• Member Since 30th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A lot has happened, and I mean A LOT. But... I'm slowly coming back. May need help with that.

More Blog Posts167

  • 23 weeks
    Happy Hearts and Hooves Day 2024

    Hey, it's me, believe it or not.

    Still struggling with life (aren't we all?), but finally making some progress, including coming back. Chatting with some you guys wouldn't hurt me getting on that road.

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    5 comments · 216 views
  • 75 weeks
    Happy Valentine's Day

    Yes, I know I've been gone for a while. There's a lot, and I mean a lot reasons for that, but I've never left this place. Maybe I'll go into more details in the future.

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    3 comments · 222 views
  • 166 weeks
    I've Finally Watched Breaking Bad... Really lives up to Hype!

    For years, I have had some friends who have gone on and on about a show called "Breaking Bad", with many naming it the greatest show they've ever seen. Despite having access to it, I never got around to actually watching it for a few reasons, with the big ones being time and the fear of the overhype.

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    4 comments · 252 views
  • 170 weeks
    Why Writing the SunLight Wedding is Difficult

    If I blink, I swear weeks go by. Where does the time go? :rainbowderp:

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    2 comments · 381 views
  • 174 weeks
    Getting Back on Track

    Okay, after much time away, I'm back for the time being.

    After the most recent tragedy, I decided to take some time away and do some readjusting. Something here, something there, new job, etc. I've been away from writing (except for my big project) and my blogs, so I hope to restart those. I've been keeping up with my art commissions, and I'll be sure to comment on those, too.

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    13 comments · 375 views

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day 2024 · 12:17am February 15th

Hey, it's me, believe it or not.

Still struggling with life (aren't we all?), but finally making some progress, including coming back. Chatting with some you guys wouldn't hurt me getting on that road.

Anyway, to celebrate one of my favorite holidays this year, I commissioned reliable Riouku with this lovely piece. It's a parody of a Archie Sonic cover from years ago that I always find funny, with some MLP flavor added for extra taste of course. Let me know what you think.

So, how are you guys? Like I said, I'm down to chat with some fellow Bronies for the first time in a long time.

Report RS-Belle14 · 216 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

I'm thinking Spike decided to mess with the Want it / Need it spell, and used himself as the focus. Cadance clearly knows this, and is torn between laughing herself silly, and intervening to protect Spike. It doesn't help that their version of Cupid was affected, and is firing arrows willy-nilly, which is just making it worse. Anyway, it's good to see you again, and hope you're feeling better!

I have a lot of ideas for what exactly is going on in this one (I may write a fic on it later), but as for the picture itself, I decided to leave it vague because I think this one is very fun to think about what is happening and how they got into this situation.

I'm okay. I'm pretty tired (we've been short-handed for a while, so I've been working way more than usual), but things will hopefully get better soon.

Comment posted by DullMobbins deleted March 30th

My apologies for taking so long to discover your profile and stories, i am now starting on the Prom Nights Light story, While they are short, they are very well written and Light hearted. I am reading them pretty fast as i can not wait to see what happens next, but reading them slowly enough that i can enjoy the story itself. I am happy to still see you popping in on occasion, This fandom has a lot of meaning to me as I discovered it after an extremely bad accident that crippled me for a long time, though short by a lot of peoples standards, i did not know if i would ever walk again due to how badly damage my leg was, not to mention other parts of me. The stories here on this site kept me going, when i was in a dark place, even while i showed my family a "front" to make them feel better and to think i was in good spirits.

Thank you, for writing such amazing work, I am sure such quality stories will help others when they need something to help them as well.

Hey, I'm glad I could help.

Truth be told, part of me is scared of writing, like it's become some sort of intimidating presence in my life despite me wanting to dedicate more time to it, write a book even. It's become somewhat daunting for reasons I don't even know. Although, I'm not retired as I do intend on rebuilding my schedule and writing confidence, and progress is slow but sure.

I'm hoping I can get my groove back and I can write more consistently. I hope that's okay.

I greatly appreciate your support, and I hope for your recovery.

Thank you.

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