A Crafter's Dream Ideas · 1:29am Mar 6th, 2019
Hey, I'm not actually sure what to do with these blog posts, but I think I'm on the right track. Anyway, for anyone reading the story, "A Crafter's Dream", if you want to give me advice, or if there is a character you'd like me to add, or if there's a scene or event you would like to see added into the story, or something, please, comment on the story, message me, or comment on my user page. I'm always checking up on things, so I'll probably get to it soon after.
I can't promise you that your requests will always, 100% get put in, but there's a pretty good chance, as long as they don't break the storyline or sequence of events I've set up (which isn't a whole lot.) If I like the idea and think I could put it in, I'll respond and talk it over with you.
Thanks, see ya'll around later.
I'd love to see a full Dream Realm fight between Luna and Steve.
You read my mind, my friend.
I can see "someone " made a one way portal and sends mobs through to kill Steve
How about a musical number like in the show and has a song like Mr. Blue Sky or something fun like that. Or maybe meet and befriend Vinyl Scartch and she accepts him because he is so layed back. The music number could work using the harmony of music theory where it is like a form of natural magic that happens.
tunnels, tunnels everywhere, their the best way to get around undetected! like steve starts to worry about dinky and derpy to the point he falls into old forgoten habits from the war. just and idea
My idea is for Steve to build traps around his house with redstone, pistons, etc. and then have Derpy and Dinky move in with him. Another idea is that there is some sort of epic fight scene between Steve and the Dragon (provided of course that he killed the Ender Dragon before he was sent to Equestria)
Those sounds like great ideas! Let me see what I can do!
Uh, maybe? I mean, it's a great idea, but I'm terrible with the whole music thing. However, Steve could very well befriend Vinyl.
then don't make an original, make a parody, or take a song you like and copy the lirics.
i would personly recomend this for steve to sing when dinky and derpy are taken
Have you thought of Romance. You know Steve and Derpy. They bond pretty well and he has shown a deep and caring trust with her. Plus Dinky likes Steve as well.
Naw, I'm not really into that.
It's definitely going to happen though.
That's cool bro.
Hmm. Why not make it so that another Crafter from a universe before Herobrine attacked is put into the mix. But this Crafter is from a 'modded' world. He/She would be able to make things Steve couldn't even imagine.
That sounds cool! I'll see what I can do.
If I can recommend a few mods, try looking into Tinker's Construct. It'll allow the making of armor that is better than Diamond armor and new weapons, tools, etc. Only problem he might have is finding lava to fuel the furnace that melts the ores. Here's a link if you need more info.
Yeah, that's why I'm hesitant to add mods into the story, since I myself always play vanilla minecraft, since I play on Ps4. But I'll work it out.
I'm used to vanilla Minecraft as well. Tinker's Construct is just the easiest to get into and understand. It even gives you a book on how to craft the new materials.
Hmm, I’d love to see Minecraft mobs be added, if you could figure out some way they got into Equestria?