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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.

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  • 26 weeks
    New Story out now!

    Hey everyone! Remember that thing I said I'd be doing a while back? Well... Here it is!

    TEvergreen Falls
    A group of mares in a remote Equestrian town uncover some of history's most ancient secrets.
    Meep the Changeling · 218k words  ·  31  0 · 485 views
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  • 34 weeks
    Hey guys! What's new?

    So, I haven't been here in a good long while. I got the writing itch a while back, specifically for ponies and my old Betaverse fics. I might have something in the pipeline. I've got a few questions I'd like to ask the general pony-reading audience if you don't mind. Just so I can see if my writing style should be tweaked a bit for the modern audience.

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  • 105 weeks
    Stardrop's Lackluster Ending

    Hello everyone. I know I've been away for a while, but that's due to me deciding to finish stories before I post them to revise, edit, and alter them to give you all better stories to read. I don't feel free to do so when I post stories live. This results in me getting frustrated with how a story is shaping up and then dropping it. That wasn't a problem when I was younger, but it's become one as

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  • 110 weeks
    Anyone know artists who do illistrations for stories?

    I'm low key working on a story which I intend to complete before posting. I'm enjoying being able to go back and improve, tweak, and change things to make the best possible version of the story, and it's nice to not feel like I am bound to a strict schedule of uploads.

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  • 132 weeks
    A metatextual analisis of "The Bureau: XCOM Declassified" to show how it fits in the series timelines

    A lot of people like the rebooted XCOM series, and a lot of people also insist its lore is bad/nonexistent. This isn't true in my opinion, but is the product of the game that sets up the world for the series having been released a year after the first game in the series as a prequel, and also it sucks ass to play. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is not a good game. At all. The story is really good,

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I need to vent a little. No, not about story stuff. · 6:43am Sep 20th, 2019

I am not a neurotypical individual. I'm not saying this to brag or for snowflake points. This is critical information. I do not value all of the same things other people value. I do not use the same logical axioms as everyone else. My means of thought are fundamentlay different from most others.

There's nothing to be done about this. Not yet at least. Maybe one day there will be a drug to treat or cure autism spectrum disorder. There isn't one now. Due to this, I work how I work.

Lets focus on one particular fundamental difference between myself and the human baseline for today. Just one.

I do not believe that competition is good. At all. Ever. For any reason. Any kind. Competition goes against a very basic and fundamental truth of reality. Namely, everything is easier when multiple parties cooperate to work as one. I don't like sports for this reason. I cannot comprehend politics for this reason. I despise economics systems for this reason. I don't even understand how the hell nations developed in the first place because early humans seemed to have no problems collaborating to form villages and towns back when agriculture was new.

Collaboration, compromise, and concession is infinity superior to "no, lol, my way or nothing". It's better for everyone in every possible way. This fact is seemingly blatantly obvious, yet also seemingly universally ignored... for no logical or valid reason to my mind.

There is nothing anyone can say to make me like competition. This is because words will not change the fact that if those two farmers had shared their lands with each other and worked them together, they could have produced far more produce, far more efficiently. Instead, they fude over the location of a fence until one got angry enough to shoot the other and now one's dead and the other is in jail.

People insist that competing businesses get better cheaper things for consumers. Sure. Know what would be better? If everyone interested in developing projects within a given field all worked together on the same thing, and instead of marketing it for a bazillion dollars, realized that selling lots of cheap stuff means more people will buy it than selling a few big expensive things and thus understood that the cost of stuff should go down for their own gains to go up.

This behavior makes no sense. None. At all. There is NO valid logic to it. Not from my perspective, at least. See... I get that from other's points of view there IS valid logic. To many people this makes sense and that's why things work the way they do. I get that. I understand it. I don't agree, I find it BEYOND stupid, but that's the way it works and it satisfies most people.

Just because I don't like it doesn't mean that it's a bad thing and must be different.

The problem is... Well, most people, from what I can see do not understand this. At all. Not even a bit.

Based on the 3 decades I've lived so far, neurotypical people believe this. "What I think is correct, everyone else is wrong." All of them. I don't mena to be insulting or rude. Obviously this line of thinking is stronger or weaker in other people, but it's there, in everyone, and it's a huge influence on them. I'm not totally immune to it either. Hell, I'm guilty of this a lot. But, I'm aware that I do this. I try to not do it. So at least I am aware of this major, huge, massively infuriating problem.

And it IS a problem. It's a huge problem. It is possibly THE problem. The big one. The one that keeps people from working together for our mutual goal as a species of "not having to suffer".

From what I can see, most people hold to this seemingly omnipresent belief. "I'm right, everyone with a different idea is wrong." But it's worse than that. they also believe that by simply saying "lol, actually" that the other party should just go "oh wow, I'm being stupid. Yeah you're right." and just fall into compliance with what they believe.

This would not be as big of a problem if people actually listened to what the other person has to say. But. They. Do. Not.

At all. Ever.

The moment you say ANYTHING that the person you are speaking to disagrees with, even slightly, their ears turn off and they imeadiently start to go "I believe what I believe, therefore it's correct and everything else is wrong. You are wrong. You are stupid. I need to explain to you that you are stupid so you magically agree with me once you realize that you are stupid." People will never, ever, actually listen to what other people's opinions and perspectives are and analyze them from that other person's shoes. Not once. Ever.

It. Just. Doesn't. Happen.

Instead, they will slap irrelevant extra shit no one said onto the argument, insist that you in fact mean something completely different from what you actually said. They will jam out-of-context daft into every last place they can, and refuse to actually follow the conversation as it is. Nothing can be an isolated thing. Everything is relevant to everything. Why? Because otherwise, the other side might be right and you might be wrong, and that's impossible because whatever you believe to be right is right.

This. Insanity. Is. Pure. Hell.

Neurotypicals, simply, do not, listen. Not to what is ACTUALLY being said. They only listen to what they believe is being said, and that if what they believe is being said isn't the same as what they think, it's clearly wrong. So why listen? Instead, lecture. Spout irrelevant bullshit constantly. Never ever for a moment even look at what the other person might be seeing. You're right, they are wrong, just explain why they are stupid and after a while completely dismiss them because clearly they are too stupid to understand that you are in fact correct.

The thing is... I'm not going to change my opinions just because others think they are wrong. Why would I? That makes no sense. You need to show me actual reasons why my point of view is flawed, or show me data I am not seeing. That's how you get people to agree with you. Not just by screaming your own opinions back louder and louder and louder while clamping your hands over your ears.

Multiple perspectives exist for everything. Data can be interpreted many ways. There is no such thing as "the correct way". There are only ways with some advantages and disadvantages.

What I believe and feel is not wrong for me. I feel what I feel because of my experiences, which are different from yours. That difference DOES NOT invalidate them, as neurotypicals seem programmed to believe. "Your analysis of the data is wrong because I don't agree" is genuinely how most people appear to be programmed to think from where I stand.

This wouldn't be a big problem either, if it wernt for the fact that I can't just go away and have nothing to do with other people. We have to all exist on this same rock with the same resources. No policy only effects group X but not group Y. The world is a dynamic system of interconnected modules... Modules which are seemingly truly incapable of ever doing anything differently for the sake of others.

Please step into my shoes for a moment.

Imagine you are me. Imagine that almost everything everyone does is weird, alien, and difficult to understand if not outright impossible. Lets say that you just want something simple, you want people to make more video games which are exclusively single player and story rich, because that's the kind of experiences you enjoy. You are not stupid, you know that a video game has limited manpower and capital to be made, so if there is any multiplayer at all in it that's time and money that could have gone to making the part of the game you like better spent on something you hate.

Oh boy do you hate it. You hate it beyond mere words. You hate compatishion on the fundamental level, you see. It's just wrong to you. In your eyes, its the source of all worldly problems. You don't want to be reminded of that when playing a game. You are here to be swept up in a fictional world and have fun, not remember that people refuse to get along.

You like collaboration. You do not like being part of a group to compete with other groups either. You in fact despise that very concept. Since multiplayer video games are 99.9999% of the time about companionship between individuals or groups, you dislike multiplayer games. In general.

So you want exclusively single player experiences. Because that means all the time and effort that went into the game goes to the thing you like. You don't want ALL video games to be exclusively single player. You just want more of that kind of game to exist because so few do, and the ones that do tend to have just garbage stories or be platforms. You hate platforms. You just don't have the knack to play them. It's frustrating, and not fun.

You are in a part of a conversation talking about video games. You're already frustrated because a neurotypical did the thing and ignored the fact that you were talking about a very limited tiny slice of something and not the thing as a whole and treated your opinions as irrelevant garbage said by a stupid person who clearly doesn't know how "the real world" works. So you've been silent, but then someone talks about how multiplayer games are the best thing ever because, in their own words "multiplayer games allow fun experiences. literally the most fun thing ever because you can fuck around and mess with people."

You know you should probably say nothing and just be sad that the type of games you like are pretty much dead as a concept. But, you are in fact a little stupid so you say, "I hate doing that, I hate people who do it, and I want to literally not be in the same STAR SYSTEM with anyone who DOES like it. I see this behavior as the ROOT of all human problems and seeing it happen before me "cuz why not lol?" is INSTANT VIOLENT RAGE. and that's why I hate multiplayer games."

You probably should have worded it differently, but you're already upset because that very same person who is like "That thing you hate is the best thing evarrs!" is the guy who was doing the neurotypical thing to you earlier. Nothing to be done. You're angry, not enough to want to stop talking because well... if you did that, you'd never talk again. Cuz you know, they always do the thing... There's be no point in talking at all to anyone, ever, if you wernt up for withstanding a little bit of frustration, anger, and hurt.

They reply with "what???????//" and you realize your mistake. Now you're in the middle of a neurotypical screaming-at-you maelstrom. Endless statements meant to make you agree your opinion is invalid are thrown at you. Including such gems as "it's meaningless conflict. like playfully arguing with your bf/gf over what topping to use. it is not in any way an actual conflict you are physically fighting someone over",.

You try to explain, "I. Hate. Looking. At. THat. It reminds me that everything sucks simply because people cannot FUCKING BE NICE." but it dosn't matter.

They tell you that the thing you like is out of fashion and you should just deal with it. Or in other words "Lol what I like is popular to the point of what you like being almost impossible to find. Suck my fat cock, looser!" Not that they said that in those words, but you know that's what they mean.

Your own replies start to get more and more heated because they are DOING THE THING, and you have nearly 30 fucking years of constant neurotypicals doing the thing and refusing to even THINK about other PoVs that just floos back in one face-punch of a moment and you can feel nothing but anger because they wont let you have even this ONE TINY FUCKING THING!

The simple idea that maybe a more even spread of entertainment should be required by law to prevent literally everyone from jumping on the most popular thing for profit is completely dismissed by them. Nevemind you simply want a world where everyone always has something new they might like to try out instead of this monolithic "it's this way go fuck yourself, person with different tastes" reality you're trapped in.

You just want some more exclusively single player story focused games. That's it. That's all. You wish someone with power would do something to ensure a more fair and balanced selection of games existed.

IT dosn't matter. they wont listen to you. They're now screaming about capitalism this, and socialism that. That the way things are now are prefect because that's the way things are now and it favors them so you can go fuck yourself. They wont concede anything ever, at all, no matter how small. Why would they? To their mind, you don't think like them and wont just agree with what they say because they said it, so they are right and you are wrong.

How dare you even propose creating a system that would genuinely be better for everyone? The system favors THEM. How dare YOU, a lowly stupid person, think differently?

There's nothing you can do to win. Nothing you can say. No data to present. They dont' care about your feelings or wants, only their own. You step away from the argument, falling to silence. In your own discord. You're now a little less likely to want to talk to other people. Even in a place of your own creation under your own rules.

You can step out of my shoes now. That's how basically every single argument goes for me. Every time. There is nothing I can do to convince others of anything. Ever. They will not compromise anything. Not even the smallest things.

Then people ask why I often jump to violence as a solution. Realy? You need to ask why? It's because people refuse to even listen to other points of view seriously! They only listen enough to verify the opinion is different then mindlessly attack it in a seeming rage. The only way I'll ever get anything at all to make seance to me or work for me is by enforcing my will on others. I am not wealthy, so I can't just BUY policy or pay others to agree with me via gifts or whatever. I have no means of ever being herd or taken seriously, because they wont listen!

What am I supposed to do? Not have opinions? Not have needs or wants? Just shut up, sit outside civilization and wait to die? That's what it seems like they want me to do. Because nurotypicals believe they are always right, and I am always wrong, no matter what the objective state of reality around a given situation is.

No one like me will ever get a voice, or even a chance to be listened to and have our concerns taken seriously. Ever. At all. Not once. Not unless one of us got access to a nuke or something that would allow us to FORCE people to listen and take us seriously. We'll only ever be listened to and have our feelings and opinions considered if we present a clear and present threat to others safety and thus they HAVE to listen to us.

That is one of the worst, most horrible, dehumanizing things to realize about yourself and your wants and needs. I hope none of you guys know what this is like.

But the thing I am here to vent about, which requires all of the above for context is as follows:

I hate being called a violent and savage person. Yeah, I often jump right to a violent solution for a problem. Of course I do! I'm not a monster. I don't do that because I like violence. It's just the one and only thing I can see having any chance of getting through people's thick skulls. "I believe this so hard that I will kill you over it unless you step aside" seems to me to be the ONLY thing that gets through the neurotyupical behavior of "I am right, you are wrong, fuck off stupid person. You don't get to be thought of when we do things because I am right and you are wrong."

I am serious. I can't even conceive of a diplomatic solution to anything working at all anymore. It seems as fantastical as a pastel talking unicorn.

Can you imagine just for a second how dehumanizing and enraging this behavior is? How angry and disenfranchised it makes people? I honestly don't think you can... But I hope you can.

It would be nice if you did. Maybe then we could actually compromise on things and the world would suck less for everyone.

Report Meep the Changeling · 589 views ·
Comments ( 48 )

I hear you on this. Its hard to get anything done if your teammates don't listen to what you have to say.

You've described why I never touch PvP in any game any time ever. I can't parse your entire paradigm, but I think I understand that facet.

Aye, know that feelin'.

5124017 I dont expect anyone else to feel as I do about competing. I just wish people would realize there's more than one way to see things and instead of making this monolithic "CONFORM OR DIE!" bullshit society we could make things just a bit more fair or at least be willing to listen to each other for longer than it takes to scream people into silence.

Damn, I am of the same opinion meep, same frustration, or similar anyways. The funny part is that people as a whole refuse to think differently...eh, what do I know, I'm just some random person...right? :raritywink:

5124031 I'm with you. I at least try to understand other viewpoints, even if I dont agree with them. I just wish people afforded me the same courtesy or at least instead of forcing me to argue or have no voice would say "thank you for sharing" or something...

My opinion? Cooperation is so hard because that means sharing, and very few humans are willing to share outside of their "clan". It's evolutionarily hardwired in basically every living species to do that, because for most species, that could be the difference between living or dying, or surviving and thriving. Humans are no exception, even if the instinct is no longer relevant.

5124052 That's what everyone says... but I find it very difficult to believe. Not sharing takes genuine effort on my part.

The greatest success of socialism, is putting man on the moon.

The greatest sucess of capitalism, is collapsing the countries that tried to use it. Like the USSR.

All the research shows, cooperation beats competition, but competition uses character assasination. The only way the heros can win, is when evil gets so much that it collapses from the inside. But by then, if the level of evil is advanced enough, it takes everything with it, and theres no heros, or even a world left for them to save.

Make freinds, enjoy life as best you can, dont travel just to sneer at teh locals and complain about the food.

Wear sunscreen.:pinkiehappy:

Scatterbrained response since I'm at work and distracted:
"My way or the highway" philosophy: You are so right about how people act. Personally I'd love it if I could discuss opinions openly with people of all different cultures and background then combine what works. But people are so hostile about even opinions that dare to only mostly agree with their own instead of completely that I've learned it's safer to just never voice my opinion. This is why I've abandoned using social media.
("You dare disagree? Let me get all my tumblr friends to bully you as we invoke Godwin's Law and demonize you as much as possible until we no longer see you as a fellow human being and can no longer feel guilty about the emotional scars we inflict on you." ...Sorry I'm still not over that day. I hate myself for once calling them a "friend".)

Competition (in games because real life is a can of worms I'm not ready for): I rewrote this several times and can't find the words for it, but yeah I prefer single player and cooperative games too. Something being popular does not mean we have to like it.

Hatred: just a personal philosophy, but anything and anyone I hate is not worth the emotional energy spent hating it. Did that make sense? I dunno, I'm not good at talking about feelings.

Might add more later when I'm not distracted by work and can get my thoughts better in order. Unlikely as it is I'll remember in 6 hours.

[7 hours later edit: I did remember but I can't think of anything new to add]

Well, you have convinced me, Meep. You and I are two of a kind in many ways. Too bad we can't meet over a cup of coffee one summer morning and just chat the day away. You aint alone, sister. Now I see I'm not, either.

Thank you for being you. The world needs more yous and mes. For now, we's all they got. Let's stick together.

Simply put, its because people like it and because it works.

Humans are, whether one likes it or not, tribal by nature. Its how we, oh NO'S I'M ABOUT TO LOSE MY BIBLE THUMPER STREET CRED:raritydespair:, evolved and are hard wired to act on. Also, people don't give a fuck. Now, that isn't to say humans aren't empathetic. We all want to help the pygmies in New Guinea or the starving babies in Africa, and millions of dollars and tons of resources and thousands of people have been sent to do so.

But there's a difference between that and me or anyone else working for someone else. We work for ourselves and our own Meeps. That's how it is. Now, I do agree with you here. But I also recognize that there are other moral imperatives at play.

Is tribalism inherently good or evil? No. And neither is competition. But, for good or for ill, it is the best method we, as a species, have developed to attend to the continuation and betterment of our species. Could it be improved, of course it could. But lets not throw the baby out with the bath water.

I suspect though you being a lady fair might have something to do with it as well:duck: Of course that might be my ingrained rugged male unga bunga bias at work. Its often followed by the urge to clonk said fair ladies on the head and drag them into a cave by their hair:rainbowwild::pinkiecrazy:

I cannot comprehend politics for this reason.

Politics is its own animal, and an utterly immoral one at that. Government and Law are vital, but that subversive pyramid scheme needs to get the fucking boot:twilightangry2:


Collaboration, compromise, and concession is infinity superior to "no, lol, my way or nothing". It's better for everyone in every possible way. This fact is seemingly blatantly obvious, yet also seemingly universally ignored... for no logical or valid reason to my mind.

Competition does not mean "my way or nothing." That is simply being unreasonable and selfish. True, we are much better when we work together. But part of working together means challenging one another so that we can develop our talents. A muscle only grows by placing resistance against it. A good ball player only becomes better when he has a friend in which to test his skill against. This healthy competition is collaboration and working together.
Trying to tear another down is not competition, so don't call it that. Healthy competition, free markets, drive innovation and creativity. The desire to succeed, to be rewarded for one's efforts is a worthy endeavor. Just because one succeeds doesn't automatically mean no one else wins. Even the team that loses the game does not leave empty handed: they gain experience, valuable lessons, and learn from their failings and thus become better. Failure, the greatest teacher is Thank you Yoda. What happens when you eliminate competition? Stagnation and misery. Look at every example of communism throughout history if you want an example of what no competition looks like.
Trying to succeed does not mean having to destroy your opponent; that is a straw man argument. True competition always respects the other and tries to better oneself and your opponent: this is the true nature of charity and sportsmanship. So don't blame competition for the reason people mistreat each other. There will always be those who try to cheat their neighbor to benefit themselves, but don't use other's evil behavior to demonize the healthy effects good competition can have for us.
You have a good heart, you want the best for everyone. This is good. Just know competition is not a detriment to that, but a great aid for bringing out the best in everyone. Only by testing, by being challenged, do we develop and grow. God Bless!

My sympathies. I was lucky enough that I don’t tend to rage at the knowledge that my logic and their logic don’t meet. Touch my stuff however and even with medication I tend to react...poorly.

I was the person involved in this argument, the “neurotypical”.

I apologize for making you feel this way. I was very pissed off in the moment, and, now that im not in a heated moment, kind of understand everything you were saying. I only realized this after reflecting and reading what you sent me.

But I mean, now that I’ve said them, I can’t really go back in time, right? I feel terrible, but It’s probably best for me to not really come back to that discord server.

There's nothing 'typical' about the state of the modern world in terms of society, culture, economics, policy, or so on.
In broader social context, there is nothing 'typical' about the way people behave on the internet.
And there's nothing useful to be found in scapegoating 'neurotypicals' as a whole.
That only perpetuates problems of divisiveness and unwillingness to listen.

It's not that I disagree about what some of the problems are, it's that it's inaccurate to blame 'neurotypicals' for basically everything wrong in the world today. The people sowing chaos and scrabbling for the world's last remaining straws of power are the product of societies which value money and power over people, and to 'succeed' in these societies, you must emotionally shut down.

This has dire mental health consequences, and brings about neurological changes when initiated in childhood or simply maintained for enough years, as the neural pathways between more emotional and more reasoning parts of the brain lie unused for long enough or simply under-develop in the first place. There is an epidemic of narcissism and sociopathy, familial abuse and greed and all sorts of negative isms, because of this - with further mental health (and neurological) consequences for each successive generation.

All because once upon a time a few people were hurt and emotionally shut down, and began to build for themselves protective systems of power that were emotionless as they felt, which created more hurt and shut-down people, who began to build for themselves protective systems of power that were as emotionless as they felt...

The point is, this kind of disqualifies most to all such people from holding the label of 'neurotypical.' And as a reminder, internet behavior is not particularly typical of human behavior in general, either.

"This is not normal" is a refrain that has emerged from the political landscape of our time, but it has far broader application.

5124288 It's cool. THis just happens to me a lot, usually 3-4 times a day. I just needed to vent about it to see if that would help me feel better... Kinda did. I realy should just have shut the hell up. I'm sorry.

5124193 If you're ever in Fairbanks, or I am ever able to travel, I'd be happy to have a coffee with you.

5124213 I understand this. I understand that other people are different and work differently and need different things in life to be happy. What I don't get is why they don't also understand that, and are unwilling to bend on absolutely anything for the sake of others. You can be tribal all you want, but you still have to understand that if you piss off another tribe too much they will run over, cut your head off and stick it on a pike outside their tents... Right?

5124223 I get that point of view. I really do. But I disagree. Many things grow best when supported. YOu have only to look at the way many plants are weak on their own, but grow together, entwining their vines to form a stronger, more stable structure. There are many ways to be strong. I support the one I feel is best overall, even if it does have some drawbacks. I am certain you do the same, and that's okay. It's fine to have diffrent views and ways of life. We just shouldn't be dicks about it.

5124304 I agree with most of what you ahve to say, but I would like to make a point.

The point is, this kind of disqualifies most to all such people from holding the label of 'neurotypical.'

This is simply incorrect. Neurotypical is a relative term for describing the mental state of the average human. If 51% of humans woke up tomorrow as paranoid skitsophrenics (and this somehow didn't collapse society) neurotypical would mean "suffering from paranoid skitsophrenia".

Whatever the majority of humans believe or do is by definition "sanity". There's a pretty plain sight proof of this. Sorry in advance for angering people. I'm just using this to make a point about how we define sanity, and yes I recognize that my not being religious make same less sane in this argument.

Faith is generally defined as in believing in the existence of a completely unproven hypothesis, regardless of the lack of evidence and in the face of very strong counter-arguments which it's believed are simply tests of faith and must be ignored. A person of faith is expected to observe data like the paradox of the stone and yet still believe in the existence of an omnipotent being, even though the every concept of omnipotence is a logical contradiction and cannot actually exist anymore than a square circle could. But even more than that, faithful people are not just to believe that such a being might exist, but that one does, it has a specific name, personality, and wishes for mortals to carry out. There is no evidence for this. It's just something said in some old books. There's thousands of other old books saying simmilar things too, but only the old book believed by the majority of people in the area you happened to be born in is correct. All others are clearly just fiction people take way too seriously.

You have to admit, if the majority of humans were not also religious in some way or another, faith would be seen as one of the irrational things humans do.

Again, not trying to be insulting. Sorry if I was. I just need to point out that from the outside, religion is... Well, it looks pretty darn crazy to most non-religious people. It's quite clear that anything the majority of humans suffer from, believe, or do, can be/is labeled as neurotypical behavior. The term describes the average human behavior, not some philosophical construct of "pure sanity". Therefore, if most people are suffering form neurological damage which reduces their ability to feel emotions, then well, that's neurotypical.

Comment posted by Destiny Chaser deleted Sep 21st, 2019

No, we mustn't be dicks about it.:ajsmug: Always respect others even in disagreements.:twilightsmile:

5124492 So long as the disagreement isn't over something like "Pedophiles shouldn't be punished", yes :3

*Pats Meep on the head and hugs for refusing to be a sheeple.* Good Meep. Can't relate personally, at least not to that level, but good Meep.

5124564 Few can. Like this bit "like playfully arguing with your bf/gf over what topping to use". I'm sure you've done that with a friend or whatever at least once. I've never done it. I find even that level of conflict so repulsive that my response to "what toppings do you want?" is pretty much always "I do not have a preference." They know I don't eat vegetables, so anything they pick without them is fine. I dont care about the specifics at all in comparison to how much I don't want to argue over pepperoni or meatlovers.

It kind of infuriates me that my roommates still ask me for an opinion in small things like this... They have lived with me for most of a decade. They are aware that I want to argue so little that I will in fact choose to not say "Peperoni."... I think they might not understand that about me yet. Or that if they insisted I do the pizza ordering I would get pepperoni 100% of the time because that is what I like best and I see no reason to ever do what you don't like best or try new things because, you know, you're gonna die. Time is limited. If you KNOW you like something, that's 100000+1x more prefferable than trying a new thing because everything you DONT like is gonna occupy a spot that could be filled by something you DO like.

That's another thing I don't get in other people. I'll never understand why you want to try eating a food you haven't before if it requires going out of your way to do so and something you DO like is not an option. It seems genuinely insane to me. But I know I'm the wierd one here. Peole keep saying they tire of foods and It's wierd that I don't.


Like this bit "like playfully arguing with your bf/gf over what topping to use".

Well that is something I agree. I've had ladies in my life who complain because I'm to laid back at times. No, I'm just no interested in engaging in pointless arguement:ajbemused:

That thing, what you're talking about here, that's just being a pain in the ass.:facehoof:

5124738 Then maybe I'm just surrounded by assholes...

Oddly enough... its only women I've ever had do this to me... :trixieshiftright:

You may have to invite... guys:raritydespair:

But in all seriousness, I don't think they're assholes per say. This too is a form of human interaction, albeit a rather aggravating one. So, unless they're going out of their way to be harmful, its probably just them enjoying a bit of horse play. Again, aggravating, but I don't think they're doing it out of malicious intent or even to be assholes

Hmmm, what kind of Myers-Briggs personality are you? I’m an ENTP. Or INTJ, depending on the site used.

How do you view morality? I see it as a bunch of black and white dots form to create the shade of grey a person is.
For example: say hello to Austin. Austin yells. Black. Austin yells math. Still black. Austin yells math for himself to understand and explain to others how things work. White. Ask the question does it help.
Jacob doesn’t move. Black. Jacob doesn’t move because if he moved, he would pass out harming himself after a long day’s work. White.
Jorge kills. Black. Jorge kills someone raiding his home with his family inside. Grey-ish white.
Does it harm? If it helps more than it harms, it’ll be more white. If you remove context, then whichever isn’t basic and moral is wrong. Add context. Americans believe in capitalism because it has been seen that socialism doesn’t work. Russians believe in communism because capitalism’s base principles are founded on greed.

I agree, people who aren’t of your mind don’t really listen to you. I got a teacher who listened to anyone’s opinion, some parents got upset at the guy and tried getting him fired. His favorite student disagreed with him 99% of the time. I spoke with a friend of mine, and the friend cursed the teacher, I asked why, and apparently his sister was targeted even though she was answering correctly. He said he had proof. I told him to show it and I’ll be convinced. It’s been a month since and he’s dropped the discussion entirely.

“This twat’s an asshole & XYZ! He should be fired! I’ll prove it!”
Okay, prove it.

This mindset is why the world is as violent as it is. And people believe the key to stopping physical violence is by restricting speech.

Edit: hope my contribution helps a little.

Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted Sep 22nd, 2019

Wanna weigh on this one?

Hmm... I think you're trying to box yourself in a bit too much. For example

Russians believe in communism because capitalism’s base principles are founded on greed.

Okay. First off, "greed". Are you saying that communists aren't greedy? That the notion that you, the individual, are entitled to the products of anothers labor based not on a mutual exchange of goods and services, but merely because you exist, are you saying that's moral?

There are sublties and nuances in terms of human interaction, but I personally think it comes down to intent and outcome. Difference between stealing bread and gold, and difference between making a corpse and pissing on it.

Is rape wrong? Should we ever question that? No. Because it is wrong. How about pedophilia? What if a child does consent? Does it become a grey issue then? No, because one of those people is an adult who should know better and, at the very least, be able to control their actions if not their desires, and more to the point, not put themselves into a situation where they are around a child in any way shape or form. Okay, now, what if said kiddy fiddler declares themselves a bad person and goes and wanks off over magazine articles of the Olsen Twins on some deserted island somewhere in Assendia in the cape of Nowere. Are they granted some special sort of social browny point because they admit they are a bad person or at least one who can't control themselves? Do they move the dial on your arbitrary measurement from emo goth wet dream to clouds of hurricane that hopefully wipes this scum from existence.

So, yes, there are nuances as I said, but some things are wrong and are always wrong no matter what some academic or institution say, and whether we like it or not, sometimes the law is the law and we have to respect that.

Jorge kills. Black. Jorge kills someone raiding his home with his family inside. Grey-ish white.

Understandable and defensible. Jorge blows the brains off deviant who violated his daughter in his own house or in the street. Indefensible.

Capitalism is founded on greed? That's a red herring/false premise. Capitalism is simply individual liberty. I cannot force you to buy my product. I must produce something you want and better than my competitors for you to voluntarily give me your money. This drives creativity and innovation. If I dont pay my employees a fair wage, the free market allows them to go work for my competitor. Free market solves all problems, you are greatly misled.



Aight. To clarify, capitalism harvests greed. I want money. So what will I do? A: open an MLM for short term wealth or B: open a regular company for long term wealth, provide for hundreds of families in exchange, and obtain long term wealth. Capitalism harvests greed. I seemed to mislead into people thinking I was communist. I said what I said to sound relatively neutral. Communism fails because it fosters greed, people end up wanting more for less effort, and put in no effort to earn it. Regarding pedophilia, obviously that’s gonna be a black term. Even if child consents, because the child is uninformed. I didn’t understand how sex worked until I was 14. Jorge’s actions were extreme as that was what was most certain in saved lives, as he couldn’t know if he could just capture the criminal to turn the criminal in, hence the grayish white.

Edit: notice how a lot of context was missing, that’s because if I add context, it’s obvious which is best. Context is the most important thing in decisions, as shown in what I said.

5125392 I disagree. Capitalism is founded on greed. The central premise is that everything, everything, must be purchased. Money is power and it must exchange hands for one person to obtain something else.

Every single distribution of goods MUST enrich someone. If you want to grow your own food, you'll need to enrich someone else to get the starting materials to do so, you'll need to pay for the water you use (unless you live somewhere tropical or with tons of regular rain). Greed is the central idea in the system. There's nothing wrong with that. A little greed is good. Greed is a primary motivator for human activity.

The problem is that capitalism is a good idea taken one step too far. We all agree that humans have basic human rights. Capitalism has twisted those ideas to the point where in spite of the fact that we all decided that:

Article 25.

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations - https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/

Let's briefly discuss what a right is. In this context, a right is something that is ours by virtue of one's own qualifications or properties. IE, with human rights, you are entitled to these things by virtue of being human. We decided that humans have certain inherent and inalienable rights. Most all nations on earth have agreed to this, formally.

And yet, in spite of the fact that we as humans have decided that we all have the right to "a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services" simply by virtue of being human, you have to pay for those things.

You do not just GET them like we all agree you should. You, a human being with human rights, must enrich someone else to have food, shelter, clothing, medical care, everything. Literally everything. It's not a right if you must do something to obtain it.

If capitalism were not rooted in greed, there would be a certain minimal quality of food, shelter, and every basic essential good that would be freely available for everyone. Would it be good? No. Just functional. I'm talking old-shipping containers stacked for houses and the cheapest possible protein fortified rice. If capitalism wasn't based on greed, we would get the minimum to survive just for being human as is our Human Right. We would only have to pay for a better standard of living, in other words, if capitalism were not rooted int he concept that every transaction must enrich someone, we would only have to pay for luxury, not survival.

Instead, capitalism ignores our decisions on human rights and forces us to sell our time to someone else for much less than it is worth in order for us to in turn buy things our nation agreed we deserve simply for being human. That's greed, my friend. Too much of it. A little is okay, even necessary for civilization, but when greed overrides agreed upon policies and we all just ignore it... That's too much.

I respectfully disagree. Greed is never good. A man desiring the due of his labor or wares is not greed, that's justice.
Who best to decide the value of ones labor? A few elites acting as central planners, or the individuals in the free market? Money is good because it allows growth, allows for an individual to accrue the worth of his labor. Greed is the excessive desire for material goods to the detriment of others and is never justified. To desire one's just due is not greed. Greed is never good.
The end of a free market must be the good of the individual, not profits. Profits are good and are necessary for business, but they are not the ends. The ends are the good development, success, and growth of the individual.

5125533 I believe you misunderstood me. I have nothing against a free market. I am merely stating that the driving factors behind our implementation of the from of free market capitalism we presently use is overly greedy

Well, I can agree with that. The good of the individual has been lost in too many sectors of our economy, replaced by the almighty dollar :facehoof:

5125640 Yeah. DOnt' wrorry, this level of greed is not sustainable for much longer. The wealthy are not so stupid as to keep this up when the robotics revolution starts to explode onto the world stage. Or if they are, well, you know, good old fashioned peasant revolts ho!


(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

Hmm... Well, perhaps, and we may very well develop a means of doing so (although it will still be shit, as government run workings are want to do) but I think their should be a cut off point. For example

I should also say that, yes, I do regard some of your works musings as credible, even desireable. For example, people, or ponies, only being able to run a business at a certain point by donating a percentage of their proceeds to charity. Its not theft since they aren't actually taking anything from them, just saying "look, you wanna make the dosh? Pitch in to others, or do business elsewhere." A harsh stance, but noteably, a lot less harsh then most human positions.

There! Right there, the perfect definition! Why has this ever come under discussion?

May the robotics revolution not be as tragic... comedic... tromedic? Comegy? This, may it not be this

5125685 Oh i absolutely agree there should be a cut off point! I'm just saying that given those are human rights the bare minimum to survive seems like it should be legally provided for free by the state. I realy do mean minimum. Living like that would NOT be fufilling...

Whoops wrong place, post moved to other blog post you did on popularity

Competition is the lowest energy state of life, while cooperation is a higher state of energy. The energy that make them different is trust. How can you trust your fellow man if there is nothing stopping them? Im not going to put my trust in someone that I don't know.

5143366 It's quite the opposite for me. It takes so much more energy to assume they are hostile and/or wont cooperate. But even if it's higher energy "We're lazy" isn't an excuse or justification. Do better. It's literally in your own best interest.

I can't say competition is evil without insulting the competition of my neurons that allows me to think.
I also believe that organisms shouldn't be made of self aware organisms, and thats what it seems like you are arguing for. The more complex something gets the more unstable it is. All it would take to destroy the your utopian vision is one psychopath getting into a position of power.

Mind if I bring myself back to this discussion? I had sat out for a while, mostly busy figuring out how to entertain myself without electronics, or physical human interaction, as my PC has been down since August, and I’ve not many friends.

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