Chrylight is Alright 838 members · 139 stories
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I hope this answers your question.

4338090 I'll take Pyroblast. It's mine, I tell you! All mine! Mwahahahaha!

Sounds like we're back in business, so here's the prompts list. Hopefully I'll update it as often as possible. Do me a favor and respond to this comment when you claim a prompt, okay fellow drones?

Current prompts (Up-to-date as of 7/1):

Crash Landing (palaikai)
First Contact (bobbananaville)
Gaseous (Europa)
Home Run
Peppermint (TheMusicalBoy93)
Queen Twilight (neokiva)
Ten Years Later
True Love (nioniosbbbb)
Winter Wonderland

Here is my submission for: Pyroblast!

Chrysalis watched with interest as she watched her ally Twilight Sparkle siphon the mana portions that a Changeling could create and feeding it into a rapidly swirling magic sphere with orange, reds, and yellow hues.

Once each Changeling couldn’t give any more mana, a pair of worker ‘lings would lift them to the side to rest and recover. Twilight continued forming this magical sphere growing it and growing it until it was the size of a large stallion, such as Big Mac and Shining Armor.

“Twilight? How is it that there are no Royal Guards attacking us? I mean, it’s pretty hard to miss a patrol of changelings out here just off the main trading route,” inquired Queen Chrysalis.

“What? Oh! That’s easy! I just simply used an enviro-meld illusion spell and combined it with a perception aversion spell. As long as they don’t bump into any’ling under the combined spells, then they’re essentially rendered invisible to the pony eye,” Twilight explained, vastly simplifying the more complex and technical parts so that Chrysalis could understand. It wasn’t that she thought Chrysalis was stupid, by no means. But the time that she spent with her friends taught her that not everyone could understand the same complex ideas and verbose vocabulary as she did.

“Another question then. Why haven’t any of the wagons and caravans detected what you’re doing on the road?” Chrysalis asked Twilight.

“Because I’m using the same spell as I am on the ‘ling patrol,” Twilight explained succinctly.

“Okay, then why hasn’t anypony felt anything or raised an alarm when passing through it? For that matter, why hasn’t anypony been blasted yet?” Chrysalis asked, still gazing in wonderment at the complexity of Twilight’s magical spellweaving.

“Well, because I’ve disguised the magical frequencies to match that of a natural mana node. As for why it doesn’t go off, it’s because I haven’t yet woven in the magical targeting algorithm. No target set, it’s not armed, and if it’s not armed, then it doesn’t have any reason to trigger the explosion,” Twilight explained.

“I don’t understand you, Twilight. Why would you help us Changelings after the attack on Canterlot Castle during your brother’s wedding day?” The Changeling queen asked and raised a brow as she continued to watch Twilight at work.

"I was upset, really upset. I wondered why you would attack the castle with such numbers, with such swiftness and then bind or place in pods the captured ponies. It got me to asking myself why you would chose to reveal the Changeling race when before we hadn’t even known what a Changeling was, or even what one might look like! Why come out of the shadows in which you remained hidden? I would find myself asking questions like these quite often over the next several days. Then, while I read a book about domestic and foreign military tactics, then I started having a thought. I thought to myself, ‘Twilight, what if this was a supply/ demand problem for the Changelings? What if they only attacked because their demand was greater than their current supply? As a ruler of a kingdom, would their attack on Canterlot make sense as a desperation tactic? A sort of gambol on the success of the offensive operation, and thereby claiming spoils of war to help a hungry nation? So, while I disagreed with your execution, I am not unsympathetic to the plight of you and your ‘lings,” Twilight expounded to Chrysalis.

“Okay, that still doesn’t answer why you would abandon your subjects to aid the Changeling cause. Nor of why you would even bother to find me,” Chrysalis asked Twilight.

“I don’t exactly see what I’m doing as a betrayal or abandonment of my subject or my kingdom, but rather that I’m a pioneer in favor of establishing healthy Equestrian-Changeling relations and alliances. As for finding you? That was sheer dumb luck,” Twilight explained as she continued to siphon one of the last six ‘lings for their mana to feed into her spell.

“Explain,” Chrysalis requested.

“Well, after the majority of the changelings were ejected from Canterlot, the Royal Guards captured some Changelings that hadn’t gotten blasted away. They were taken as prisoners of war and then Celestia, Luna and I studied Changeling physiology and their arcane matrices in order to try to discover a way to ‘decloak’ them, without them being aware of their having been discovered. I have to say that many of your soldiers held out, even unto death. You should be proud of how loyal they were to you and their fellow ‘lings. Still, hunger can break even the mightiest warrior, so we had enough Changelings who showed us their bio-arcane disguising methods. Also, we discovered that a Changeling’s body temperature is not the same as ponies, so really it was far easier to repurpose a thermal vision spell for catching disguised changelings. I merely had mine active to determine how many changelings there might remain in Canterlot. So, I had it active when I encountered you. So, from your size and your temperature matching mostly with that of a Changeling, then while my encountering you was mere chance, I knew with a lot of confidence that you were likely Chrysalis in disguise,” Twilight continued her verbose and informative explanation to her ally.

She had just finished siphoning the last ‘ling and proceeded to weave the targeting spells as well as the activation spells along with some guidance spells and an anchoring spell. “Alright, every’ling, retreat into the forest line!” Twilight commanded.

The Changelings looked to their queen, getting a nod of confirmation, and so every’ling retreated into the forest, the bushes and shrubs hiding them from plain sight.

“Still, doesn’t this kind of tactic go against your attempt to establish peaceful Equestrian-Changeling relations and alliances?” Chrysalis asked.

“As much as I’d like to jump straight to peaceful negotiations, do you really think that the ruling Sisters of Equestria will really welcome you back to Canterlot with open hooves after an attack by you and your ‘lings against them and their subjects?” Twilight asked.

“... Most likely not,” Chrysalis admitted.

“That’s why, this time we focus on attacking their supply routes and caravans. Then there will be less goods and distribution, eventually leading to a similar state of deprivation and starvation that the Changelings faced. Then as they weaken, they may be more sympathetic to your plight and be more willing to establish a truce or alliance between the Equestrian nation and the Changeling one,” Twilight reasoned.

“So how does this spell of yours work?” Chrysalis interpreted for one of the ‘lings who asked Twilight.

“Just watch, here comes a caravan now. Be prepared to loot and plunder every’ling!” Twilight responded.

Once the leading wagons of the caravan was dead center, there was a wagon sized explosion of fire. The cloaked spell moved to the next cart setting off another explosion and it continued until the end of the wagons in this caravan. It looked like a fiery serpent from a distance. There could be smelt the disgusting odor of ponies being burned alive, others screaming in pain, their coat and hide seared with severe burns. Others were running to and fro trying to extinguish the burning wagons.

“Go, go, go, go! Leave none alive!” Twilight shouted as Changelings burst out from the forest, like a raiding band of brigands. They transformed into unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies. Pegasi fought with Changeling pegasi ponies. Unicorns fought against Changeling unicorns. And earth ponies fought against Changeling earth ponies. While all this was happening Twilight was casting a Deluge spell to extinguish the fires of the caravan, so that no all of the supplies would be lost.

Chrysalis had been helping to defeat the unicorns, and then the earth ponies. Once they had been slain, then all of the remaining ground-bound Changelings shed their disguises and helped slay the remaining pegasi.

“Right! Let’s unload the wagons, see if there is anything salvageable. We take it if it is, or we’ll burn it with the wagons if it isn’t,” Twilight instructed, a hoof gingerly touching her over-worked horn and wincing from the aching throb it gave.

The Changelings went to work with a will, as they salvaged what could be salvaged, or they moved the stuff that couldn’t be salvaged into a pile, the charred remains of the wagons encircling the pile.

Many of the Changelings conversed animatedly with their fellow lings’ in their unique inequine tongue, filled with hope and the rush of being victorious.

The Changeling Queen looked over to the slumbering form of Twilight, carrying her to their camp in the woods, and using the hivemind to instruct her ‘lings to carry the loot to the camp and that several should light the pile of the unsalvageable goods and wagons on fire until there was nothing but ash.

“I don’t understand you, Twilight Sparkle, but thank you for giving me and my children a second chance.”

The Changeling queen felt something within her carapace. It was a warm and happy feeling. It surprised her, because surely Changelings couldn’t generate emotions … . Could they?

I create the prompt: Archaeological dig

claiming prompt Archaeological dig

Prompt: Archeological dig
Digging up an old foe

Morning outside of Ponyville a blinding light appeared high above the clouds, it hurtled towards Ponyville at high speed, before impacting the earth just outside Twilight’s tree library. the impact shook the library waking Twilight groggily looked out the window, Only to find a large crater with what looked like a hole.

“Oh my Celestia this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to study a real live star!” Twilight waking up fully gathered parchment, a pith helmet and her favorite quill made from one of Celestia’s feather’s. Twilight hurried down the stairs of her library, popping into her basement lab to collect sample beakers and tools. Swiftly she left the library, leaving a slightly bewildered Spike alone in the library kitchen.

As Twilight made it to the lip of the crater, she heard the sounds of a groaning mare. What a pony was hit!? forgetting her studies she rushed into the crater and came upon the black form of Chrysalis the changeling Queen. She had wounds all over her body, her green blood pooling into the bottom of the crater.

Gasping Twilight darted towards Chrysalis’s mutilated form, as she galloped up to her Twilight used her magic to turn Chrysalis on her back to clear her airways. When she looked at the extent of her wounds Twilight grimaced, Chrysalis looked up wearily to see what was picking her up. When her eyes met Twilight’s she laughed at her misfortune, coughing up blood.

“Come to finish me off Twilight Sparkle? Well do it, get it over with kill me, the last changeling, I don’t think I’ll survive and all my children are dead.” Chrysalis said as she resigned herself to her fate, tears falling down her chitinous face as she closed her eyes, waiting for a final blow to end her.

Minutes passed and nothing happened “Twilight Sparkle, do you mean to let me suffer. Haven’t you done enough!? At least grant me the mercy of a quick death!” Chrysalis shouted coughing and sputtering blood over herself and Twilight. Twilight frowned,

“I will not kill you Chrysalis! Why would you think that I would?” Twilight asked.

“Because you’re already responsible for the death all my children, just as surely as if you held the weapon that ended their suffering!”Chrysalis Raged at Twilight. “You ponies are all the same!”

Twilight’s horn glowed as she charged up a spell. “Finally, I am coming to join you my poor foals.” Chrysalis said as she closed her eyes. All pain ended for Chrysalis as she ceased to exist. The sense of numbness disappeared as they returned in full force, the only new sensation she felt was a softness beneath her battered body. Chrysalis felt another spell flowing over her as the pain finally subsided.

Opening her eye’s she saw Twilight Sparkle holding rubbing alcohol and other medical supplies in her magic as she was cleaning Chrysalis’ wounds “Twilight Sparkle, why are you helping me? Is it to ease your guilty conscience? What does it matter anyway, the Changeling race is doomed with only me alive to repopulate, the species and what pony would even want a monster as a mate?” Twilight looked up from her task quirking an eyebrow. Now that her pains had been numbed she could sense emotions again and she felt a wave of concern wash over her. Which confused her immensely.

“Chrysalis, I am not going to let you die, especially when I can do something to keep you alive. Despite my feelings towards how you ruined my brother’s wedding kidnapped my sister-in-law and tricked my friends into turning their backs on me, I don’t hate you. Besides even though you went about it the wrong way you only thought of feeding your children, if you were a real monster Chrysalis you wouldn’t care at all. You were doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.” Twilight finished up bandaging Chrysalis’ wounds and put away her medical supplies in her wardrobe.

Turning around Twilight lit her horn and used her magic to tuck the bewildered Changeling Queen in bed. Now you lay there and rest, while I inform Spike you are here.

“What in Tartarus just happened?” Chrysalis mutter to herself, finding the whole situation bizarre.


Twilight trotted down the stairs to the library proper and turned to see, Spike waiting for her. “So are you going to tell me what is going on?”

Twilight grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck, “Well you see I found Queen Chrysalis in a crater, near death and I brought her in to heal her wounds.

Spike’s widened “What!? Why would you help her after what she did?”

“Spike, if I didn’t help her then I would be the monster not her, it is the right thing to do. Everypony deserves a second chance and if she is dead how is she going to make it up to everypony she hurt hmmm?” Twilight said tapping her right hoof waiting for Spike to try and overcome her unassailable logic. Eventually after trying to think of a way that Twilight was wrong Spike slumped down.

“Fine, just be careful Twilight, don’t let her brainwash you.” Spike said grumbling.

“I am going to check up on her, again. You stay here and tend the library.”


As Twilight returned to her bedroom she saw Chrysalis deep in thought. When she noticed Twilight’s entrance she asked “Okay what’s your angle, how do you benefit from saving me?”
Twilight shook her head smiling at Chrysalis, which unnerved her. Twilight climbed up onto the bed and booped Chrysalis on the nose causing her to scrunch her nose up. “You silly mare, there isn’t anything in it for me.”

Suddenly a burst of light filled Twilight’s bedroom, out of it Celestia appeared her wings flared anger on her face. “Chrysalis get away from my student! Twilight get behind me!” Celestia shouted her horn glowing as she charged a spell to end the changeling before her. A flash of purple telekinetic energy ‘Flicked’ Celestia’s horn causing her to lose her spell.

“Princess Celestia, use that brain in your head and not the one in your horn and use your words not your magic!” Celestia blinked owlishly at Twilight’s outburst.

“Twilight! Why did you stop me!? I came to save you!” Celestia exclaimed

“That’s because I don’t require saving, that’s more your thing!” Twilight shouted causing Celestia to flinch back as if slapped.

“I am helping her, because she was injured and near death of course you would know that if you’d just talk instead of coming in all horns blazing!” Twilight waved her hoof at Celestia. As she continue her rant, Celestia fell back on her haunches her ears pinned back as the dynamic had switched between them.

“Anyway since you are here, I will be helping Chrysalis get back on her hooves and helping her make amends for what she did.” Twilight explained to Celestia.

“But she attacked Equestria!” Celestia shouted back

“So did your sister and where is she now?” Twilight retorted “Or do you plan on taking back the lesson you taught me about second chances and becoming a hypocrite?” Twilight asked as Celestia reeled back as if punched in the gut.

“And how can I be your faithful student, when you keep on doubting me or what I say? this is the second time you’ve doubted me.” Twilight said as Chrysalis behind her began snickering earning a hoof upside the head from Twilight.

“Chrysalis, don’t laugh at Princess Celestia’s predicament.” Twilight said as Chrysalis rubbed her head where Twilight had swotted her with her hoof pouting. Celestia snickered in response, only to earn a death glare from Twilight silencing her.

“Now what do you two say to each other?” Twilight asked

Celestia drew circles with her right forehoof and Chrysalis looked away both mumbling

“Sorry, I invaded Canterlot to feed my foals.” Chrysalis said almost petulantly

“I am sorry, I tried to kill you.” Celestia said pouting

Twilight smiled cheerfully “Now that’s better.”

“Well this has been one of the weirdest days for me, ever.” Chrysalis bemoaned.

“Yes it’s up there for me too, why do I feel like a scolded foal.” Celestia replied, a way she hasn't felt in over a 1000 years i bet.

Turning to look at the beaming Twilight, Celestia groaned and cast a spell, that should shield your mind from her brainwashing attempts.

Twilight glared at Celestia who promptly added “It’s just a precaution Twilight. And I gotta go I have the thing with the pony.” Celestia with all haste teleported away.

Twilight turned to look at Chrysalis who had a thoughtful expression on her face she opened her mouth and closed it several times, before settling on “Twilight thank you for defending me from princess Celestia’s wrath. Before I continue I want to ask you, what do you think of me? Aesthetically I mean.” Chrysalis asked red colouring her cheeks.

there is more but I hit the limit before it. So depending on response I shall make it a proper story.
Prompt true love

Claiming queen twilight(inuendo not intended)

4817958 Claiming "True Love". I have an idea for Queen Metis that fits that.

You know what, it's been a long time since I've done one of these, and even though I don't have a solid idea yet, I've got a funny premise for "Pounds," so I'm gonna claim that one. I'm not really worried about finishing it in time considering how long some of our other members are taking. :rainbowwild:

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

Well, there's only one mention of the word in the whole prompt, but this is what I thought of for "Pounds."

Chrysalis turned over in the bed, reaching for her partner. When her holey hoof found empty space, her eyes shot open.


“Over here, Chrissy,” Twilight called quietly from across the room, laying back in a huge chair. “Sorry, I didn’t want to keep waking you up.”

“You only woke me up twice. I can understand feeling a bit restless— royalty comes with stress,” Chrysalis responded.

“I woke up again, Chrissy. And again. And again. And that’s not why I was getting up. I’ve been…” She groaned. “I was using the restroom like mad. After the third time, I moved over here.”

“Oh, Sweetie, you didn’t need to—”

“Yes, I did. It’s not fair that you should get an unpleasant night’s sleep because I’m… having issues. And I don’t even know why.”

“Are you feeling alright otherwise?”

Twilight sighed. “Meh. I’ve felt better. Stomach feels a little off, but nothing crazy.”

Chrysalis started for the door. “Maybe some breakfast will help you feel better.”

Twilight put a hoof up. “Don’t. I don’t really want to eat.” She sighed and put her head down, then put a hoof over her barrel. “I feel like I even put on a few pounds. I need to watch myself at Pinkie’s parties. I’m getting as bad as Celestia.”

Chrysalis couldn’t help but snicker at that remark. “Sweetie, you look beautiful. So what if you’re gaining a tiny bit of weight— it certainly doesn’t look like it.”

“Yes it DOES!” Twilight whined. “I’m getting fat and there’s nothing I can do about it! I’m tired and I want to sleep, but I keep getting up to go to the bathroom!

Chrysalis let out a sigh. “I’m sorry, honey. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

“Yes. Hypnotize me into thinking I’m asleep.”

Chrysalis grimaced. “It… doesn’t really work that way, sweetie. Besides, only actual rest would help you feel better. If anything, my hypnotism would make you feel worse.”

Twilight let out a growl. “Grrrr… This isn’t fair! Why is all of Equestria against me?! All I want is a good night’s sleep, but I can’t even do that without worrying about getting myself wet! What’s wrong with me?!”

“Honey, honey, please,” Chrysalis walked to Twilight, who held her head in her hooves. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong. I’m sure it’s just—”

A switch flipped in Chrysalis’s head. “Honey, what’s that stallion’s name? Chad? Brad? Fre—”

“FLASH SENTRY!” Twilight screamed. “Why does everypony have some kind of problem with him?!”

“I don’t, honey, I don’t,” Chrysalis said, trying to calm her partner down. “Do you remember a few weeks ago when you asked me to transform into him so we could role play?”

Twilight crossed her hooves and grunted, “Yes, why?”

Chrysalis cleared her throat. “Umm… have I told you that when Changelings transform into the opposite gender, their biological anatomy changes as well?”

Twilight pouted. “What does that have to—”

Her eyes popped.

“Are you kidding me??”

I'll try harder next time.

Let's see, new prompt... maybe someone can have some fun with this: Toothbrush.

I just stopped in to see what was going on and was hit with this scene. It's mostly dialogue, and the sense of place is... lacking, but maybe someone will enjoy it.

Even if you've been in a relationship for a long time, moving in together always comes with new challenges and adjustments. It's a time of strife and adjustment; of new boundaries and compromises.

Corollary to this, no area of any joined household has spawned more conflict throughout history than the toilet.

"Chrysalis, what in the world is that," at a loss for words, Twilight Sparkle pointed at the object of her offence with a hoof, "that thing? And why is it in the toothbrush cup!?"

"Well, I think you've just answered your own question, now haven't you?"

"Are you really trying to play that game?"

"What game?" Twilight rolled her eyes.

"The one where you feign ignorance instead of answer the damn question," she growled. Chrysalis doubled down.

"I wouldn't have to 'feign ignorance' if you didn't 'feign outrage' at my toothbrush going where toothbrushes go."


"Yes, love?"

"That's not a toothbrush."

"Why would you say something so hurtful? What did it ever do to you?"

"Nothing! I mean, no, I, aaaagh! No. Look. Just look at it. What part of this thing says 'hello, I am a brush and I go in your mouth' to you? It doesn't even have bristles!" Indeed, it did not.

"My dentist gave this to me, you know. I asked her for a purple one because it would remind me of you, but she was out." Chrysalis grimaced at the disappointing memory, then brightened up. "So I ate her!" Then she sighed, "Such a pity, I liked that dentist, too..."

"You what? What!?" Twilight was momentarily taken aback before logic reasserted itself. "No, you don't go to the dentist! You've never gone to a dentist! You don't even have teeth! Not in the conventional sense! I should know, I wrote the only current book on changeling biology!"

"You're not being very tolerant, Twilight," Chrysalis pouted.

"It's not about tolerance! That just can't possibly work!"

"Well it works fine for me!"

"Also, it's made of metal. Sharp metal."

"Are you calling me weak!? Oh Twilight, is that how you think of me? Just a weakling charity case who you date out of pity?" Twilight's sigh was one that spoke of long torment.

"It was cutting through my magic," she deadpanned. "I levitated it. It was cutting through magic, stars alive what is that thing, you can't cut magic, I can't even-" Twilight's accelerating urgency as reality made a valiant effort at falling apart on her was interrupted by concern.

"You used magic? Shells, I hope you didn't break it! These are expensive and you can't handle them with magic!" Completely at odds with her explanation, Chrysalis lifted it with her magic to inspect it closely. Twilight sighed again.

"You bought it?"

"Duh. I'm no criminal, Sparklecheeks. You know this."

"No, I mean you said before that your dentist gave it to you."

"What's a dentist?"

"You are-" realising the situation was well on its way out of control, Twilight cut off her peevish response and breathed deep to calm down.

"No I'm not. I'm a changeling queen. Do you need another 'anatomy lesson' to clarify things, little miss author?" Twilight never finished her breathing exercise, as she began coughing. Chrysalis managed to hold her serious face for only a second longer before breaking down in laughter.

"Grrr, Chryssy! You are impossible!"

"And you're too easy, love. Anyway, it's about time for bed, move aside I need to brush my teeth."

"But! Oh, I give up. I'll just observe what's going on for my- OH CELESTIA'S BEARD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, MAKE IT STOOOOP!"

Shortly after, the royal suite had a second powder room added for Chrysalis's exclusive use.

Oh, and a new prompt? Hm, how about... salt.

5111805 Well, that was... interesting. :rainbowhuh: I'm all for open endings, but I need to know what the hell that thing is.
New prompt being added, 'toothbrush' taken off.


I need to know what the hell that thing is.

There are some things mortals weren't meant to know.

5113179 Who are you calling a mortal? :raritywink:

5113183 I'll tell you when you're older. :ajsmug:

*pokes head in*

I am so sorry guys! I'm going to be updating our collab everyday until i'm caught up! Life just wrecked me for a bit! I hope everyling is ready to come out of hibernation soon!
Your Queen

5132504 So long as you are feeling better. That is all that matters.



All prompts have now been posted and I will be reviving the hive tomorrow with the long awaited prompt "Tasty Murder"
I'm sorry this has taken so very long and hope to see you all back again! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

5145549 I'm keen to give this collab another go.

5145549 Sorry for taking so long. I'm a bit rusty, but hopefully this is worth a chuckle.

Tasty Murder

Drool glistened as is dripped down pearly white fangs. A pink, fleshy tongue lashed over those fangs, greatly anticipating the first bite. Chrysalis wondered if murder always tasted this good.

****A Little While Earlier****

The Crystal Tree of Friendship stood tall in the afternoon sun, its branches refracting the light in a array of colors. A gentle breeze stirred its leaves, making them softly tap against one another with a sound like champagne glasses. It was, in a word, quiet.

Sort of.

"Do we have to?" Chrysalis whined for the umpteenth time in the past few minutes.

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes and continued packing her suitcase. She was nearly done, the suitcase sitting open on her bed with everything she'd need packed together nice and neat. Chrysalis was sprawled nearby on a couch, apparently practicing her skills of persuasion.

"Twiiiiiiiilight..." the changeling drew out her lover's name, irritating the alicorn further.

The purple princess sighed and left her map of Canterlot half folded while she turned to Chrysalis. "Yes, Chyssi?"

"Do we-?"

"Yes, we have to go," Twilight said firmly, turning back to her suitcase and properly folding the map.

Chrysalis pouted and rolled onto her back, throwing a foreleg across her head. "Then I'm afraid this is goodbye."

"Chryssi, we're both going. Imagine if we invited Shining and Cadance to dinner and only Cadance came?"

"Not like that, my love,"

Twilight allowed herself a small smirk. She knew that tone. Chryssi was about to launch into one of her dramatic fantasies about-

"I say goodbye, for I shall surly be dead before dawn."

Twilight clicked the suitcase closed and turned towards Chrysalis again. This one could be good.

"And what will have stolen my lover from me?" Twilight asked, adopting the same overly dramatic tone Chrysalis had.

"Not what-" Chrysalis lifted her foreleg and dropped her voice "-but who,"

Twilight smiled and trotted over to Chrysalis, meeting her gaze from above. "And who is it that you speak of?"

Chrysalis stared into Twilight's eyes for a few moments before answering. "I speak of the one that has plagued me for so long. She who covets my death and longs to steal you from my loving embrace. I speak of the Sun Tyrant."

Twilight smirked and kissed Chrysalis on the nose, making the changeling blush. "Don't be so dramatic, Chryssi." She whispered, spinning on her hooves and trotting back to the bed. "Celestia does not want to kill you and steal me for herself."

"Does too," Chrysalis retorted, rolling off the couch and onto her hooves. "She lusts after you as so many do."

Twilight levitated her suitcase from the bed. "Is that flattery I hear, Chryssi?"

"Flattery? Not at all," Chrysalis said sweetly, trotting over to Twilight and giving her a nuzzle. "It's a simple fact."

Twilight returned the nuzzle. "Well, be that as it may, Celestia still does not want to kill you." Twilight began trotting down the stairs. Chrysalis followed her automatically, still talking.

"How can you be so sure. You have not seen, as I have, the looks she gives you and your bountiful body."

The stairs ended and the pair made their way down the hall and towards the front door.

"So what you're saying is Celestia wants me for my body?"

"Yes, exactly that! She merely thinks of you as a piece of meat. She does not care for your mind and soul as I do."

As they approached the door, Chrysalis's horn lit up and its telekinetic grip encircled the doorknob, twisting it and pushing the door open.

Twilight and Chrysalis came to a stop on the path just outside the Tree, facing each other. Twilight gave her lover a smirk.

"Well then Chryssi, if everything you say is true, then perhaps you should fear for your life."

Chrysalis grinned triumphantly. "Finally, you see reason."

Twilight nodded. "Oh yes. And I think I have to perfect solution."

"We kill Celestia back first?" the changeling suggested.

Twilight gave Chrysalis a somewhat amused look. "No, Chryssi. If Celestia just wants me for my body, then I'll bang her and be done with it."

"Exac- what? No!"

Twilight smirked. "But I'll be saving your life, my love. And besides, I never said you would be left out."

"But, but," Chrysalis sputtered. "But I don't want to have sex with that tasty oversized, cake mongering... uh," she grimaced, "F-fine, maybe I would."

Twilight snickered, "Everypony would. But let's talk about that later and just go to dinner now."

"Nope," Chrysalis said, turning up her nose. "I'm still not giving her the chance of seeing me squirm when she turns up the thermostat. I'm staying right here and there's not a thing you can do to move me."

"Is that a challenge, Chryssi?"

"It most certainly is, Twilight."

The purple alicorn grinned like a cat with a canary. "Okay then."

They sat there in silence for a minute or two, long enough to make Chrysalis glance back down at Twilight. Just in time to see her horn glow. The changeling's eyes widened when she realized what the alicorn was doing.

"Twilight, don't you dare-!"

The pair vanished in a flash of purple magic...


...And reappeared in another flash, falling an inch or so onto the smooth stone of Canterlot Castle's entrance steps.

Twilight shook herself as the last few sparks of residual magic worked their way out of her mane. Chrysalis swayed unsteadily on her hooves, eyes boggled.

A guard trotted over to them. "Princess Twilight, Queen Chrysalis," the guard said with a respectful bow. "Princess Celestia said to expect you." He cast a worried look at Chrysalis. "Queen Chrysalis, are you in need of-"

Chrysalis held up a hoof to silence him and staggered her way over to one of the nearby potted plants, promptly vomiting into it.

"She hasn't gotten used to long distance teleportation yet," Twilight explained, gently shooing the guard away before trotting over to Chrysalis. "So, we'll take the train next time?"

"F-fine," Chrysalis said woozily. "That was a dirty trick, Twilight."

Twilight looked a little sheepish. "Yeah, I suppose so. I'll make it up to you after dinner."

Chrysalis wiped her mouth. "And you promise to taste my food first?"

Twilight nodded and helped the changeling back to her feet. "I eat whatever you eat."

"And if Celestia offends me you'll defend my honor by the sword?" Chrysalis smiled as she leaned on Twilight.

"I didn't pack it for nothing."

Chrysalis laughed then coughed. "All right then, let's go see what Celestia's cooked up this time."


Drool glistened as is dripped down pearly white fangs. A pink, fleshy tongue lashed over those fangs, greatly anticipating the first bite. Chrysalis wondered if murder always tasted this good.

Well, when it was her diet, she supposed it did.

The changeling bit into the cake's spongy fleshed, her teeth shredding it in seconds while she moaned in satisfaction.

"So good," she said though her mouthful.

"Chryssi, manners!" Twilight admonished, blushing. She shot Celestia and Luna an apologetic look from across the table before taking a small bite of her own slice of cake.

Her reaction mirrored Chrysalis's more than she would have liked.

"Oh, Celestia!" Chrysalis called though her mouthful before swallowing. "What did you do to this cake! I've never had something so..." she trailed off, at a loss for the proper words.

"Family secret," Celestia replied with a wink, swirling her glass of wine.

Chrysalis shrugged and quickly devoured the rest of her slice before helping herself to another.

Celestia smirked and looked to her sister, who was gingerly prodding her own slice of cake with a fork.

"Celestia, what have you done to this pastry?" Luna asked in a hushed voice.

"Not a thing," Celestia replied, taking a sip of her wine. "I didn't have to." She watched Chrysalis eat with a wicked smile. "She'll eat the whole thing," she gave Luna a clandestine wink. "And she does not have the gift of our metabolism."

5165244 Definitely worth a chuckle! :rainbowlaugh: A few errors interspersed here and there, but funny nonetheless. Kudos!

Looks like we've gone dark again. I guess real life has taken over for everyling. :fluttershysad:

Time to call it, gang?

I'm assuming this means you're claiming a prompt?

Oh shit, I didn't expect a response! Are there prompts to claim?

i claim ten years later. lets see what i can do with it.:scootangel:

5369691 well, what we got, fam?


Home Run

Peppermint (TheMusicalBoy93)

Queen Twilight (neokiva)





True Love (nioniosbbbb)


Winter Wonderland

3559948 I finally did True Love. It's short, but I think it's sweet. And yes... they are watching the race from Today's episode.

Should I try write anything?

Comment posted by SeanofTheDead deleted Dec 2nd, 2016

I'm gonna call it dead.

Yeah, I'd call it dead. Foals even marked the story as complete.
Funny that you bring it up, though. I was just thinking about it the other day since I have links to my entries on my profile page.




If anyone is still wanting to write I'd be happy to revive ^^

Dude, call it, she's dead. It's been literal years since an update.

*sigh* This is true... She was a great ship though Old girl...

She was a good ship, but now is time for her to be put to rest.

*loads shotgun and heads out behind the ol' woodshed*

Nobody look away. This is part of growin' up, don't nobody look away.

I'll miss this. Are there any similar prompt based groups?

There was a Dislestia one I was part of for a hot second, but that one's been dead since ancient times.

Almost every shipping group has one, with varying levels of alive-ness.

I'm not referring specifically to ships.

ohhh...I getcha, I dunno tho...

Happened to remember this the other day. Sad to see I've remembered it a bit too late it seems. Ah well, good memories at least.

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