• Member Since 10th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2021


Just a pony being fabulous. Writer of vignettes, clop, experiments, a great deal of trash and the occasional gem

More Blog Posts885

  • 182 weeks
    Here and back again

    Things are rough my darlings.

    Its a cold, rainy morning. My favorite kind. No snow. No slush. I adore this. Even more so that I am under a heavy quilt.

    I'll write more when I wake up I think...

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  • 186 weeks
    A story in three parts

    And home. Well. I'm not dead. Fancy that. Whatever the pain is, it's not my kidneys. Which is as baffling as it is reassuring. I very much am grateful of course, but...also...wtf darling. They handed me some pills and told me to get some rest. They plugged me up with all kinds of machines which will cost and a leg, but I'm home, and my kidneys are okay. And I'm alive for another day. So darlings,

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  • 186 weeks
    The room

    31. Thats the number they gave me. Thats where I am. Room 31.

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  • 186 weeks
    This art, this life

    Has...has it been a month already? I suppose it has been. More than that, even. How are you my darling little ponies? I've missed you. And writing. And having a properly functioning laptop that can handle little things like opening up an internet browser and loading writing programs.

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  • 192 weeks

    As you were. Oh, yes. Rarityeqm tis alive....sort of. Only sort of, these days. Mostly, I sleep. During the day. Restless, horrid sleep that does ever so little to stave off your wretched thirst for the sun. I'm drowning in darkness, my darlings. Tis cold here, in the wee hours of the morning. Behind me, my television muted. My coffee mug lovingly kissed and caressed the pot still bubbling across

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YES TO YOU GRUNTED MARE · 11:17am Mar 21st, 2019

I've been having good days, I think? Perhaps not great days, but certainly good ones. It's nice to have those in a row . Back to therapy appointments again which lead to new medications, which in turn lead to better concentration that keeps Lady Rarity from drifting off into space every few minutes. It lead to a story about Fluttershy which I wrote off the top of my head as a gift for a friend of mine. I also received a translated version of my story "All Our Times Have Come". Some lovely pony was kind enough to translate it into Russian and gave the link to me. Tis absolutely splendid! My first international story, I think.


I'm utterly tickled by it and I adore you, darling, for doing this. You know who you are.

In addition, it also received a lovely little shout out on Pony411 which is a delightful little podcast about our favorite little pastel colored characters. http://pony411.libsyn.com/episode-253-for-the-birds. I should say, it's rather charming. Do go and have a listen, if you've the time.

Passing my courses with surprising ease, despite the existential panic attack I have before each quiz and exam I take. But there are pills for that. There are pills for everything these days. Pills to help keep me focused. Pills to help keep me calm. Pills to keep me from having nightmares. Pills to keep my blood pressure from sky rocketing. Pills to keep me from slipping into a horrific depression, pills to supplement vitamin D, pills to counter my unquenchable bloodlust for my enemies. Every pill you can think of, and yet I forgot to get the pills that help me go to sleep. BAH.
Won't be doing that tonight, I should think. A pity. Still though, there's a marvelous amount of things you can get done in the wee hours of the morning.

All my best work seems to come from these early hours. Perhaps I'm on to something. Anyway, diet is still going well. I've never been fat, or even kind of thick. But there's always this nagging little voice in the back of my head telling me I'm too large, my butts to big, my belly sticks out, my arms are gangly, I look like a dumpster troll. That voice is also the same voice that tells me I should break into the zoo and free all the kangaroos. ...Sometimes I think I should get that checked out, but then the voice tells me it's fine and I should stop worrying about what it's telling me and concern myself with the numerous cats I've stolen. I have strange hobbies.

Where was I? Oh, yes. All Our Times Have Come! As I said before, somepony translated it for me into Russian. Which was utterly wonderful. Really. While pretending I could read Russian, I wondered what might happen if I I translated it back into English using Google's Translator.
This. Is. A. Masterpiece. :raritystarry:

After a failed experiment, Twilight sighed heavily and stood up, rubbed her goggles. The mare could hardly see them, but nevertheless the glasses protected her from most of the explosion. Safety, after all, first of all. However, this should not have happened: Twilight had no such incidents since school days. Nevertheless, she understood where she had miscalculated:

- Yes to you! - grunted mare.

- Twilight! Are you okay? I heard an explosion, from which even the whole castle shuddered! - sounded a voice at the stairs. The purple mare sadly turned in the direction of the crystal staircase leading to the upper floors of the castle.

“It's all right, Starlight,” she assured. “Just made a tiny mistake when mixing potions.” Twilight looked at the book in an attempt to find the missing ingredient, and fragments from flasks and test tubes were scattered around the laboratory table.

- Twilight? - Starlight called her again, slightly raising her tone, knocking that one out of her thoughts.

- What's the matter? “I answered,” the puzzled mare sniffed, pointed her ears in the direction of the ladder, from which came the clanging of hooves.

- Twilight, where are you? Answer me! - Alarmed her student.

Twilight began to annoy it. The princess felt great, but did she not hear Starlight? It can not be. After scratching her nose, Twilight tried to concentrate, but how is that possible when an agitated mare interrupts her?

- TVILIGHT !! Shouted Starlight, causing the purple mare almost deaf.

- What is it? I'm right in front of you, well, why bawl like that ?! - Twilight teased, looking at the mare running to the stairs.

- SPIKE! Get an urgent Redhart nurse! NOW THE SAME ! Twilight badly injured! - screamed Starlight. Twilight rolled her eyes. Babakhnul of course, notably, well, it hurt a little, think about why dramatize so much. Okay, there is Rarity, but Starlight?

- No, everything is fine, Starlight. It was just ... - Twilight tried to explain, but the words stopped in her throat when Starlight rushed past her to the purple alicorn, resting mint in the corner. Twilight was ignored. Slowly, very slowly, she tilted her head in that direction, completely puzzled by what she saw. But only for a moment. Yeah. It was her motionless body, disfigured by the explosion.

- Well, just wonderful! - the late mare sighed. But by noon she was going to buy books. Not far from here there will be a sale, but now, she will not be able to come on time, and as many know, this mare does not like being late. Twilight soared over the laboratory and flew up to the whimpering unicorn, who mourned her mentor and tried to bring that feeling to her.

- Everything will be fine, Twyly! Hold on, Spike has already gone for help and will arrive soon. Oh, holy Celestia, do not leave me, please! - Starlight begged and, putting her claw to the alicorn's chest, proceeded to a heart massage. Twilight was sure that the student did not even bother to check her pulse, and waking up would have to remind her of this immediately after the book sale.

Twilight, from all this turmoil, sighed again and forgot the fact that she was already dead. Curious - does the dead need air? Of course not, this is just a habit of living beings. What would happen if you stop the mare to breathe? Unusual? Would there be a difference? After all, now she is a ghost. And the ghost? Maybe a spirit or a ghost? Thinking about it, Twilight noticed that it was getting darker and darker in the room.

- Twilight ?! TVILIGHT! YOU ARE WELCOME! HAPPY! DON'T LEAVE US! - Starlight sobbed. Not having time to hear the mare, her cry echoed loudly throughout the room, shrouded in a veil of darkness. Suddenly, out of nowhere came a voice.

- HERE AND HAS SET YOUR TIME TO LEAVE THIS BRANE WORLD, PONY! I am the herald of the end of all! - pronounced something whose majestic voice was so unthinkable that it could tear the fabric of reality itself. Twilight decided to turn around.

Behind her back a gloomy hazy mixture formed, from which the bony silhouette of a horse, whose eyes glowed with a blue flame, emerged.

- HAZARD YOUR DEATH WITHOUT, FOR I AM THE SUMMER - O. THE LORD, YOU AGAIN! - screamed something. Twilight looked at the terrible spirit, and then, looking around, smiled shyly.

- Yes it's me. Sorry. Sorry. I didn’t want to disturb you, I just accidentally exploded during the experiment. Again. - explained the mare, pointing to a book on potions, - On the pages of this book there were ink stains and so I had to improvise with some ingredients, but I had to add a couple of drops to ... - I did not have time to say how the ghostly horse interrupted her


Twilight, shaking her head, kindly asked: - I suppose, as a test, you will have to play with me in something of your choice? Death crouched and despaired.

- Not! No, no ... Hoof up you hoof! The last time we played chess. Do you know how much I loved chess? Now I HATE chess! But they were one of my favorite games. I couldn’t imagine that there is a pony in the world that can beat me in two moves! - she shed a tear. Twilight wondered how emotional Death was. Next time, she will need to take a notebook with her to record further discoveries in the bony behavior. “So, I had a notebook somewhere in here in the lab!” She remembered.

After seeing Death, Twilight asked: - So now I can return to the world of the living?

Death took a deep breath and yet, shaking her head, stood up to her full height.

- Not. Tested to be. But not chess, ok? Anything but that damn chess, ”Death pleaded. Twilight thought.

- Oh, do not worry, I do not mind. Let's play chess another time. Anything, mm? How about something easy? For example ... Tic-tac-toe? Do you like this game? Let's play it? The smart Twilight asked. Bony, silently glancing at the screaming man, hunched over his shoulders in confusion. Tic-tac-toe - Death understood that the purple mare was plotting and she didn’t like this idea at all. Shaking her head, the pale-faced spoke.

- NOT! SOULS! NEVER! THIS IS NOT TO BE! NOT ALL! GO! JUST LEAVE! - Death squealed. From what was said, Twilight smiled so widely that even her cheeks ached.

- Thank you in...

- WON! - Death violently interrupted her. The pony was still a thorn in the rump, especially this purple mare. In a moment it became brighter and Twilight found herself in the middle of the laboratory, opposite the sobbing Starlight.

- Twilight, please ?! II know you hear me! We can handle, hold on! JUST HOLD ON! Screamed Starlight.

“Hi,” Twilight snapped. Starlight looked at her as if she saw a ghost - that would be stupid.

- T-Twilight ?! - Muttered mare with tears in her eyes. Twilight went to the mare and hugged, and then looked around. Books were scattered everywhere, much of the laboratory equipment was shattered. There is always a mess of such explosions, and since Spike will soon lead Redhart's nurse, it would be indecent to meet them in such a mess. So the purple mare needs to clean up and tidy himself up. Rising, Twilight proceeded to remove the dust from the bookshelves and, just in case, kept a garbage bag next to her. Starlight, looking at all this, just rolled her eyes.

- Twilight, are you ok? You were dead! Exclaimed Starlight. Alikorn frowned at her.

- No, you have not checked the pulse. I was “almost” dead, the mare explained. Starlight stopped talking and stared at her mentor, trying to understand what she had in mind.

- You see, there is a big difference between the very dead and almost ... You know what? Forget. Yes, you're right, I was dead , ”Twilight corrected, shaking her head. “Was I dead?” She wondered. Undoubtedly, she met Death, but the mare did not die in the usual sense of the word. “Where is my notebook ?” Twilight wondered.

- Y-you ... you ... you came to life! Mumbled Starlight. Another thought popped into a purple mare. Did she become a zombie? It seems that last time the young princess did not want to eat the brains of other ponies.

“How ... how ... how ... how ..." repeated Starlight like a broken record.

Twilight looked around at the stunned pony and realized that Starlight had never seen such a “death trick” before.

“Oh. I died, and Death came for my soul and offered to play the game as a test,” Twilight explained. Starlight opened her mouth in surprise. Twilight managed to defeat Death? Impossible. It's impossible! The mare certainly knew how clever Twilight was, but to replay Death itself? How could she beat a powerful entity? It's one thing when Twilight wins a pony traveling through time, but one who can take souls?

- You played chess? - in disbelief asked Starlight. Twilight smirked.

- Nah. Note: Death now hates chess. I ruined his game. Forever . No, I invited him to play tic-tac-toe, ”the purple mare said confidently. Starlight bowed her head lazily. Crosses. Tac toe Twilight beat Death tic-tac-toe. What hay?

- How ... I do not understand how this is possible? - Starlight squealed. Twilight shrugged.

- Well, I offered him to play this game, and everyone knows that the only way to win tic-tac-toe is not to play them, otherwise you will end up draw again and again. And that is why, in order to win and take my soul, she had to refuse the offer, and thus I won by default. Please give me another garbage bag. - Twilight asked.

Starlight confusedly looked around and filed a Twilight bag, which happily proceeded to clean the table from the fragments scattered everywhere. There were smart ponies. Were witty . And then there was Twilight, whose intellectual abilities seemed unimaginable. Starlight could not even imagine, but if Twilight had the will, she would have conquered the whole world by noon. Speaking of time, Starlight looked at her watch and it turned out, already 10:36 in the morning.

- Starlight! Starlight, I'm back with nurse Redhart! Starly -... Spike shouted, pausing as Starlight noted, slowly rising from the basement with a puzzled look.

- Everything ... Everything is fine, Spike. We have already settled everything, - said the mare with such a smile on her attractive face, as if she had blown the roof off with a heap, a huge heap of TNT.

Redhart's sister blinked in surprise and glanced at Spike, who was embarrassed. - All is well? Did I get the impression that Twilight was seriously injured? - the mare gave a hint at a medical uniform.

- Oh no. Not wounded at all. She was dead. Literally. But she is already better. I beg you to excuse me, but I have to go about my business, ”answered Starlight, smiling slightly, and stomped to her bedroom, hanging the sign“ Do Not Disturb! ”On the door.

Spike, watching the mare leaving, walked up to the flight of stairs.

- T-Twilight? - timidly called the young dragon.

A minute later, a smiling princess with a bag of garbage soaring above her rose from the basement. After giving the bag to Spike's paws, Twilight spoke up: “That's it, I cleaned up a little there.” Can you take it outside, please ?, and then turned to the nurse and nodded to her in appreciation.

- Um? Apparently a false alarm, hehe? Spike asked awkwardly.

Nurse Redhart took a deep breath. “And why did I rush here?” She thought to herself and headed for the exit. According to Redhart, soon these ponies will bring her to the grave.

- Forgive me for raising the hype! - Twilight apologized.

- SHUMIKHU? !! - shouted Spike. - Twilight, how Starlight squeal, I thought you were DEAD! I was so scared! Shouted the dragon, not sparing the throat.

- Nonsense, Spike. There is a reason why they say “do not be afraid of Mother Death” and I will tell you about her. But first, would you like to know how to play tic-tac-toe correctly ?

Report RarityEQM · 242 views · Story: All Our Times Have Come ·
Comments ( 4 )

Glad to hear that you're on the uptick lately. You deserve to be happy :eeyup:

That nagging voice can go die in fire. You're beautiful.:raritywink:

That's so cool that somepony would translate this story for you! Just shows how beloved you and your wonderful stories are to everyone, darling!

Do you know how much I loved chess? Now I HATE chess!


This. Is. The best lines ever!

'Specially last one, It sounds like some kind of a pokemon :rainbowlaugh:

"Forgive me for raising the hype!"

Something most gaming publishers should say after a new release.

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