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When submitting a sequel to EqD, is it done through the standard story submission form for new stories, or is it done as an "update" email like with new chapters?

The story it is a sequel to has already been featured on EqD, yes.

It goes on as an email just as an ordinary chapter update would. Just be sure to include the original EqD link to the first story and also include the fimfic link to the sequel. Tag your email with (update: sequel), too.

4163318 Ok. Thanks for the rapid response :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer
Group Contributor

We tend to say that you can submit it as a standalone post (if the story stands alone, that is) and have it be vetted by the PRs if you want, but lately we've just been throwing sequels at their respective prequels for auto-post anyway. :B



A year ago I submitted a story set in the Friendship is Optimal setting, and I identified it as such. I was told in the response e-mail that EQD doesn't accept sequels. Has something changed, or do I need to submit it differently?

4163375 The story in question doesn't really stand on its own. I suppose it could, but I'd rather make it clear that it is a sequel.

Author Interviewer
Group Contributor

Well, the difference here is you didn't write FiO. If it's intended as a direct sequel, you need Iceman's permision. If it's just in the same universe... Well, I don't know if we have any specific policy on FiO fics. They're kinda like FoE and TCB, and kinda not. I dunno, huh. Maybe try again?

I seem to recall I caused a bit of an internal debate about this when I submitted the sequel to Guiding Light as a separate story. It got posted as an update in the end.

That thing needs updating...

Group Contributor

To submit a sequel, send an email directly to submit@equestriadaily.com. Have "STORY UPDATE: <original story title>" as the subject line, and include links to the original story's Equestria Daily Page and the new story, wherever it's hosted. It's an identical process to adding a new chapter to an existing story.

It used to be the case that sequels could get solo posts if they were deemed to stand alone well enough that a reader would be able to understand everything without needing to read any of the other works in the continuity, and he wouldn't be missing anything significant. For over a year now, though, Seth hasn't wanted to solo post sequels and asks us to make them update posts. Stories that are just part of a universe but not strictly a sequel to any particular work are fine, though they may be handicapped by the same thing sequels are: needing to have a familiarity with the universe to understand the story.

4163712 ,

OKay, gents, now I really am very confused.

Situation: I wrote a story set in the FIO universe. Not a sequel, but it certainly won't make sense to anyone who hasn't read FiO. How do I submit this story to EQD?.

Author Interviewer
Group Contributor

I'm gonna fob this off on Pascoite because he's technically the 'active' prereader here and much more knowledgeable about current operating conditions. :B

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