What. (Frenemies spoilers, kind of) · 4:27am May 19th, 2019
Okay, so obviously I'm going to be making a blog post about season nine, especially since Frenemies is pretty much the best episode the show's ever had. And I know it's also kind of late for me to post this compared to my usual times.
But while I was writing it, I found something out, and it's legitimately freaking me out.
Why is Chrysalis talking to, carrying around, and hugging, the Twilight Log from The Mean Six?
Honestly that's a good question. She was talking to some regular logs with changelings drawn on them in the premiere, but I didn't see that log. Best I can come up with is they did it as an Easter egg.
Or maybe as another hint she's going loco in the coco.
I totally didn't catch what that was until you pointed it out.
Holy shit. It's like the mean 6 were her last children who didn't betray her.
Um yeah that’s something. I guess she is obsessed over twilight. Maybe?
They all are to some extent. Specifically "Twilight Sparkle and her friends".
I agree; this episode is arguably one of the best in the entire show. I just love the bastardized version of friendship that's slowly growing between Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow. And Grogar is no slouch either; he's quickly becoming one of my favorite villains in the entire show. It's helped even more considering he's the only villain in the entire show that's really taken the time to plan and strategize against the mane 6 ad Equestria without letting his ego or arrogance get ahead of him. Honestly, despite knowing it won't happen, I wouldn't actually mind all that much if Grogar won in the end. He's the only villain thus far that's really earned it.
On top of all that, my favorite moment, by far, in the episode had to be when Chrysalis willingly gave her magic to Tirek so that he could bust through the spell protecting the bell followed by him in willingly returning it to her. While I can definitely get behind Chrysalis not wanting to turn into a neon-colored abomination, I do hope that doesn't stop the friendship between Tirek, Cozy Glow, and Chrysalis from growing into something genuine.
The mean 6 did betray her, though......
I noticed it right away but I think I found it more amusing then anything else the first time.
I was about to say something else about it but forgot
Well, they were her children in a way
She's uh, holding it like its a baby. She's not well is she?
Ok, they didn't successfully betray her.
Like I said, I'm working on a much longer blog post that goes into this stuff, but I honestly think Grogar and his team are going to win in the end.
The only thing is, he'll immediately betray the other villains. He's already stronger than them, he has literally no reason to let them rule with him. Look at what he's been doing, the team building is those three only; he's not part of their team. So he's going to use them to conquer Equestria without putting himself in any danger, then throw them away. Which will lead to the three of them teaming up with the good guys and redeeming themselves in one final battle for Equestria.
I think the wall-eyed laugh right before she got teleported to Grogar's lair was a bit more than a hint.
As long as they don't turn any of the villains into goody-two-shoes, I'll be happy. It's well past the point where I could accept Chrysalis being reformed. Now, I can only see her as a villain, and I love it.
I have two guesses for as to why she's keeping this log around.
1) She's going crazy.
2) She has plans for the log in the near future.
If the second guess is true, then Chrysalis is probably planning to bring Mean Twilight back for whatever purpose she has in mind. Given how Chrysalis feels about having her own hive taken away, she may want to resurrect Mean Twilight and raise her as if she was a daughter. While Chrysalis seemingly hates the idea of friendship, she does want power over others. Bringing back Mean Twilight give her some sense of power, so long as she knows how to better keep Mean Twilight under control.