Bronycon! (...and my panel!) · 1:38am Jul 25th, 2019
So, this is the official announcement for my attendance at Bronycon next week and my panel that will take place there!
So, my panel is called "May the Best Ship Win!" and is going to be on Saturday at 12:30 PM in 'The Hall of the Stars'. Pretty good timeslot if I do say so myself.
If any of you are gonna be at the con, I'd love for you to attend. It's going to take elements of comedy, analysis and a lot of general tomfooleries and spin it all together into a panel about romance and shipping throughout the fandom's history. I'll be joined with my bros Lucky Seven, Jack of a Few Trades, Note Pad, NickyD and ChappedPenguinLips. Trust me: It'll be a blast.
If you don't think you'll be able to attend, feel free to just say hi! I'll more than likely be wearing a snapback hat, skinny jeans, and a band T-shirt or some variation of those three things. I'm extremely outgoing and personable, so I'd love to meet anyone and everyone who's able to make it. It's the final BC, after all, so we may as well enjoy it.
Anyway, keep it real, and I'll hopefully be seeing you guys next week!
Maaaan, I always wanted to be on a panel haha. I don't think I'm popular enough though. Like I have a bunch of followers but I've always felt weirdly disconnected from a lot of the community.
And now I'm rambling. Enjoy it, probably see you there!
Nice! I might go if I'm not too busy hanging out with everyone. I'll be sure to say hi to you at some point, though.
If I see you at the con, you're gonna get called a homosapien.
Hope things go well. I sadly don't think I will be attending