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Saw this and immediately thought of Equestria-as-graph. The video itself is a few years old and has apparently been used in a few games since, but it's no less neat.

That's fascinating! I've read this sort of stuff in fantasy novels* but to actually see it is very intriguing. I can't help wondering if a person raised in such and environment would find our "normal" Euclidean space bizarre.

* What immediately sprung to mind when I saw the pillar, was "walking around a tree into another world" bit from Nine Princes in Amber.

Dang, saw that video recently too! What games was the engine used in?

*Screams in Lovecraft*

Saw this! Holy crap, this video been floating around the surface of Youtube for the last couple of weeks. Neat.

Reminds me a little of Robert Heinlein's "And He Built a Crooked House."

I literally built Heinlein's 'crooked house' in Unreal Tournament 4. The editor allowed for non-euclidian construction natively. I called the level 'The Tesseract'

I also created a non-euclidian version of M.C. Escher's painting 'Relativity', too.

While these could be used for Deathmatches and Capture The Flag, I actually built them more as art installments to walk through. I wanted to experience, for example, walking around in the Heinlein house, and in Escher's painting as well.

To be fair, Deathmatch was awesome in the Escher world. It was possible to shoot a guided nuke and fly it through the wrap-around space back to where it originated, and fly right past your own character holding the launcher. That was fairly cool. You could snipe around the universe that way, too.

I’ve heard there is a Minecraft mod based off this.

That's freakin' awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Examples include Antichamber and Tea for God.


You could snipe around the universe that way, too.

"There was only one player left on each team, and I had the perfect sniper's nest. Finally, I found someone else glued to his scope. I pulled the trigger... and died."
:trollestia: "And what did you learn?"
"You don't like being made to simulate FPS games."
:trollestia: "It isn't the friendliest genre, but no. You value being able to tell entertaining stories of your past exploits more than a good K/D ratio."

So what would happen if you also had a time machine and you tried to kill your past self in a non-Euclidian setting?

At this point, we're getting into a billiard ball hitting itself away from the time portal it already fell through, and I'm just going to fall back on my usual answer of "parallel timelines."

You would be down a life.

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