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I got this. Celestialism, Selenism, Dualism, Fausticism and Discordianism.


What religions would there be in Equestria

I think it's pretty obvious what religion exists in Equestria, at least one of them anyway.

In many stories the name Faust appears, mostly as the mother of Celestia and Luna. I've got the idea that before the unification of the three tribes, the three pony races worshiped Faust, but each race had different opinions of who she was. To earth ponies, she was an earth pony who caused everything to grow, from the largest trees to the tiniest of weeds, the one who made the first edible plants. To pegasi, she was the everflying pegasi who flew higher than anybody else and created wind and air. To unicorns, she was the first unicorn and magic incarnate, the first spellcaster and the one who made the sun and the stars.

I do believe that some ponies would also worship Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight. Who knows, maybe some ponies have a small altar or a figurine in their homes, and the crazy pony at the end of the street, the one that shouts at his mirror and barks at passing by taxi-carts would have a Discord figure in his home.

>implying Blue Balls would actually get a religion around him.

That is top kek.

Group Admin

Did you see the moon last night? (Discordianism related question)

4749204 Uh, no. And I'd've thought that was more Selenist than Discordian.

Canonically there's no religion in Equestria. Personally I don't see Celestia allowing it to become a thing since it could lead to schisms between groups that could lead to wars. But hey that's just my 2 cents.

Group Admin

Actually, if you look it up, that's how modern day Discordians greet each other. The response is, "It was pointing to the sun."


and then there's Luna's Witnesses

Those are the worst ones.

Can't tell you how many times I've had to slam my door in their faces, just to get them to go away.:trixieshiftleft:

Honestly, I'm not sure what they'd even need a religion for. They know exactly who causes the thunder, or the sunrise, or what makes the plants grow - they do it themselves. Without any of the open questions that religion provides stopgap answers for, what is the point in actually having one? A religion is more than just worshipping power for its own sake.

4749220 Yeah, I know, very pushy in my case.

Everytime there's a full moon, I go outside and praise it, with the appropriate rites. When the Blood Moon comes, I sacrifice a sun worshipper like the scripture says to do, what more do they want from me?

4749161 you forgot harmony kinda hard not to worship a ancient tree and or the gems that can banish most evil

4749215 Oh. I thought you were talking about the way it goes red during an eclipse.

Group Admin

4749161 The Foal Of The Forest has a religion that diefies Celestia and hates Luna. It's Called The Order Of The Celestial Light, but good old Celly calls it The Cult Solar. (She does not like it at all)

Not completely relevant. Funerals always have someone speaking. The pulpit does not indicate religious use only a use for speaking. The halos could be a religious indication or rather a reference. I'm not convinced, but hey I could be wrong. I just refer to Word of Faust in this topic usually.

They've got more evidence than us. So they don't really need a religion. Cults though. Those have to exist.

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