The King Returns! · 3:53pm Mar 23rd, 2019
Spoilers ahead for Season Nine. Turn and flee if you are AFRAID!
Believe it or not, after MONTHS of inactivity, I've uploaded a new King Sombra story. It's short - really just a scene, but that is the power of his return. After half a year of various physical issues getting in the way of me getting back to writing (being in pain, being exhausted from neck traction and postural spinal torture, er therapy) I am back at it and WRITING AGAIN!
Spread the word... #kingsombraiscoming ...
Sombra facehoof! :D (haven’t seen that picture in awhile!)
Any oldie but a goodie, sweetness. I never tire of show off this amazing artwork of yours! And it fit the post pretty well...Sombra hiding his eyes...or mebbe he just doesn't want to see what's going to happen to his alternate universe self!
What kind of face is Nyx making?
Lol, she's disgusted with his Highness because he made a comment in the story, "The King's Gift" that their Majordomo Tight Planner couldn't burn down their crystal castle when in fact they come back from their spa day and find he has done exactly that! It's my FIMFic cover artist Pixel Spark's rendition of what happened after the story...she could just picture King Sombra "facehoofing" in embarassment, LMAO!
Thanks for the interest in the story!
Uh...which story? The Luna teenage anthro story I set to read later?
Ah okay. Got confused 'cause you replied to this blog about MY story, not on my user page. No problemo!
Yeah, I'm looking forward to reading it. Have you been getting good reviews/comments on it?
I think so. Thanks for asking, by the way!