Sunset Shimmer 4,954 members · 6,869 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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There's a whole short mane craze going on, yet no one has drawn much artwork of Sunset. Why is that? It would be awesome if there was artwork somewhere.

Sunset with sort hair?! *fan squeals and passes out*

I think it's probable because her having Long hair is kind of her thing. Plenty of characters in the series that have short hair already. Besides not quite sure what she'd look like with short hair anyway.

Along with a cute Sonata Dusk

4217631 That's a good one. If only they had her with a pixie cut...

Derpibooru gave me these:

4217679 These are pretty interesting. I never did think about Sunset having shorter hair. I didn't even know a short mane craze was going on!

I-it's....ADORABLE!!!!! *faints*

4217679 Aw yeah! Now that's what I'm talkin' about!!!
I wonder if anyone did a her pony version with a short mane.

I think the lack of short-haired Sunset might be because it'd end up making her look boyish. Some of the examples shown thus far kinda back that up.

That said, oh good gracious this one looks good.

4217631 Seriously! She looks so pretty!

The top one gives me two thoughts.
1) Gods damnit why am I in boy's school
2) Sunset replaces Haruhi and joins the Host Club as a boy, shenanigans ensures.

The third one, *squee*

Celebrity redheads who end up cutting their luxurious hair inevitably make me cry inside: "Nooooo why'd you do it~?!"
But I do understand that their long red locks require ridiculous amounts of upkeep, and if they neglect it for even a day it instantly becomes the homeless look.


eh. I prefer Sunset Shimmer's hair/mane as how it is.

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