Announcement · 11:41pm Sep 2nd, 2018
I hope everyone's ready, because something big is coming tomorrow. Here's a preview image of it, I hope you enjoy it.
I think that image explains everything by itself with no need for any additional input from me.
Edit: darn it, I don't know how these preview images I post keep getting corrupted like this and cutting off the majority of the image. Oh well.
Looks like Sunbutt's horn and crown, in front of Moonbutt's chest?
But no pastel rainbow mane... hmm.
Did Luna shear Tia's mane off in her sleep again?
Those prankster fillies... never did grow up.
google says its a boat
It's time for Nightmare Moon and Celestia to save the world.
Badly, in all likelihood.
Tia visits a salon and dyes her mane?

Clearly you've discovered a comic that involves changelings in a way you dislike and you've prepared another essay for us to enjoy... or it's a sequel to the story we've all been waiting for. One of those.
My google thinks it's "creative arts"
Is Luna boobhatting Celestia?