Human in Equestria 16,897 members · 17,099 stories
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Okay, we've seen that Ponies DO have movies however basic they may be. What if a human came to Equestria with his favourite films.

How would they react to such films as; Jurassic Park, Highlander, V for Vendetta, The Dark Knight, Happy Gilmore etc.

How would ponies react to how advanced human film is? What films would you want to show them? How would they react to the contents of our films?

That'd be quite a show:coolphoto:

4820877 Someone get the finebros on it :rainbowlaugh:

I've actually had an idea like that in the past. I would make review of films I saw posing as one of the mane six. It didn't catch on, but I did like the concept. So, go for it. I'd definitely read the fic.

If any thing show them mouse hunt for laughs :rainbowlaugh:

And then show them that not all is sunshine and rainbows in the human world with saving private Ryan and Pearl Harbor


How would ponies react to

One of those threads.

4820923 Both movies are about America, look at that.


I think they'd react to Jurassic Park in the same way we did: Fear, awe and wonderment.

“It’s just a movie. It’s just a movie. It’s just a movie,” I repeated several times in a low voice with eyes wide open. For a being that lived for millennia, it may have been degrading to be seen in such helpless demeanour.

“I am the night. I am the night. I am the night. I am the night.” Lucky for my dignity, another being in the room that lived for more than a thousand years was reciting her own prayer several times. Luna was hugging me tightly from the side, shaking more than me. Her eyes were also glued on the screen playing the movie. I may or may not have hugged her back for the same reason.

We finally reached the last scene where the silhouette of the despicable, spine severing villain fades into the distance, and the credits roll. Silence reigned in the room for almost a minute before yet again, it was shattered by Cadance.

“That was amazing!” she cheered stomping her hooves on the floor in excitement.


How would ponies react to one of those threads?


If the dark knight movies were shows, I feel that Twilight would question on why Bat man can't turn his head all the way.


AHAHAHAHA! Adrenaline junkie Candance! Yes! I think she would greatly enjoy the jurassic park, star wars, and maybe even the jaws movies.

It's cheesy T-rated romantic comedy stuff, but the writing always gets me to laugh my ass off. Plus, BronyWriter edited it himself. I recommend it. If you liked that part, you'll probably enjoy the rest.

4820954 Goddamn it it's happening!

That would all really depend on the kind of movie you wanted to show them. I'd love to see their reaction to movies like Up and for playing with my slightly sadistic side, the original Saw.

I'd show them this:

This movie was released in 2012 with a budget of around $45 million. Good luck finding a horror film more traumatizing than this.

4820931 it shows them that not everyone can't obtain peace without sacrifice

And then brave heart and the dark knight movies

I've been trying to find stories about this forever

HueHueHueman Sentipeed blind reactions:
Purple Smert: Silence followed by experimentation with Barney's long lost vertically challenged son (Spike you simpletaint).
Flying Pride:"Awesome, but It needs to be about 20% kinkier (Cue 2G's1C music)."
-FutaShy-ImSoSorryNotReally: *The noose tightens*
Fashionista Horse: *Falls on couch, proceeds to gorge on brown and creamy Le Chokolate I Scream despite having watched people eat shit literally*
Cracker Jack : Holy George.W Bush what is that, what the fuck is that!
Coked Up Clown: Instructions not clear enough- shot grandmother.
Perfect Cel: 4/20 needs moar bananas
Woona: Abandon Thread Not|Safe|For|Woona

I need a priest and seven virgins.

Im gonna keep all the Star Wars cassetes in my waist band, just in case I randomly get Portal'd to Candy Land. Even the Phantom Menace, those ponies... they suffer with me now.

4821163 So of the thousands of war they're both about a country that joined halfway into, one of these movies only being just more accurate than 300.

4821277 This comment is the standard by which I will judge all others. Also have 7 virgins and a priest.

Man, I'm being shown up here left, right and center.

Derpriest is Muffin Catholic.


Well, if a human brought HER favorite movies to Equestria... Specifically if I did...

Every Star Trek movie ever made. Since I'd likely be the first human there, I'd want to show them the best side of humanity there is, but warn them of the worst as well... Star Trek can do a good job of portraying both of those, as for the ponies reaction, they'd probably like it, Rainbow might think it's 'egg'head' stuff with all the exposition and techno-babble that pops up in them sometimes, but they'd probably like it.

As for the movies you listed, they'd probably be completely terrified of Jurrassic park, even most humans are the first time they see it...Haven't seen any of the others except the Dark Knight, and it's been so long since I saw it I can't remember enough to say anything about it.

Then again, it'd all depend on the VERSION of Equestria you went too,

You could end up in canon or 'Prime' Equestria, or any number of alternates, who knows how different versions would react.

4821401 Eggcelent. The power of Bush compels you!

4821405 You still have the rest of the cardinal directions. At least they haven't taken you from behind, wink wink.

Group Admin

Ponies watch James Cameron's "Avatar."

"So let me get this straight. You guys made a movie where you're the bad guys, the stone age cat-people are somehow better than you in every way, and despite all your technology they beat you? And I thought some ponies had self esteem issues."

They would about die to this, i think.


the nightmare before Christmas and the matrix.

Films I would show them: Schindler's List, The Godfather trilogy, The Matrix trilogy, Star Trek (all of them), The King's Speech, Downfall, The Pianist, The Sound of Music, The Hunger Games, James Bond, Guardians of the Galaxy, To Kill a Mockingbird, Avatar, Titanic, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Amazing Grace, Cars, Shrek, Gladiator, Les Miserable, 300 to name a few.

4820877 I would Show them the following:


Ohh, that's going to haunt my dreams. Stopped at like the seven minute mark...

I would show them the perfect,classical movie for Nightmare Night-The Thing
After that...Pacific Rim,because no matter the species,we all dig GIANT ROBOTS!

Oh, you haven't seen Saving Private Ryan before?

I can think of some characters who would probably have either conniptions or fall in love if you ever showed them Evita. Now there's one hell of a musical.

There again we could be foolish not to quit while we're ahead
For distance lends enchantment, and that is why
All exiles are distinguished, more important, they're not dead
I could find job satisfaction in Paraguay

This is crazy defeatist talk
Why commit political suicide, there's no risk
There's no call for any action at all
When you have unions on your side

A song about alternate career options and union politics and it's absolutely amazing. Twilight Spergle would have a heart attack.

Not the entire thing, no, a small clip a few years back for youth group.

Oh, I know several good movies.

I expect this to be of some interest for the unicorns at least. :raritystarry:

Something for the action- and fantasy loving ponies. :rainbowdetermined2:

And what collection of movies woule be perfect without some bragging? We all know a certain someone being interested in that one.

Comment posted by OrchestraOfRuin deleted Nov 2nd, 2015
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