• Member Since 5th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2022


Celestia and Luna's royal bard. Nature is my God, Art is my religion, Love is the Law. Concordia Invictus

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The Brilliance of This Song · 5:51pm Aug 16th, 2022

Tempest Shadow's pseudo-mature cynicism is revealed as what it is-whiny, adolescent sulkiness.

Report RoyalBardofCanterlot · 149 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

One of the best songs of the movie.

I feel like that is the majority of many villians. Something went wrong one day and then they snapped. In truth, that most modern villians and very few have good origins where it's not them whining against a world un just.

Still some of these vilians have great songs.

Whiny, adolescent sulkiness? It seems you don't understand the song at all. She has lost everything as a child, I would say that is goes way deepers as some sulking. She believed in friendship and got prooven wrong, therefore she had desided that she doesn't need others, and given how far she has come she wasn't wrong.

I love this song. But Tempest Shadow (Fizzle Pop Berry Twist) would have been brought down with a reality check and a proper verbal beating by one of my characters. And he for all his shit and violence still believes in friendship.

I would write up a whole back and forth conversation.

*hidden in the shadows* : "Ya know it is pretty asinine to just blame the whole bloody world for abandoning ya when ye where struggling with ye unfortunate disfigurement."

Tempest Shadow: "Who goes there!?"

Arcanum Folklore: "They tend to call me... Warlock."

*One Tempest Shadow lightning dodging and invisibility casting later.*

Tempest Shadow: "When and how did you get in?"

Arcanum Folklore: "Not important, though I will say that the Yeti's are a bit slow to pull the trigger."

Tempest Shadow: "If you heard all of that, then you must know I mean it. All that superficial shallow kindness that evaporates into thin air the moment you aren't convenient to those around you. Surely you get it. Doesn't it just piss you off?"

Arcanum Folklore: "It sure does, but it seems odd that ya think everypony is like that. Ye had shit friends, and parents that didn't even bother to at least get ya a horn cover and see if ya could get some physical therapy. Tough. Seems so wasteful to throw such a monumental hissy fit because of that though. Surely ya could have made a new life with all that blood money? Why comeback here to Equestria to help invade it? Surely no amount of gold can convince a sane pony to herald a full scale invasion of the wealthiest nation on the planet, and one of such size. Equestria maybe a nation that throws money at their problems and has other nations fight for their defense but surely you realize that occupying it for any extended period of time is impossible if not outright counterproductive, right?"

Tempest Shadow: "I was promised to be normal again... And anyplace that just abandons a foal after getting hurt by an Ursa deserves this, specially after spending so many centuries resting in it's laurels."

Twilight Sparkle: "What are you doing?"

Arcanum Folklore: "Saving us the trouble."

*One more missed lightning strike from Tempest Shadow."

Arcanum Folklore: "Sorry about that. Anyway. Ya know it is kind of funny. Ya could have comeback at some point after a few years of mercenary work and have had a silver horn prosthesis made with that sort of money. Could have retired that life and done something more fun with it. The physical therapy, and some training would have allowed you to cast spells effectively in a couple of months without much trouble."

Tempest Shadow: "What!?"

Arcanum Folklore: "Yep. Unicorns had been loosing horns to animal attacks and fighting for millions of years, ya thought no one had thought on ways to recover some semblance of horn functionality in all of that time? I mean ya where a filly, but didn't ya parents teach ya to scream for a doctor or something? Oh, right. They didn't."

Tempest Shadow: "You are being a dick."

Arcanum Folklore: "And you are being a fucking idiot! What is the point of all of this shit? Why live off that resentment for so long? Doesn't that get old? Don't ya want to be happy? Bloody Sheol I have seen crippled WIZARDS manage to still have work teaching Magick Theory. A mare of your talents and looks despite the blood ya spilled before returning home could have made a name for herself in many careers!"

Tempest Shadow: "How do you even know about how many I've killed? And what looks!? LAST I CHECKED I AM DISFIGURED!"

Arcanum Folklore: "I certainly wouldn't throw ya out of bed."

Tempest Shadow: "What?"

Arcanum Folklore: "What?"

Tempest Shadow: "Why do you even care? What do you accomplish by hiding other than to annoy me further you bastard! "

Arcanum Folklore: "I'm giving ya an opportunity to reconsider to help me kill the Storm King as to have a chance at a pardon once this is over! And why do I care? Wouldn't it be a waste to have you rot in prison till ya time comes to hang?"

Tempest Shadow: "Mind your fucking busyness!"

*more lightning, honestly it just becomes a verbal beating over the head with nothing but facts*

I got to say Tempest song show were she coming from. How she became the cold pony is as a adult.The emotional and mental scars it's still linger after the loss of her horn and the trauma of her friends at abandoning her.

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