• Member Since 1st Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 11th, 2022

Norm De Plume

More Blog Posts18

  • 207 weeks
    Fic On The Way

    The Entry for FanOfMostEverything's A Most Delightful Ponidex contest will be up in a day or so.

    When Sunset left Equestria behind and headed for the human world, she missed an important date.

    No, not a birthday, or an anniversary.

    She missed her own appointment with death.

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    2 comments · 267 views
  • 227 weeks
    Fic On The Way

    May 2020 Pairing Contest Entry is almost ready!

    10 comments · 277 views
  • 285 weeks
    Honor and Glory(hole)

    Apologies for the early 'Complete' tag on Yona's fic. It's a three-chapter fic, and the tag should have read 'Incomplete' to start. I mis-clicked when double-checking everything earlier. It has since been fixed.

    The Smashing has only just begun.

    0 comments · 335 views
  • 285 weeks
    Fic on the Way

    Yona overhears something she shouldn't, ends up somewhere she doesn't belong, and is forced to smash the place up.

    Based off a ridiculous thought of "Yak hear about glory hole, want glory for self!" and the ensuing fallout.

    There's porn.

    And banter. Lots of banter.

    And more porn.

    3 comments · 342 views
  • 289 weeks
    Fic On The Way

    Coming soon, a Spiritual Successor to 2014's "The Spunky Chicken" (see Tagged Story).

    Apple Bloom doesn't mean to embody rural pony stereotypes, but she just does. She's got an ack-cent, she wears denim shorts and plaid, and is pretty darn handy with a wrench or brute force to fix something farm-related.

    And she didn't mean to sleep with a cousin; that just sort of happened.

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    2 comments · 370 views

Fic On The Way · 1:30am Oct 17th, 2020

The Entry for FanOfMostEverything's A Most Delightful Ponidex contest will be up in a day or so.

When Sunset left Equestria behind and headed for the human world, she missed an important date.

No, not a birthday, or an anniversary.

She missed her own appointment with death.

Now Starlight Glimmer must recruit as much research help as she can to stave off the Ageless Archive's demand for her friend's soul.

Report Norm De Plume · 267 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

ngl really glad you drop these blogs ahead of time, otherwise when it dropped without notice I'd be too excited to actually read it, and would just put it off until i was in the perfect headspace.

We miss you, mate. When will you come back?

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