• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Some dork on the internet that likes ponies and flower symbolism way too much.

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A Preview of Things To Come In a Series of Vaugely Related Images Because I Don't Know How To Write a Hype Blog I'm Sorry · 1:57am Jul 1st, 2018

whups I forgot one
Also, if you write a followup story that's not really a direct one-to-one sequel, should you still mark it as a sequel? Would not marking a related story be dishonest when it can still stand alone? I've been doing side stories for a while and never quite figured this out.

Comments ( 10 )

I think the protocol is to make note of it being related to the story under the actual description.

So, basically what I've been doing up until this point. Cool.

While this isn't SS&E levels of vague but compelling images, it works nicely. Looking forward to what you do next!

Everything is hype when it's new stuff from Patchwork.

"Your child--we shall speak in music" -- Immortal Beloved:

I have no idea what you have planned, but I expect it will be delicious.

Oooooh I look forward to reading this!

And while I'm loving the related pictures, no hype post needed, at least not for me. I saw Diamond Tiara with your icon next to it, I didn't even read the description before adding to my library folders. Your work has hype built in!

So DT and the pigeon get in trouble, she enters a contract with the devil (promises her mom to behave or she gets no treats) and discovers her mom's life is more complicated than DT ever imagined and sees why her mom constantly tries to get her daughter to associate only with those that can elevate her status so she won't go through the crud she has to put up with in her own life?

I'm bad at these.

What started out as innocent research turned into a minor obsession and I love pigeons far more than I ever expected to love pigeons. My youtube suggestions are half pigeon footage. I can tell you the history of why feral pigeons exist and how they're not wild and how they're just loose pets that want to be friends with people again but humans don't like them anymore because of telephones. Pigeons are great and you should be nice to them, please.
What I'm saying here is I maybe watched "Do the Pigeon" like ten times this month. I may have a problem.

Well, from a certain point of view you're like 70% there if you stand on your head and squint a little. I think.

So does this mean we'll end up with a sort of Watership Down but with pidgeons story down the line someday? :fluttercry:

That's quite the imagery. :pinkiecrazy:

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