Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,324 stories
Comments ( 252 )
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Hello all! Silvershad0 or just silver is fine
24 years old and have watched the show since late season 1
I love all things ponies, though I'm a sucker for Vinyl and Octavia
Just started writing about 2 weeks ago because I want to give something back to the wonderful community

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group! :twilightsmile:

Please enjoy the threads and the folders. :pinkiehappy:

Hello I am new here. This group was recommended to me by arcum42 because I have been having trouble with another group and he said the people here are really nice.

The group is one that makes fun of fanfic and their authors and the group leader refused to remove my story. I have reported him and his group and so have a couple of others.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group! :twilightsmile:

Please enjoy the threads and the folders. :pinkiesmile:


Hallo alle miteinander!

My name is Ivo and, as you can see, I am a german brony.

I am a brony since November 2011, where I saw the first episodes on television out of boredom than anything other. I was rather surprised how good the show was and it quickly caught my interest. With time I found out about the great fandom and a friend of mine showed me Fimfiction and the fanfics in general. I had been writing in roleplays before but noticed that it wasn´t somehow enough, that I wanted to create my own stories rather than just playing and writing along a plot others created.
So I soon started to write fanfics to further improve my writing-skills, which was at the beginning a little bit difficult. Okay, I never had been very bad in english class, but there still is a big difference between the english we learn in school and the lyric english I need here. Let alone the fact that I had to learn much more vocab than I knew before.
That´s why my first written chapters in January appeared a little bit...wooden.
With time it got better and better, but still I´m also today very grateful to have a good dictionary-website to help me out if I´m again searching for a special word and also far away from perfection.

Anyway, considering my 'Favorites' my favorite genre to read is a mix of romance and slice of life, coupled with some sadness or tragedy.
But in fact, I just read what looks interesting to me.
What I don´t like very much are crossovers. (though I am already planning and writing one...)
My favorites to write are definitely adventures.

But let´s dismiss the writing now.

Next to that, my hobbies are playing a little bit table tennis, photography, cooking and, most of all, hearing music.
Yes, the latter in fact counts as a hobby for me. I may can´t play an instrument because I´m just lacking the talent, but I like very much to listen to my favorite music. Music inspires me and 'cleans my soul', to say so. A good composition is for me like a good book, or a good movie.
My favorite genre is symphonic metal.
The ones I dislike the most are hip-hop, mainstream and electronic, though exceptions prove the rule.
My favorite band is 'Lunatica' and my favorite song is 'Two Dreamers'.

So, that´s all I could say.
Only thing left: My favorite ponies are Twilight and Octavia and my favorite songs of the show is 'Smile Smile Smile' and 'True Friend'.

Phew...hope that isn´t too long for an introduction... :unsuresweetie:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Well, that was quite a long read! :pinkiegasp:

Nice to meet you Evo. Please feel free to use the folders and threads. :pinkiehappy:

Group Contributor

988645 Well hello there! Welcome to Love and Tolerate! :pinkiehappy:

If you're looking for a safe, friendly environment to work from then you've definitely come to the right place. A lot of authors here have had similar experiences and made some really great friends through this group. Personally, I'm here as a prereader, but I can offer support as well. Enjoy your stay. :twilightsmile:

990683 And don't think I overlooked you! Wilkommen, mein freund! :ajsmug:

You'll have to forgive me, my German's a bit rusty; my family's been stateside for a few generations now, though we still observe certain customs. Main reason I even know how to reply is because I took classes. :twilightsheepish: In any case, welcome to the group! If you've been looking for a friendly working environment, you've come to the right place. Lengthy introduction, but all the better to give everyone an idea of who you are.

Anyway, I hope you both enjoy your time with the group, we're happy to have you here. Remind me to look at your stories later. :raritywink: Auf wiedersehen!

992303 Thank you for the welcome. :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

992306 You're very welcome. :raritywink:



Thank you for that warm welcome! :twilightsmile:

Group Contributor

992501 You're quite welcome. :ajsmug:

Hey, I'm Heather Blossom, I've always liked writing and I think writing fan fiction would be a great way for me to develop my skills as a writer.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group. Please feel free to use the thread and folders. :twilightsmile:

Hi! I'm Fairy Tail. I'm 24 and got into the fandom a bit late (less than a year ago) :fluttercry: so I know I have a lot of catching up to do. I've always had a passion for writing, so I'm very thrilled to be able to bring that to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and share my love for all things pony!!

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group! I hope you have fun here! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Hi. I just found this group and thought it would be a good place for me.

The Names Phoenix Skyfire. there isn't really all that much to tell about me.
I'm a Brony plain and simple. People who say Ponies are not cool. Well I disagree.
I'm a newish author of Fanfics. Enjoyed reading them for a long time, even before I found out about MLP.
Now that i've found MLP I started working on writting fics.
I'm a big Romance nut in Fanfics.
One of my stories has gotten flamed (not realy down votes) quite a bit.
So I thought it would fit in here.

It's called Unlikely Love of Ages Past It's an Aged up Scootaloo X Diamond Tiara fic.

My other fic gets alot of love so I don't know if itll fit here

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group. :twilightsmile:

Please make yourself comfortable! :pinkiehappy:

Hi, I'm RoMS, a French Brony.

I've discovered MLP in january and I "fell in love" with this cartoon so far. And because i love it, i wanted to write about it (I've already written fanfics before) but in English which is both thrilling and an incentive.

I hope you will enjoy my stories as i will enjoy reading yours.

Discord is the Best draconequus, Luna the best alicorn and Snow Drop the cutiest pony ^^.

And I'm the 200th brony in this group.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Woah, that sure is great! :pinkiegasp:

Welcome to the group. Hope you have fun here! :twilightsmile:

I'm Bluemoon or Chris, if you wish to call me that. Im a 16 year old closet brony from the town of Maypearl, Texas. A town where there is more cows than people and the minority is almost the majority and I hardly know a lick of Spanish.:pinkiecrazy:
I've been a brony since about august last year and recently decide to contribute something to the fandom.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group! Feel free to use the folders. :twilightsmile:

Hi I'm Xeno Gundian(hi Xeno:rainbowlaugh:) sorry.
Well I'm a high school student and love to read, everything from romance:heart: to bloody horror:pinkiecrazy: and I have a very wild imagination and ,hope one day, to put on this site ,which might be soon(when ever I get to talk to my friend) let see anything else? I love everything Japanese and games and sometimes I draw and I love this group being made I try posting some my ideas with another group....let's just say it didn't turn out good:ajsleepy:
Enough said this is a awesome group
-Xeno Gundian

Hello everypony, the names F4D3.

I'm a rather interesting person who has a lot of uninteresting things to talk about.

I've been struggling with writing for the past couple years and have only decided now that I should probably show some of my ideas off. Most of my stories are rather bland, so I honestly wouldn't recommend reading them.

I'm a high school student with unimpressive grades across the board, but that's more from a lack of trying than anything else.

I like to give advice (whether or not it's good advice has yet to be revealed to me) so if you have a story you'd like a second opinion on just ask me. :heart:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin



Welcome to the group, both of you. :twilightsmile:

Please feel free to use the threads and folders. :pinkiehappy:

Don't be down on yourself I sure some of your stories are awesome and tip about trying at school DON'T TOUCH THE COMPUTER OR ANYTHING ELSE AWESOME trust me I was there and I did this now I'm a average A's and B's and also
YOU ARE AWESOME:pinkiehappy::yay::twilightsmile:
(I need to find another adjective besides awesome:rainbowlaugh:)

Like your bio
You deserve 5 moustache

Hi there. Planetarian here. Nice to meet you all.

I have never really written anything that I'd post online. This show and the fanfics made me do it.
I am a Canadian. Live in Vancouver.

Confound those ponies, they made me think.

I got into the show late at around 2012, and frankly it's the fan contents that really drawn me in. I enjoy the world building that takes place in some of the fics. Was a bit surprised by just how much HiE content that gets on here every day, but that's just personal preference.

(Honestly, the negative reactions with the Apotheosis of Twilight and Equetria Girls are a bit overblown.)

So far, my first and only real fic has 30k+ words (A cross over slice of life anime. Just 1 pony in a human world!) I did a one-shot that really wasn't good and I've promptly deleted. I realize that my writings tend to have the problem of heavily narrative driven and characters don't really come through and take existence of their own easily. It's an issue that I have.

My own academic interest makes me like history and sociopolitical aspects. I am not all that picky per se.

I am IT oriented, so I love tech. Hobby wise, I play the clarinet for fun. Music genre leans to orchestral and OSTs in general. (I loathe Bieber.) I game on PC (not much gaming nowadays due to commitments and whatnot). I am an anime watcher as well. (I've known Touhou since early 2000s)

Pony wise, I have a soft spot for Applejack. Admittedly I like Sweetie Belle most out of the CMCs.

Whereabouts in Germany? I generally would in Düsseldorf when I have to go for Hannover Messe.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group! Feel free to use the threads and folders. :twilightsmile:

Hey there, I just joined and thought I would introduce myself; I needed a reason to procrastinate.:twilightsheepish:

Since Ivo already outed himself as a german brony I might as well do the same, though I try not to parade it; I want people to judge my writing by the standards they would judge a native by, since I'm also here to improve my English.

I became a brony somewhere between the end of Season 1 and the start of Season 2, but didn't really interact with the fandom before the end of the latter. What drew me in was the impression that people took some of the lessons in the show to heart and incorporated them into their daily lives, or in dealing with haters. The maxim "Love and Tolerate" had a great impact on the way I try to interact with people these days.

What really got me into fan fiction though was the story "Building Bridges", which I was lucky enough to stumble across. It got me very emotional, and sparked in me the desire to write my own stories. Subsequently, it is creating and portraying emotions and moods I try to focus my writing on.

In real life, I'm a graduate student of biochemistry at the University of Frankfurt, which doesn't leave me with all that much leisure time to cultivate a large amount of hobbies besides my main passions: Writing, Singing and Motorcycling. I do like to play the occasional video game to relax, though.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group. Feel free to use the threads and folders. :twilightsmile:

Well. Might as well get the intros out of the way.

Secret Skull is the name. But you can just call me Skull. A brony who came to the fandom last year. I am also a very huge comic book fan. With a siiiiide of anything anime. I hail from El Paso, Texas and am jealous to anyone getting cold weather or rain.

I am writing an Anthro story for my first try currently I chose Anthro due to it being a plot point but there is no clop. Why? Because I don't have the first clue about writing anything in the erotic section of fan fiction. I am currently at 9 chapters so far but needs a looooot of editing. All chapters have not been edited yet so I shall wait. Guess it is for the best for I think taking my time is the best option for I want it to be a good success even though I do not care if I get featured. I also do kind of like the idea of a second proofreader for I want more opinions my story. I do not know when I'm gonna get a chance to post it but I do hope to post it on this site soon. Thank you for letting me take a bit of time to those reading this. :ajsleepy:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


You're welcome! :pinkiehappy:

And welcome to the group! Feel free to use the threads and folders. :twilightsmile:


A fellow Texan, huzzah!



Hi there!

I´m from Chemnitz, that´s in Saxony near Dresden.

O boy, that's far. The closest I've gone to your location would be Leipzig. I went to visit Auerbachs Keller.
It was a long ride on ICE (I use the Rail Pass Europe.)

Things are a bit cheaper there comparing to the whole of Rheinland-Westfalen. The really funny thing is that cost of living in Vancouver's actually even higher than Düsseldorf...

Hello, I'm Emerald Glow. I'm 15 years of age, and thus, going into my sophomore year of HS. I love writing, positive outlooks and ponies. I'm not exactly sure what kind of career I want when I'm older, but probably either along the lines of becoming a fictional author with an English major or go into singing.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group! :twilightsmile:

Please use the threads and folders. :raritywink:

Hello. I am Undermine.

Even though my main work of trade is graphic design, I find writing to be a very relaxing and productive mean of creative output. I've had a FiMFiction account for over a year, but just up until recently have I been utilizing it more frequently.

I also enjoy singing, music production, acting, and boxing.

Happy to be with a great-looking group! Auf Wiedersehen! :pinkiehappy:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group! Please make yourself comfortable. :twilightsmile:

um hello everypony. My name is Evening Storm. I am a 17 year old gay brony (Sorry heavy duty Christians) and I am a not so new but could still be classified as a new writer. I tend to write stories that focus on OCs and especially Evening himself. I dont tend to get any stories edited because I am a guy who believes that your first work is your best work. I write stories of every genre when they come to me. The story I am most proud of is The Last Words of Evening Storm. I love helping people (suprising side effect to depression) and i love animals. My favorite music genre is country but my favorite song is Shi no barado by Area 11.

I seem to be a beleiver of all religions to an extent. I believe in God and gods. Heaven and hell and all variations. Creation and Evolution. Reincarnation and alternate dimensions. I am a firm believer of the Magical arts known as Witchcraft by many. I also believe in the supernatural.

That pretty much covers it so... Have a great day/night everypony

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group. :twilightsmile:

Please feel free to use the threads and folders. :pinkiehappy:

Uhh.... I'm TheDerpyOutcast and... I'm an outcast. Outcasted for being a pegasister. I'm... going into middle school..... so.... Yeah.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group. :twilightsmile:

Feel free to check and use the folders. :pinkiehappy:

Hey all. 20 year old soldier from New York. Getting ready to publish my first fic and noticed this group so I figured I'd give it a shot.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group. :twilightsmile:

Feel free to use the threads and folders. :pinkiehappy:

Hi, I have just joined this group to learn the ways of love and tolerance. Let me introduce myself, I live in america. And I became a brony by first hearing about it from one of my friends (thank you prepsi of tdu2), but what actually got me interested in the show was because of discord (best pony). And i admit, I do say negative stuff every once in a while to keep things balanced, but hopefully I won't do that here:scootangel:. Also I'm agnostic and I dislike radicals (loveandtolerate). I am currently suffering a case of thinking-you-are-atempting-to-persuade-your-freind-to-imbrace-your-point-of-view-but-you're-realy-just-acting-like-a-hypocrite-and-an-idiot disease, (or tyaatpyftiypovbyrjahaai) but I'm making a good recovery :pinkiehappy:. And I look forward to loving and tolerating with you all.:pinkiehappy:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Welcome to the group. :twilightsmile:

Feel free to use the threads and folders. :derpytongue2:

  • Viewing 151 - 200 of 252