I spent $200 to make this Comic · 1:59am Jan 23rd, 2021
Yeah, I may be a little ambitious. Or insane. Or both.
Even though I haven't posted a lot of stories recently, I have been active in the art scene. I can't draw worth a dime, but I have commissioned a number of drawings, and this is my most expensive one.
I have plenty of story ideas running around my head, but I don't think all of them would translate well into short stories. This is such an example. While I won't say I'll never expand this idea into a full fledged story, I do believe a comic is the best medium for it.
Riouku has been drawing commission for me for a while now, and I really like her style. She and I collaborated for this project, and I really hope you like it. Please, tell me what you think and go support Riouku.
Too cute, I'm... I-I'm...
Glad you like it. Riouku worked really hard on it.
This is a very heartwarming and cute comic. You and Riouku did a fantastic job! 👏
I owe Riouku a lot for her hard work. Well, besides the $200 I mean
Wow. This is very nice!
The two of you did a great job!
I am dead from extreme cuteabeetus.
Thanks! She was really professional and worked really hard on it. We are both very pleased with the results.
Please, live!