• Member Since 5th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2022


Celestia and Luna's royal bard. Nature is my God, Art is my religion, Love is the Law. Concordia Invictus

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The Queen Is Dead · 6:10pm Sep 8th, 2022

Technically she was older than my country at least, my country in its current state. She lived a good life and had a positive impact on the world. God bless her.

Report RoyalBardofCanterlot · 261 views ·
Comments ( 12 )


There was a double rainbow above Buckingham Palace the day the Queen passed on. I'm childish enough to think that it's Queen Elizabet and her husband Prince Philip meeting again after being apart for a year.

Or if you're a cunt, here's something to sing along to:

There was a show on telly following the situation in real time. For once BBC did something right.

Wow... now that was unexpected. Still, that is rather sad to hear... may her Majesty forever be at peace.


I mean... no. It wasn't. She was 96 years old.

On the plus side, Britain is two for two on post-Charles revolutions. Can they go for the triple crown (:trollestia:) ?

Well you said "you people move fast" and I just menitoned it was easy to follow and act quickly because there was a live broadcast. Sorry if I misunderstood your message.

Ohhh, I get you now. I thought maybe you were saying the BBC was showing them step dancing outside the palace.

Who would nah fight for Charlie, who would not draw the sword, who would not up and rally at the royal prince's word?

Well the Charles's are 2/2 on revolutions, let's hope third time's the charm.

Is there an echo in here?

Amazing. I thought that was such a good comment that I've been using it a lot and didn't even remember I read it here first.

I was also heavily drunk.

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