• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2021


Just a pony being fabulous. Writer of vignettes, clop, experiments, a great deal of trash and the occasional gem

More Blog Posts885

  • 188 weeks
    Here and back again

    Things are rough my darlings.

    Its a cold, rainy morning. My favorite kind. No snow. No slush. I adore this. Even more so that I am under a heavy quilt.

    I'll write more when I wake up I think...

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  • 192 weeks
    A story in three parts

    And home. Well. I'm not dead. Fancy that. Whatever the pain is, it's not my kidneys. Which is as baffling as it is reassuring. I very much am grateful of course, but...also...wtf darling. They handed me some pills and told me to get some rest. They plugged me up with all kinds of machines which will cost and a leg, but I'm home, and my kidneys are okay. And I'm alive for another day. So darlings,

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  • 192 weeks
    The room

    31. Thats the number they gave me. Thats where I am. Room 31.

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  • 192 weeks
    This art, this life

    Has...has it been a month already? I suppose it has been. More than that, even. How are you my darling little ponies? I've missed you. And writing. And having a properly functioning laptop that can handle little things like opening up an internet browser and loading writing programs.

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  • 198 weeks

    As you were. Oh, yes. Rarityeqm tis alive....sort of. Only sort of, these days. Mostly, I sleep. During the day. Restless, horrid sleep that does ever so little to stave off your wretched thirst for the sun. I'm drowning in darkness, my darlings. Tis cold here, in the wee hours of the morning. Behind me, my television muted. My coffee mug lovingly kissed and caressed the pot still bubbling across

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Darlings... · 6:56pm Oct 8th, 2020

As you were. Oh, yes. Rarityeqm tis alive....sort of. Only sort of, these days. Mostly, I sleep. During the day. Restless, horrid sleep that does ever so little to stave off your wretched thirst for the sun. I'm drowning in darkness, my darlings. Tis cold here, in the wee hours of the morning. Behind me, my television muted. My coffee mug lovingly kissed and caressed the pot still bubbling across the kitchen. And me, on my throne of desolate isolation. I sit bleeding endless responses to insipid questions and my hatred for all things living slowly drives me mad. The overnight shift.

"Oh, Look, Rarity's back!" You might say. Tis true. I've missed you darlings. And felt you deserved an update. All....3? 4 of you? Yes, yes my loyal followers. "What have you been up to, Rarity?" You might ask. I. Just. Described it.

Art imitates life. Diamond works the night shift. And once more, I do too. Yes. That's it. That's all I've been doing. Working my pretty tail off in the lonely hours of the morning. I miss the sun. I miss the Vitamin D. The last time I had my levels checked they didn't show up on the charts. Bet it could do me a world of wonders now. Sometimes there isn't much sun to be found in Seasaddle. Tis a rainy place.

Yes. I've been working and that's all. Work, work, work. I don't write anything anymore. Don't go to movies anymore. Just work. And fret, I suppose. I an utter wreck these days. Today was particularly bad, which is why I'm in bed particularly early, writing this. Perhaps I'll take tomorrow off. My coworkers take days off. They took my last shift off, leaving me all along with one other in our little clique. We're all quite close. Actually. Leaning on each other. We're a bunch of lunatics, but we're working on things. Together. Seriously. We're scheduling each other therapy appointments, and picking up each other's medication. It's weird, and actually quite nice. It's almost....Alllllmost......like you could say.....Companionship is enchanted.

Despite my complaints and the fact this will probably, literally drive me insane, I do enjoy the job. Being able to work from home is exceptionally nice, and I don't have to commute anywhere for the moment. I make more money than I've ever in my life here, and I was actually able to significantly reduce my debt. Enough so, that I purchased a Virtual Reality machine. Quite a splendid piece of technology. I cleared a large open area in my room, opened up the paint application and suddenly I was in the middle of his field under the night sky. I quickly found the props button and began creating. Life size. In true virtual reality. I put together the 'Garden of Shadows' which is the dream realm location Diamond and the other 'Children of the Night' hang out. It was quite lovely, and just the way I'd imagined it. Fireflies dancing around flowers, vines hanging down from the trees, creating a 'roof' among the grove of trees. Lush beds of impossible flowers. I created roses that had burning petals. A toppled over pillar that had been over taken by nature and a suddenly...I was there. A little stone path leading in, oh, darlings, it took hours, but twas SO rewarding. Perhaps I can find myself there again with the where-with-all to snap a picture, when I'm not marveling at my own creativity. Perhaps I'll start writing again. I do miss that Diamond and Scootaloo series, I'd been doing. Perhaps I can start something new. I was thinking, perhaps, Diamond's last story arc. Where she and Dinky face off against the nightmare that had cursed Diamond in the first place. After a surprising defeat, Diamond spends her remaining days in the hospital and Scootaloo comes to visit. They talk. Much like Horlick's Hill.

Or maybe I'll dip my hooves back into porn and just stay there. I miss the attention. I miss the fans and followers. I miss the spotlight. Know what an easy way to grab the spotlight is? THATS RIGHT DARLINGS HORSE PORNOGRAPHY (...Damn it Applejack...)
Or, perhaps I'll just put the computer down again and leave it sitting there for another 6 months.

I suppose I must be getting to bed. I'll not have the sun again until perhaps next Monday, should I be awake long enough to enjoy it. This night shift. It is killing me. I love it so. But it is killing me. Literally, I'm fairly sure.

Report RarityEQM · 601 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Take care of yourself dear.

Don't worry, I'm always checking for any updates from you, especially if you comment on my stories with suggestion on how to portray you, properly.
You should write what your heart tells you, not what you feel your many, many fans want.
We want Rarity, in all her glory; not a pandering loon begging for handouts.
And you, darling, are what young fillies and colts aspire for!

'''Tis wonderful to hear from you, dear Lady! And the virtual world you created sounds positively fabulous! I'm looking forward to seeing pictures when you have a moment.

Please take care and do try to get some sunshine, when you can and weather permits. Perhaps you might invest in a sun lamp. Just for a few hours a day, as I know, like me, you enjoy the stars and night sky.

Though I enjoy all your stories, I'd love Diamond Dancer best. I hope you can continue writing about her soon.

Please do be safe and take care, Lady Rarity. Remember we are here for you.:heart:

Could we see this virtual art masterpiece?

It's wonderful to hear from you again, Lady Rarity! We missed you, too. It sounds like life has been... limited, should we say, but despite your dreadful work schedule, it's good to see that you're at least keeping yourself going to some degree.

Ah yes, the Oculus. I have one of those myself, and I also have the art program. It's a very nice way to unwind. I agree with the others here— it would be wonderful to see this piece that you've created. We want to see what you're proud of doing, what you put your passion into; not what you think we want. No need to pander to us.

If you haven't already done so, if you need some movement and exercise, I highly recommend getting Beat Saber. Or Echo VR if you prefer competitive exercise (and Ultimate Frisbee). Both are tremendous fun.

Take care of yer self bud! =)

Hopefully you can find your muse again. On a day off. In the sun.

Yes. I've been working and that's all. Work, work, work. I don't write anything anymore. Don't go to movies anymore. Just work. And fret, I suppose. I an utter wreck these days.

fuckin mood


Take care of yourself.
Do what energizes you. Don't let yourself get bogged down with what you think other people want. If someone doesn't like what satisfies your creative wants and needs: then that's their hangup, not yours:derpytongue2:

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