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I want to write a fic featuring Zecora, but there's one thing that's keeping me from doing so...

Rhyming. So does anybody have any tips on how I can still have Zecora be a main character, but be also good at rhyming or even avoid it?

4767712 Have someone else help write if that's not too much fright?


4767712 There are two types of zecora fics. One where all of the prose rhymes, and one where only her dialogue rhymes. The question you need to ask yourself before you even get started is why you believe she rhymes, because the answer to that question will inform how her perspective of the world is shaped. It'll also determine which type of fic you mean to write, and if Zecora really is the best choice of main character for the fic.

I'm of the opinion that if the entire fic doesn't rhyme, that is to say the prose itself doesn't rhyme and just her dialogue does, then that fic isn't from her perspective and shouldn't have her as a main character. Rhyming is something that gets easier the more you sit and do it. There's a natural flow to it, that if you know enough words, your brain just naturally reaches out for the next one that keeps that flow going. People are creatures of pattern recognition, and the brain wants to maintain the pattern.

It's a delicate balance, because you can't just choose the words that mean what you want, and you can't just choose words that rhyme. You have to think long and hard about everything that's going on so that you can work those two parts together: prose and performance.

Personally, I think my love of poetry really helped me when I wrote my own Zecora story, because the practice of making her dialogue rhyme and stay in meter came rather naturally. Honestly, I think practicing with poetry or songwriting could really be helpful if you want to make Zecora's dialogue more poetic or flowing.

here is my article on rhymed riddles - if you get rid of the "riddle" part, it's a good instruction how to write in rhyme. I did my share of stories that feature rhyming Zecora using these recipes.

4767824 Ill just burrow that. :raritywink:
4788231 Ill also try to make us of this too.

4767712 Usually I just think of what I want Zecora to say and then I try to modify it so it rhythms.

4767712 Eh... I took the cheap way out and made my story an AU. That way it's totally ok if Zecora doesn't rhyme. Still, I made her speech pattern slightly more proper and archaic, so that she sounded wise and intelligent.

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