I've cracked the code on season nine · 11:23pm Apr 1st, 2019
Cozy Glow is the Storm King reborn.
That's why she's so obsessed with getting control of a bunch of followers and taking over everything, she's just continuing from where she left off. Same reason she wants to be Queen, she's just getting her title back (adjusted to fit her new body).
It explains Cozy Glow's plan. The Storm King wanted to use that scepter to steal the magic from the most powerful ponies in Equestria. Cozy Glow was doing the same thing—going after the most powerful magic she could, friendship. And to ensure she was the most powerful, she was taking magic away from everyone else as well. That's almost exactly what the Storm King's plan was. This also explains how she knew to go after the magic of friendship in the first place—a normal child wouldn't do that, but having experienced it during his defeat the Storm King would know how powerful friendship could be.
That's why, despite the school opening at the start of season eight, she didn't show up until the midway point. The movie happened almost immediately before the first episode; she clearly needed that time to get used to her new body and come up with a plan. That's also why she seems to have no parents, and why she is so capable of forming a complex plan that relies on deception and deviousness.
Being the Storm King also explains why she was able to use magic so well despite being a child and not a unicorn. She's already familiar with magic, she just needed a bit of guidance from Tirek.
And that's why she was locked in Tartarus at the end of season eight, and at the end of season nine will probably be 'killed' in some way even more permanent than in the movie; she's not really a child, so that's all okay.
There you go, I just spoiled the big twist of season nine for you all.
goddamn it I swear if a stupid April Fool's joke ends up being my one correct prediction I will be so legitimately angry you don't even know
"Hello, sir."
"But I'm a filly!"
"You're not fooling anyone, sir."
"What do you want, Tempest?"
"Just wanted to see this for myself. You've never looked better."
I will come to your home address and give you all my money if this is true.
No I won't.
Nice theory regardless.
I can see it now, the twist happened then all of a sudden the news states "extremely annoyed grown man who is a fan of the TV show My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is being changed for or or (haha I can't do it- it's too hahaha) sigh ok, is being changed for breaking into the building where the most of the shows writers are staffed and then giving them his a pea hehehe [takes a breath] peace of his mind through what he was seen calling verbal reasoning, he was later taken by law in forcement for breaking and entering, as well a- HAHAHA I can't just cut to the break plea-".
Urrrmm yeah..............................................................sorry.