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  • 19 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 43 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 66 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 75 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 82 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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Next WoW expansion III · 7:41am Nov 1st, 2019

It's that time again! Tomorrow is Blizzcon 2019, and we'll very likely, almost certainly, probably definitely, learn about the next WoW Expansion!!! So, as per tradition at this point, I wanted to offer some of my speculations and offer a chance for all of you to comment on them and present your own... you know, within those less than 24 hours that there are left before the announcement :twilightsheepish:

But first, there are two issues that have to be addressed, the first being Rebirth of the Damned. As I often brought up in my other blog posts, I am very, very super sorry that there hadn't been any updates to it for so long. I had been busy with other things. Rest assured though that the story isn't abandoned. I will do my very best to write a new chapter before the end of 2019.

The other issue is more serious. I'm sure that at this point you've all heard about the recent controversy with Blizzard and a player called "blitzchung", how they confiscated his winnings and banned him from Hearthstone for a year (though in about a week they changed this decision to just half a year ban and gave back his winnings) for proclaiming his support for Hongkong at the end of the interview, which started a huge outcry around the world . I know, kinda late to comment on that, just shows how busy I've been. Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that after learning about this myself and thinking about it, I cancelled my WoW subscription and wrote in reasons that I wasn't supporting how they were handling this matter. I will return to the game at some point, though, and I am certainly not burning my cds like some people had done because that doesn't hurt Blizzard in any way, and more importantly, I am pretty sure that's harming the environment -_- Anyway, I just realized that I had to, as otherwise I would be a hypocrite to all the values I try to promote through my stories and in real life. I was slightly pissed about this, though, as I literally a day earlier got back into retail WoW :facehoof: Of course, I am mostly pissed at Blizzard for creating this matter and then not handling it very well. Anyways, I obviously support the Hongkong's protests, freedom of speech is important (and with that stupid party winning elections in my own country again stuff regarding freedom of speech will be getting gradually worse over here - already been for the last 4 years - though obviously not to THAT level), and I hope Blizzard had at the very least realized how badly they screwed up and won't do something like this again. And I hope Hongkong's protesters win of course, but we are getting off topic at this point. ... There isn't any Chinese company that owns a bit of Fimfiction's shares or anything like that, right?

Okay, now we can get back to the expansion! Unfortunately, there had been even more leaks that 2 years ago this time around, so at this point the next expansion's titlte and general theme is pretty well known, so I'll cover this briefly. For those of you hadn't looked this up before, beware, spoilers below, so don't look down!

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Apprently, we're gonna go to the land of the dead? (btw, props for Blizzard to announce this on All Saint's Day, day where in a lot of countries we visit the graves of our loved ones, kidna fits to announce such an expansion on that day right?) And the Lich King is back! Yay^^ Regardless of the leaks, I more or less expected that to be the theme of expansion, with how often death and the Shadowlands had been brought up during Battle for Azeroth. Plus, its about time Bolvar wakes up from his slumber, apparently it took him years longer than Arthas to get used to the Lich King's power.

It is suspected that we will be going to actual Shadowlands as sorta new "continent", but also we'll get mysterious Dragon Islands. I've also been wondering about... a total revamp of old continents. Seriously, Cataclysm had been going on in Kalimdor and Easter Kingdoms longer than whatever had been happening in Classic in those continents, we need a new content. Plus there had been a LOT of changes that need to be addressed and made permanent, like Theramore (#remembertheramore), Teldrassil (#vengenceforteldrassil), Lordaeron, changes in leadership... but what could be happening that would require such revamp? Well... return of the Black Empire!

Yeah, I know that this will be technically happening in 8.3 with Visions of N'zoth. However, some people speculate that when we go to the new raid and kill N'zoth, it will turn out to be an illusion. That for the next few months all we do in WoW will be an illusion, we lose to N'zoth and are trapped in dream or whatever, and Bolvar (for example) wakes us up through the Shadowlands or somethign! So the most elusive Old God would still be in play! Granted, it is more likely that he will really be killed in 8.3, but we'll see. We can always hope, and hope, as recentl the greatest warchief that never was had said, cannot be killed.

Now, Shadowlands, who do we fight? Well, even disregarding my earlier suggestion, forces of the void and Old Gods would most definetly still be in play. Another side of the conflict, possibly the big bad even, would be whoever had caused Vol'jin's death (as his spirit mentions that something was wrong on that day at the Broken Shore, he should have dodge the attack that mortally wounded him) then deafened the loa spirits and manipulated him to naming Sylvanas as his successor. Perhaps its Mueh'zala, the REAL loa of death? Or somebody else... and it was mentioned that Vol'jin was also "touched by hand of valor". By whom? Elune, perhaps? Btw, Elune will possibly also play some part in the upcoming expansion. Datamining from 8.3 suggest that Tyrande is pissed with her and want's to investigate why did Elune let so many of her people die; perhaps she had some plan regarding Shadowlands? Hm... Bwomsandi will most likely be involved, too, and Helya and Odyn. And, of course, Sylvanas, whom I can't wait to kill once and for all!

Speaking off killing Sylvanas, I hope that, considering that we're going to the land of the dead, we will at least get to see Arthas in some way. Perhaps we could visit some vision of Sylvanas fear and meet him in where she had been send after her death briefly? And I mean, have you seen how many references to Arthat there were in cinematics this latest expansion? First with Battle for Lordaeron, then Jaina's Regrets, then in the latest in front of Orgrimmar. Admittedly, it could be just showing how big impact Arthas had on the franchise, that almost 10 years after we killed him he gets constantly brought up, but still, I think they are planning something...

There are some rumors that Alliance and Horde will sorta be gone, at least as we know them. That now we will be able to pick which faction we want to belong to. I... sorta don't understand what would be the "in lore" reason for doing that, though. What, I spend over a decade fighting in the name of the Alliance across four worlds in countless campaing, sometimes against the Horde, and suddenly I would join them? Other way around is the same. I suppose in case of blood and void elves it would make sense, and Forsaken, but that's about it. And goblins :eyeroll:

Now, new races and classes. I don't think we'll be getting any new "core races" anytime soon, which is a pity, as I always enjoyed the starting zones. No, for some time any new races we'll get will be allied races. Which is admittedly clever. What new races could ally with us? Well... not quite sure whom we could ally with in Shadowlands itself, but I know of two races we encounter in BfA that could ally with us:


Our allies from under the sea, they could decide that it would be good to join those walking on the surface and would stick with Alliance. They'd just need to come up with female models.


Yeah, I know I talked about those 2 years ago, but this time around there is actually a possiblity of them joining us. In 8.3 there is one clan that plays a part in quest chain; what if afterwards they decide to stick around? They would most likely join the Horde, since they have ties with the Zandalari. I think it would be neat for the Horde to finally have descands of titanforged race among them.

Additionally, there could be some new undead, the undead night elves and maybe some Lightbound undead like Calia? But that's about it regarding races.

Now, classes... why don't we look back at what I wrote 2 years ago?

1. Dark Ranger / Shadow Hunter

I put those two together because honestly they have a lot of similiarities. While the first one is primary ranged and the other primarly melee, they can easily switch (Sylvanas had been seen fighting with daggers, Vol'jin had fought with a bow in Shadows of the Horde and originally planned to kill Garrosh with an arrow; even mentions when travelling to Pandaria that he brought a bow just in case). They draw of supernatural powers, one on either void or necromancy, the other on the power granted them by the Loa. Both seem like they could be the next class in this next expansion; Sylvanas it he Warchief of the Horde now, she could order her dark rangers to train other races; Alleria had gained some interesting new powers from the Void in Legion, she could train Alliance races. And as for Shadow Hunters, well, that would work if the Zandalari would join either faction, or if Vol'jin returns and trains them or something. Also, it is important to note that people had been complaining that only hunters use ranged weapons now, so this could be the answer to those people; also, all the classes previously added were all melee classes. Need a little diversity.

2. Warden

Think of a combination of rogue and either priest or a mage, and bam, you got one of these (or a demon hunter I suppose, but whatever). They've been highlighted a bit during Legion, and been a hero class in Warcraft III, so I think they could become a class. The only problem is that they are solely night elf and solely female. However, they also suffered heavy losses very early into the Legion's invasion; it could happen that Maiev would decide to increase their ranks by recruting among other races.

3. Necromancer

Yeah, I know, a bit too optimistic that this will ever happen. I mean, necromancers are universally hated by everybody; even warlocks have a better rep than them (lorewise; gamewise every raid I've been a part of is glad to have a warlock, due to summoning players and healthstones). But with the Lich King stirring up some things and by Scholomance being raided by Shadow Council, I think it would make somewhat of a sense if necromancers would try to move up in the world or something. And necromances aren't necesserily evil in other franchises, including another of Blizzard's games, Diablo; they recently even added the necromances to Diablo III, didn't they? Also, it would not only be a new ranged class, finally, but also a new caster class to boot. Also also, they were considered by Blizzard to be a possible hero class in the past.

4. Tinker

Lets be honest, in we all remember how awesome was Mekkatorque in that Broken Shore's Alliance cinematic, right? So why not have an entire class of people like him? Tinkers, using their inventions as abilities, maybe even driving those steam armors? As con though... I am even less sure how Blizzard could make this work than having nagas with pants armor. Also, I feel like only races that could actually have tinker as a class would be gnomes and goblins, and I feel like after demon hunters we would all like a class with a little wider variaty of races.

Okay, so I think all four guesses are actually more possible this time. Let's start with necromances; in expansion centered around death they are an obvious choice! Since Bolvar the Lich King will be taking part in action, perhaps we could be his necromances? Warden, we all want to bring Sylvanas to justice, and now that there are undead night elves there could be Wardens on both sides! Dark Ranger is less likely, as aside from undead night elves most seem to remain loyal to Sylvanas, but shadow hunter seems passible, especially since we're going to SHADOWlands ;p And as for tinker, well, with the mechagnomes joining the fun it would seem like a next step.

There are also some talks about death knight being able to be allied races, that Bolvar had been raising new ones, meaning death knights would get a new starting experiance. Plus they would possible get a new, 4th spec - fire/flame. Seems kinda odd for death knight, since we mostly think about frost and ice when thinking about them. Buuut to be fair, fire kills people too. Plus one of the original Four Horsemen. Thane Korth'azz, was actually flame-themed, so the idea had been there since Classic. Aaand with the new Lich King being sorta fire-themed too it just makes sense.

Okay, that's about all I have, I can't wait to see how wrong I was this time around^^ Let me know what you guys think and what do you expect^^ (Also sorry this comes out so late, been awfully busy this few last days and on top of that my internet died when I was working on this the night before, making it impossible to post this for few more hours :/ )

Edit from next morning: Still without internet, managed to connect via my phone. Looks like some a**hole coming back drunk from Halloween party decided it would be fun to mess with the box from our internet company that's hanging on the corridor and disconnected us. Right on the holiday and before weekend, meaning I'm potentially without internet for the next 3 days. Awesome.

Comments ( 26 )

Those are some good ideas. How do you like the Aqir? Are you happy that we finally get to see them in-game? I know I am, I would like to see which type of Aqir became one of the descent races; The Nerubians, Mantids, and Qiraji.

Ah yes, that. Forgot to put this in the blog post because of the internet issues I've mentioned. Anyway, looks like a shot from a cinematic to me. I think the cinematic for the next expansion will have Bolvar. Kinda thinking that Sylvanas would come to Icecrown to claim the Helm of Domination, but the ice around Bolvar would shatter and he would awake, then beat her pale ass and force her to retreat.

I'm a big fan of Aqir races, especially Nerubians, love their architecture. I hope we'll somehow get to explore more of Azjol-Nerub, and that there will be some references to Arthas and Anub'arak's journay through them.

There are two slots still missing from the allied window Undead and Worgen.

Lightforged Undead are heavily implied since Calia will play a major role in the future Some 8.3 spoilers .
She even starts to call herself Calia Menethil of Lordaeron again.

But what an allied race could the Worgen get? Some Saberon that have the same kind of model came back with the Mag'har from alternate Draenor but they didn't seem really civilized.

I hope it gets cleared later today XD

"I'm sure that at this point you've all heard about the recent controversy with Blizzard and a player called "blitzchung""
...I mean, first I've heard anything about it, but that's not all that surprising, given I don't really follow Blizzard these days.
[reads what you wrote]
...So, uh. Blizzard apparently decided to explicitly align itself with the PRC? Huh.

Oh, good luck over there (with the freedom of speech stuff).

I don't think I've heard anything about the new expansion, but I also don't care about spoilers here, so reading on! :)
...Huh. How? And what happens if someone dies in the land of the dead?
(I'm also wondering how the war I believe was/is running in Battle for Azeroth gets resolved, if it does.)
...Huh (saying that a lot here, apparently), really, it's been that long since Cata? Wow.
"that almost 10 years after we killed him"
...It's been that long since Wrath?
(Well, I'm feeling old. :D)
Actually getting rid of the Alliance and Horde? Not sure I buy it, but if that happens, wow. Maybe the existence of Classic is giving them a little more freedom in how much they can change things?
Maybe it's actually just something like the Aldor (...I think that was how it was spelled) and Scryers, but stronger? That the Alliance and Horde aren't gone, but new groups in the new zones trump them in those areas? I do wonder what they're going to do about communication (the language barriers), though.

Ah, and sorry about the technical difficulties you've been having. Good luck.

Well, I don't think Blizzard is thinking about it is as "having to fill the slots", I think it's more likely that they would try to keep things realistic and think about who would want to ally with us at what point; which is why I wasn't THAT pissed about Zandalari being available so late in the game despite being promised to be available at launch, storywise it made sense. But I digress.

Yeah, Lightbound undead could be a thing, but with Calia becoming the ruler of the Forsaken I'm not sure if that would make sense... maybe they would be like a new customization option like golden-eyed blood elves or black-eyed night elves. Alternatively, they could be not raised with the Light but sorta "converted" from the existing Forsaken?

As for Worgen, well, Saberon seem more like they would join the Horde (although if Alliance would get Lightbound Undead then it would make sense). However, as one reader commented under my post 2 years ago, there could be night elf Worgen, the original Worgen, maybe Alliance FINALLY reclaims Gilneas and we find them?

Well, that tournament took place somewhere close by, I think Thailand? In any case, it looks like the initial decisions regarding the penalty and ban had been made by the local Blizzard office, so they could be more... careful regarding China. Regardless, Blizzard had stayed silent about this matter for days later, and eventually responded by their explanations were kinda weak.

So far it's only affecting "important stuff", like manipulation in "public" media and stuff, so on personal level it doesn't affect me. Still waiting for them to arrest me for chapter 7 of Infinite Potential ;p (I made a LOT of references to Poland's political climate there, although it seems nobody noticed yet the one that I consider to be the most clever one :rainbowlaugh:)

Hm, that's an interesting question. I think that we will be in our physical bodies in the land of the dead, so if we'd die it would still not destroy our souls and usual rules would still apply. However, the whole thing about how we die in-game and then come back isn't really canon, only in special cases. I mean, otherwise why couldn't the majority of those who died return the same way?
There was a sorta similar matter, however, in Demon Hunter's starting quests. Since Demon Hunters are actually turned into demons during their training, when they die their souls should go to the Twisting Nether and then reform bodies, unless they get killed in Twisting Nether itself or on a world filled with fel energies. However, in starting quests you get send to a demon-controlled world, and when you die (either in fight or during a quest you get an option to either kill yourself or your comrade) everything happens as normal for a player, except Illidan comments on it that "It seems like me you possess an immortal soul", whatever that means.

Oh, the war is already over, got resolved in patch 8.2.5. Kinda weak but got gorgeous cinematics:

The war is over basically because there is another, very big threat, and both factions have practically exhausted their forces at this point. This is practically the primary reason why the war will be over, as while there are leaders who honestly want and believe in peace (as seen in the cinematics above), all agree that they simply have no means of continuing the war.

Yeah, Cataclysm came out in 2010 :applejackconfused:

Same, feeling super old :twilightsheepish:

I don't think they plan to actually get rid of them, they will exist as they are, but the PvP will most likely move to some new factions that we get to chose now, like you suggest. The relations between Alliance and Horde will sorta loosen up it seems. As for language barrier, it's already breakable: pandaren have the same language regardless of faction, demon hunters of both races can speak demon (which should be called eredun but whatever), and void elves speak the same language as blood elves (being essentially the same race).

Thanks, hopefully it will get fixed soon, but at least I should be able to still watch Blizzcon.

I think a better story beat would be that we DO actually kill N'zoth... but only because he lets us, because he wants in the Shadowlands. The Void has already called Death the "Great Enemy" in the Silvanis comic, the undead are resistant to Old God corruption and the Old Gods still want to corrupt Azeroth's World Soul.

1. It could be that N'zoth wants to go to the Shadowlands to corrupt Azeroth in safety as nobody would think to check that he wasn't doing that... or that he could. (Who would die to check for no discernable reason?)

2. N'zoth could be feeding on souls in the Shadowlands in order to get stronger. (He is known to be the weakest Old God... physically)

3. The only Death person who is strong enough to see this and also has a reason to warn/help us is the current Lich King. (Bolvar did only take the crown to spare Tirion and save the world from the Scourge)

kind of all over the place, and poorly communicated, but you get the base idea. Thoughts?

I would also add with the language thing that many Horde members already know common like forsaken, goblins, probably many orcs from the interment camp days. Half of the divide is just gameplay. There is even a potion that been added sometime in Legion that breaks the cross faction barrier for language with anyone else that uses it.

I feel like allowing crossplay between faction is more of a need for the player base health as the higher end things are continuously shifting to oneside. Who says we can't still have rogue groups of people still being agressive. As I play through classic, I can see that a lot of hostilities were less about war and more, get off my land. Maybe they could allow choices for it in isolated cases and large scale is a general agreement to work together like it been in many expansions.

Ah, thanks.
But yeah, unless that person actually represented Blizzard...

Ah, well good luck, again.
(I don't recall noticing that in Chapter 7, but then, I know basically nothing about Polish politics so... not too surprising, I suppose.
...Ah, also looks like it's been over two years since then, so even if I noticed, I might have forgotten, I'm afraid.)

I guess a lot will depend on what the afterlife of Azeroth is actually like.
Right, though that game mechanic might then get even more detached.
Huh; thanks.

Oh, thanks!
[watches first video]
...So, Sylvanas is being turned into a raid boss too now, then?
[watches second video]
Those were indeed pretty, though! Their CGI and animation are quite impressive.

Ah, thanks.



Ah, thanks.
re language: Oh, interesting! Thanks.

Ah, good; enjoy. :)

I think removing Alliance and Horde is impossible. I feel that a good way to do it would be have a splinter of each major faction be active, Alliance members who want to help Tyrande with her genocidal war, and Horde members still loyal to the Banshee Queen. How I imagine that would work is that you have a choice to take a number of quests from the opposing faction from a neutral hub, or instead side with the extremists to further their goals, and picking one option will lock you out of the other.

As for Allied Races, the only place to pull more Worgen from is the Emerald Dream, and the only (or rather, easiest) place to pull Worgen out of the Emerald Dream is within Gilneas itself. Plus, nine thousand-plus years of being affected by the Worgen Curse without treatment might have some interesting effects on the body, and almost certainly their sanity. Tyrande might be interested in unleashing half-feral monsters on her foes...

And the most likely new class is definitely Tinker, the entire Mechagon zone and existence of Mechagnomes, as well as each faction having an Island Expedition team focused on mechs, are pretty big indicators of something happening in that regard.

I would love to see more about the Nerubians.


Well...I'm not a WoW player (Final Fantasy XIV is my MMO of choice), but it seems you're pretty excited for the next expansion, so I hope it's a good one and that you enjoy it.

Although...I can't imagine Blizzard is going to have that friendly of a reception at Blizzcon given their silencing of pro-democracy voices in Hong Kong....

I honestly have no clue if he would be an ally or an enemy. Playing the Death Knight's Legion Order Hall quest line makes me very worried.

Also more Aqir? Yes please.

You know, that is actually brilliant idea^^ Although if they won't reveal this during the announcement trailer people will be pissed when we kill N'zoth in the raid... hm, then again there would be little point to hide it, wouldn't it? It's not like surprise twists work very well in WoW anyway.

In any case, that's a very interesting idea^^

Oh yeah, the language barrier is only for gameplay purposes, no questions. Heck, even assuming that the adventures, as they start out, known only max two languages (their own and their faction's main language), you'd think that after dealing with the opposite faction for almost two decades you'd at least be able to get by in their main language. And Forsaken should just speak Common.

Sounds about right. I mean, the battlegrounds in Classic were already considered to be just "skirmishes" and the factions were still technically at peace until Wrath Gate.

I didn't really read that much into this case, basically, all I know is from youtubers that make WoW centered stuff :twilightsheepish:

Well, that was a very obscure reference to be fair, I don't think most Polish people would notice it. Since I doubt anybody from the ruling party is into ponies and henceforth will never look it up: the reference was Moon Scrounger's name, he's the pony that technically run Stable Eleven without having any official position in their government. "Scrounger" can be another word for thief. The guy who does the same in my country, being just a regular member of parliament and basically in charge, as a kid played with his twin brother main roles in a movie which title loosely translates into "Two Guys that Stole the Moon". :rainbowlaugh::twilightblush:

Well, generally, your Afterlife depends on your religion. Those that believe in the Light go into the Light, those who worship Void are consumed by the Void, Elune watched over night elves, Bwomsandi over trolls. Shadowlands is sorta "in between" the real world and those afterlives, most souls there are sorta lost? Or maybe it would be closer to say that through Shadowlands you can access all of them. Dunno really, whole lore about it is a bit sketchy, hopefully with this expansion everything will get straight at last.

Hopefully eventually, yeah. My main is a night elf, so I am looking forward to killing Sylvanas for Teldrassil. That and generally she's a horrible person ever since Frozen Throne, and after Cataclysm, when she started to raise new undead and committed atrocities in Gilneas and Hillsbard (in the latter there's basically a concentration camp!), I've been ready for the prospect of finally putting an end to her. But it has to wait it seems.
I know, right? I wonder why they didn't just do the Warcraft Movie like this.


Agreed, that's the most theories I saw popping up on the internet, Tyrande's Avengers and Sylvanas' Loyalists, or something along those lines. The whole thing with "joining the other side" comes from the fact that now when you log in, next to your characters there is an icor for Alliance or Horde that are gray for some reason, people speculate that it's gray until you chose at level 120 in next expansion.

Yep, sounds legit. So you're thinking about effects on the body akin to how Malfurion's body was affected, with antlers, feathers and panther's paws? Would be interesting. I am mostly looking forward to some giant antlers on worgen's body, like this:
Damn, I would even consider changing my main's race if they were a thing, and that's always been a big no-no for me to mess with my main character.

Yeah, seems most like it. I wonder though if they'd be a hero class and start from level 120 or just a normal class? Because leveling them up through Legion's content would be weird, considering the Class Orders where basically 50% of content for leveling from 100 to 110, but I don't see them just adding an order hall and coming up with content for new class just for leveling through... which admittedly is a problem all new classes would have to face.

Oh yeah, me too^^ I remember way back when, when Wrath of the Lich King was first announced, Azjol-Nerub was about the third thing I was most excited about, after the Lich King and Death Knights. Was super happy that at the very least we got some bit with the island exploration, with all those quests that pop up sometime if we kill the right elite.

Well I enjoyed all the expansions so far, even the ones considered bad like Warlords of Draenor or this current one, so I probably will:twilightsheepish:

No they probably won't :applejackunsure: Apparently they've already banned people from coming in cosplaying as Winnie the Pooh, they'll probably also cancel any Q&A panels.

I am pretty sure they will still be an ally, although an uneasy one. Can't wait to see how he interacts with his daughter^^



Banning Winnie the Pooh seems to be photoshop, but a Google search did reveal a few people talking about raiding Blizzcon dressed like that.

There were a LOT of “leaks” that were sent out when that title and others were dropped so much so that most of them have been discredited (not sure if Shadowlands was one of them). But your ideas have merit as for the Warden it wouldn’t be the first time that such restrictions were put on a class like Demon Hunters and only two races to choose from. And finally a new DK experience has all but been confirmed by data mining.

I would really like to see Azjol-Nerub as a real zone in an expansion some day instead of just being two dungeons.

I fear though a LOT of those people had no previous interest in Blizzard and are only going to make their statement. Just like those senators that send a public letter to Blizzard urging them to give that guy back his reward and lift their ban, a WEEK after they already did just that. Showed how much they actually care about the issue.

Yeah, I ignored those leaks from June or July that talked about it, but those newer ones seem legit. Excited about new DK starting experience, but I'm gonna miss the old one; Death Knight's are Arthas legacy, and it was nice every now and then to make a new DK and relieve that.

Same, I was so disappointed when they did that :/

We are of the same mind then.

I might make one on another server since I have one however if allied races DK can get heritage armor despite starting at a higher level I might be convinced to make one on my main server

I suspect the reason Malfurion is basically a nature-themed Demon Hunter, in terms of appearance, is that he's the Archdruid, and not tied to a singular Wild God. Any new Worgen are gonna be tied so heavily to Goldrinn that they would likely have a lot of lupine features. If nothing else I'd hope that most of their druid shapeshifts are wolves.

So Blizzard has unveiled their new xpac on YouTube you were right it is Shadowlands, 4 new zones probably will have a neutral city since you have to pick a convent which makes me think of one city. Will be hard to make allied race DK without a Helm of Damnation anymore though

After watching the cinematic I wanna create new Death Knight, call him Aŕthas or something, and use him to kill Sylvanas repeatedly. Can't decide though if it should be human or Forsaken... also, if I should wait until new DK starting experience starts or just make him now.

Yeah, it was mentioned in the Wolfheart novel I believe; been a while since I read it. True about worgen ties to Goldrinn, but they should also be tied to Elune; I'm curious how that could reflect on their appearance. Not that it matters as apparently we're still not getting them, but still...

As I have been informed, MMO champion website posted some additional info, looks like Bolvar still has his mojo (which makes sense, I mean, we were able to raise DKs just fine in Legion, even though we had our artifact's power helping us.

Ah. :D

Ah, thanks! :D

Ah, and thanks!

Well, glad you're looking forward to it. :)

How did they do the Warcraft Movie?
...Actually, I guess I could just look that up, but, ah, not interested enough at the moment, sorry (so feel free not to answer, if you like).



Normal actors with CGI here and there, especially with orcs to make them more realistic.

Ah, thanks.

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