When your food defines you, it can help make new friends ... or chain you to your past. Trying something new means you won't be held back by your culture, be it human, pony, or Siren.
Apologies for the early 'Complete' tag on Yona's fic. It's a three-chapter fic, and the tag should have read 'Incomplete' to start. I mis-clicked when double-checking everything earlier. It has since been fixed.
Coming soon, a Spiritual Successor to 2014's "The Spunky Chicken" (see Tagged Story).
Apple Bloom doesn't mean to embody rural pony stereotypes, but she just does. She's got an ack-cent, she wears denim shorts and plaid, and is pretty darn handy with a wrench or brute force to fix something farm-related.
And she didn't mean to sleep with a cousin; that just sort of happened.
5273265 I think what's weirding me out is that's only partially rainbow. There's a streak of brown in the middle, which I guess makes it more an inclusive LGBT rainbow, but far less appetizing than the ones shown in that second article.
I think that's how their 'violet' turned out. It darkened to the point where it was more brown than purple. It doesn't look like the rest of the colours align with their place in the rainbow.
No, the blue and red look fine, the colours just aren't in the proper order you'd see in a regular rainbow. This isn't one of those artisinal bagels, probably a home-made batch.
Please tell me that's a rainbow colored bagel and not some kind of doughnut covered in lox.
It is indeed a rainbow bagel. :D
Good. Good. I thought about salmon doughnuts and I puked a little in my mouth.
Maybe I'm just channeling my inner Pinkie Pie, or maybe I'm pregnant, but I kind of want to try a smoked salmon doughnut now.
oh geez D: I thought it was moldy
People do Weird Things to bagels. But Rainbow Bagels became a thing and I had to go with something that kind of matched the title.
I'm sure Pinkie finds out a way to use merge rainbows and food, (once she solves the spiciness issue)
I think what's weirding me out is that's only partially rainbow. There's a streak of brown in the middle, which I guess makes it more an inclusive LGBT rainbow, but far less appetizing than the ones shown in that second article.
I think that's how their 'violet' turned out. It darkened to the point where it was more brown than purple. It doesn't look like the rest of the colours align with their place in the rainbow.
That makes sense! :O So I should blame the camera maybe?
No, the blue and red look fine, the colours just aren't in the proper order you'd see in a regular rainbow. This isn't one of those artisinal bagels, probably a home-made batch.