• Member Since 5th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2022


Celestia and Luna's royal bard. Nature is my God, Art is my religion, Love is the Law. Concordia Invictus

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  • 107 weeks
    Three Kings (Short Story)

    Once there were three kings who set out to conquer the world. The first king declared "by strength I will conquer." He led great armies and conquered many nations, but there were always stronger enemies and upon the field of battle, he died.

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  • 109 weeks
    Two-For-One Anime Review

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  • 110 weeks

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  • 111 weeks
    The '80's Everybody

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Muhamed · 10:38pm Jul 19th, 2022

I love how the Koran's advice on "disciplining" one's wife is a reasonable guide for dealing with a small child: Those [women] whose rebellion you fear, admonish them, and abandon them in bed, and spank them.

No, really. This is how you discipline a child in the pre-modern world and barring spanking, even now. First, a verbal reprimand. If the misbehavior persist, remove a privilege. As a last resort, corporal punishment.

Then you remember Muhamed's wife was fucking six.

Report RoyalBardofCanterlot · 299 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

The world was a rather different place back then.

Doesn't make it right. Wrong is wrong. No matter the era

First off, the FUCK?!

Secondly, you gave the perfect description of how to discipline children in this modern era. Respect ✊.

Based and Islampilled

Very true. This is one area where (society) has mercifully moved on.

On a related note, it's suggested by Bible scholars that Mary was probably a teen when she gave birth to Jesus. Understandably, more modern depictions of the story tend to make her an adult.

Ye, asked my father about it since our family are Muslims.

According to his words : It shows obedience and puts them in their place; since the husbands were the ones going outside trading, fighting other tribes, herding and most of them farming. Wives shouldn't raise their voice if their husbands have been doing all the work and providing them food and shelter for their children. ,

And yes child marriages were common back in the ages of Muhammad.

When you say 'teen', that's a much vaguer term than you think, 13-year-olds and 19-year-olds are both 'teens', but one is clearly a child and the other is clearly an adult.

I'm from the UK, where 'teen' is used to mean 13 to 17. Apologies for any confusion.

And you seemed to have missed the point

When I was 13, I felt like an adult. At 19, I felt like a kid.

I haven't, actually. I am fully aware there is a considerable difference between 13 and 19 in terms of physical and mental maturity.

Marriages were not made at 6. Usually a girl needed to have menstruated at the very least.

Aisha herself records she was married at six.

I wonder if she meant marriage or just engaged. Engaging at 6 was very common.

An interesting point. But the marriage was, according to her, consumated at 9.

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