018146 Like Scarecrow said, you let them cool down, and you go back to try again, if they still aren't over it, then they were never a true friend. Shoot, I had to let a friend cooldown for almost a year after I said something to 'em... but it's not like I said anything bad. Anyway, things were all good after awhile.

Alright, so that person won't listen to you . . .
Do you have other friends who understand what happened and want to help? Maybe if your friend hears your sincere apology from more than just you, he may reconsider the situation.
Be sincere. People will see it and realize you are being truthful in what you say.
And like Scarecrow and Radical Prescott said, let them cool down. People don't want to listen, or will sometimes overreact when they're angry or mad at you. And just keep trying. That's all you can do.

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