• Member Since 30th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen March 1st


Writer, artist, musician, and sometimes other stuff. Like my work? Help support more via patreon!

  • TWind and Stone
    The Red Cloud War saw the pegasi lose everything to the griffon hordes. Legends rose, heroes died, and through it all, Pathfinder survived. Eighty years later he must confront those painful memories. Memories of loss, of home, of the wind and stone.
    Ruirik · 225k words  ·  180  10 · 2.3k views

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Soon · 8:43pm Jan 26th, 2020

Returning to a fimfiction.net near you, Monday February 3rd.

Wind and Stone is back.

Report Ruirik · 732 views · Story: Wind and Stone ·
Comments ( 4 )

yes but what about you? I haven't seen you around in ages either.

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