• Member Since 27th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Wednesday


A partially insane Knoxville Brony who likes to write. I also edit. And Vector too. Who knew? Not I. If only I could focus on just one...

More Blog Posts105

  • 44 weeks
    A long needed update on Ponest Dungeon:

    I sincerely want to apologize to any readers who have been patiently waiting for Arc 3. I’ve been sitting on four completed chapters for Ponest Dungeon, specifically the Arc 3 Prologue through the third chapter, all because I wanted to release Arc 3 all at once. Due to several life issues, I’ve been unable to make the progress I’ve wanted in compiling, editing, and completing the last seven

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    3 comments · 193 views
  • 137 weeks
    Rescue Rangers Movie

    So, did anyone else see that there was a Rescue Rangers movie coming out… with Chip riding Fluttershy?

    It has Seth Rogan and JK Simmons, so… umm. Is it bad that I want to watch it just for the ponies?

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    5 comments · 271 views
  • 144 weeks
    Happy Hearth's Warming Everypony!

    I hope everyone is having a nice holiday!

    If you haven't already, make sure to check out Jinglemas and all the stories that just came out!

    0 comments · 162 views
  • 157 weeks
    The Movie Everypony is Talking About

    Woke up today, saw my feed was full ‘o movie reviews. So I went to watch it.

    My Little Pony: A New Generation

    I decided to do it as a my-little-reaction kinda thingie, so no fridge logic, not yet.

    Spoilers below here.

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    0 comments · 276 views
  • 179 weeks
    Categorical Grant's 2021 Cuddlefic Contest!

    Hello, everypony! It's that time again, for the snugs and hugs!

    I am always exited when these come about! Hence all the exclamation points!

    Categorical Grant is holding another snugglefic contest, and you are all invited to either participate, or just read in the festivities!

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    0 comments · 243 views

Three Days Until Ruin · 6:10am Nov 8th, 2020

Someone, who shall remain unnamed, CoffeeMinion, told me that the hype train needed to start now, so that people would know when the story was being posted.

So, beginning November 11th, I will begin posting, beginning with Arc 2 Prologue, and then one chapter posted each day until Arc 2 Chapter 9 is posted on November 20th.

That’s 10 chapters of around 85k horsewords.

In three days. So... hype?

If you were hoping for more of this stuff, now you no longer have to be all:

Comments ( 1 )

To anyone and everyone seeing this: GET HYPE. Start reading, or rereading, part 1 now, because you need to check this out. This is some grade-A kickass horsefic. Even if you’re not super up to speed on Darkest Dungeon itself, this is crafted to be enjoyable regardless.

Yes, I’m biased; I’ve been deeply embedded in the editing process. However, I work on it because I want to, and because I believe it’s a quality story.

So: come get your ticket punched for the wildest ride this side of Tartarus! :rainbowdetermined2:

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