• Published 9th Aug 2023
  • 480 Views, 27 Comments

CYOA: The Athlete - Forward Slash

A classic CYOA with Rainbow Dash acting as the love interest of this story.

  • ...

By The Book.

You let your muscle memory guide you as your fingers start to drag along the strings, matching the song that many had listened to countless times before this. A smile spread along your face as the familiar notes blessed your surroundings, creating a near-perfect replica of the original recording.

You can feel the band's gaze on your two moving appendages as you continued; goosebumps started to roll over your skin as all those hours of practice finally paid off.

Leaning back, you close your eyes and concentrate, imagining you're just back in your bedroom, running through it on your own. No one to judge you, no criticism heading your way.

Just the music.
Just pure bliss.

Your fingers started to sting a bit as you hit the final notes of the solo. The strings had left indents in your fingers, making it slightly harder to play, but you continued nonetheless, not wanting to let your bandmates down.

Coming back around from your daydream, you open your eyes to see Timber with a pleased expression. Looks like your mettle has been tested enough...

Soon after that, the song came to a close, letting both you, your fingers, and the rest of the band take a break.

Re-attaching the microphone to its stand, Timber opened his mouth to say something, before his attention was caught by something behind you. You watched as he moved his gaze to the doorway behind you, the previously mentioned look of pride morphing into one of confusion. The rest of the band seemed to notice it as well.

Now wearing a confused face yourself, you craned your neck to see what had caught your new friend's attention.

Apparently, you had forgotten to properly close the door behind you when you entered, because there were now roughly 12 shades of colour standing in the doorframe, and all seemed to be of the female variety.

Looks like you've been found out.

...Sometime in the future.

Author's Note:

well isn't this fun!

- FS
